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Everything posted by AZ8

  1. AZ8

    Labor Day weekend

    This is why I stay in town now. Got tired of this! Monday will be the reverse as everyone heads south. Non-holiday weekends up on the Rim are far more enjoyable.
  2. The tripod adapter is on sale at The Outdoorsmans for $59. I recently bought one. The stud is regular price. Still a great deal on the tripod adapter. http://outdoorsmans.com/product/outdoorsmans-binocular-adapter/
  3. AZ8

    My therapeutic deer hunt

    Thanks for sharing! Appears to have been a successful hunt for the both of you. Your son has a story for the rest of his life on how his mom "rescued" him in the woods! Great story and pictures!
  4. The Robbins Butte wildlife area holds a ton. They also have a Youth-only hunt there on Sept 6-7.
  5. AZ8

    spring regs online

    Yup. I think it's finally time for me to bite the bullet and purchase a lifetime license. Will be one less thing to worry about with these staggered draw cycles as they come and go! I finally hit an age bracket where the license is fairly reasonable! Lol
  6. AZ8

    Who is going to be where on the 22nd?

    I'll be in 4A. Just went out this evening and did one final group before I head out on Thursday. 20 yards with gusty, monsoon winds in the backyard for good measure. 6 arrows....buried 2! I think I'm ready!!
  7. AZ8

    A little girl and "Buck Fever"

    Man, I haven't laughed this hard in long time! Great video! Thanks for sharing!
  8. AZ8

    Sub-forum filter

    Hey everyone. Just read the "hot" topic in the political forum and wanted to share with the members that there is a function on this website where you can filter any forum or sub-forum from your feed. Although it doesn't remove a specific forum, it removes it from your feed if you choose the "View New Content" button. It's pretty easy. Once in the list of new topics, look to the left and choose the following parameters: Forums.....Filter by year(or whatever timeline you like).....Filter by Forum. Once this opens up, you simple check the forums you wish to see on you "View New Content" feed. In this example, I didn't select the Political Forum just for reference. Now, select "View New Content" again and you'll notice any sub forum you did not select doesn't appear. As you can see, there are no political topics on my feed. Hope this finds everyone well.
  9. AZ8

    Sub-forum filter

    I do too. Just thought I'd share the function to those that want to use it.
  10. AZ8

    Mady's Bull

    Wow! Incredible bull! Congrats to Mady! Everyone did great.
  11. AZ8

    Where to get a safe?

    Not to hijack the thread from the OP, but this video really opened my eyes. It's a bit long, but full of info. It' convinced me to save up to get the right safe.
  12. AZ8

    Amanda needs your prayers

    Did you get a picture of the lesion on your husband's arm? Would be a good reference for what to look for. Glad he's doing better!!
  13. AZ8

    Where to get a safe?

    Just checked the BassPro Fall Classic flyer daily specials and they're going to have a Winchester 20 gun safe on sale for $399 on Saturday August 16th only.
  14. AZ8


    Basspro is going to have the Leupold 1000i wDNA for sale next month at $299. Saw it in their Fall Classic flyer. That's a great buy!
  15. AZ8

    Internet service

    I received notice today that a price increase is coming next month with my current internet provider. So I'm shopping around. Centurylink is offering a nice price and it's locked in for three years with no contract. Anyone here use Centurylink as your internet? Is it good? Reliable? Are you happy with them? Cox is freaking expensive, so not sure what route I want to take. Thanks.
  16. AZ8

    Would you rather

    190 mulie for sure! Been chasing a toad for three years and he keeps eluding me. He's not a 190 deer, but big enough for me! There's something special about a big, wide mule deer staring you down at 65 yards and you're out of options. Who blinks first?!
  17. AZ8

    Garmin 62st

    Once you download the 24K to your Garmin, just go into the maps option and select it. That will be the map running on your GPS.
  18. AZ8

    Garmin 62st

    Great GPS! With that said, the 100K map will ok, but without a lot of detail. I would download the the Arizona 24K topo map from gpsfiledepot. http://www.gpsfiledepot.com/maps/view/1
  19. AZ8

    Leftover tags

    October 31-November 9
  20. AZ8

    Internet service

    Yeah, neither have great customer service. In fact, customer service is lacking in many areas we as consumers use. I've come to expect that CS isn't what it use to be in almost any technology based business anymore. But if I can save some money, I can look beyond it. It's encouraging to read about CL. But for every good, I'm sure there's a bad experience. Just a quick google search cautions me. Guess my wallet will have to make a choice.
  21. AZ8

    Trip to the Western Cape

    Awesome trip. Thanks for sharing your adventure. I know I'll never make a trip like this, so was nice to read and view the pictures of your hunt. Congrats on some amazing animals!
  22. AZ8

    Fighting Jackals

    Incredible! Nice work!
  23. AZ8

    Monkey Wrenching near HappyJack

    Yup. Scroll down to chapter 4. Step by step instructions. http://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/Various_Authors__Ecodefense__A_Field_Guide_to_Monkeywrenching.html#toc67 Excerpts: This isn't a disgruntled hunter or landowner. This is an organized effort by Earth First and all the rest.