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Everything posted by AZ8

  1. AZ8

    Jaguar critical habitat

    And it will only take the stroke of a pen from the Feds to shut it down. Just ask that rancher in Nevada how his cows are affecting the life and times of the desert tortoise. Today it's a rancher from Nevada, tomorrow it's the borderlands.
  2. AZ8

    leftover Hopi?

    How would Hunt 3811(Hopi) 5A archery bull Sept 12-Sept 25 in your word, suck, compared to Hunt 3123 5A archery bull Sep 12-Sept 25? It's the exact same hunt!
  3. AZ8

    Can I access my online application?

    I've decided to do that very thing. Once I draw my next bull tag, hopefully next year, I'm applying for all cow tags. Would rather hunt every year or two than sit out. Heck, I might even cash out all my points next year for a cow tag and start my own TJ streak!
  4. AZ8

    Getting started elk hunting with Unit 23

    Great info from daverp!
  5. AZ8

    Anyone remember this?

    Price seems surreal. .
  6. AZ8

    Can I access my online application?

    This happens every year. A simple fix is to color code. The way it's set up now, the drop down menu options are all the same color. It's easy to screw up. Wouldn't be hard to color code each selection, ie., blue for bull, red for cow, orange limited opportunity hunt...etc. It's really just a simple software solution.
  7. AZ8

    Help on AZ strip info

  8. AZ8


    No tags for me. Can't believe 5 bp's didn't land me a late rifle in a mid tier unit. Guess that's the way it played out this year. Will be assisting in other hunts that friends and family were successful in drawing.
  9. AZ8


    Nice! Unfortunately, I've got to wait until May 2nd.
  10. How would the landlord know when your guests arrived?
  11. Wolf reintroduction occurred in 1998. The only question left to all the players: how many can the state of Arizona sustain?
  12. AZ8

    They are starting to hit CC

    C'mon leftover tag list! You're my only hope!
  13. AZ8

    $200 trail cam suggestions?

    Here are three for $190. www.coueswhitetail.com/forums/topic/47706-fs-3-trail-cams-used-in-good-condition/
  14. AZ8

    They are starting to hit CC

    Appears all but over for me. Will join friends on their elk hunting adventures. Guess I'm relegated to camp cook, driver, pack mule and videographer. Congrats to all that drew!
  15. AZ8

    They are starting to hit CC

    Who wants to join me....
  16. AZ8

    They are starting to hit CC

    I'm actually answering unfamiliar phone numbers now showing up on my caller ID! Just in case it's "them" calling me to clear up a bad CC! Haha...pathetic! Gotta love this time of year.
  17. AZ8

    Credit card question

    In the regs. Page 10.
  18. AZ8

    Credit card question

    I've posted this before, but here it is again. If drawn, they should get a call. From the regs: IF you are successfully drawn, the department will charge the credit or debit card you have on file for the permit fee. If payment fails, the department will make three attempts within two business days to contact you and notify you that payment has been declined. You will then be afforded a means of providing alternative payment within a specified timeframe. If the department has not received an alternate payment at the end of that specified time frame, applicants will be rejected.
  19. One good thing about storing powder in your safe: If it's ever stolen and the perps decide to use a cutting torch to open it.... well, they're in for a surprise!
  20. AZ8


    The Target breach was in Dec 2013. You just got your new card today? Anyways......there is a fix in this year's draw: "once the draw takes place, and iF you are successfully drawn, the department will charge the credit or debit card you have on file for the permit fee. if payment fails, the department will make three attempts within two busi- ness days to contact you and notify you that payment has been de- clined. You will then be afforded a means of providing alternative payment within a specified timeframe. if the department has not received an alternate payment at the end of that specified time- frame, applicants will be rejected."
  21. AZ8


    https://az.gov/azgfd/draw/home.xhtml Scroll down and select "update my payment information"
  22. AZ8

    Question for you weather guys

    Drought originates from a deficiency of precipitation over an extended period of time. Just because it rains good for a couple months during the monsoon, it doesn't make up enough to cancel out the entire year of below normal precip. Using your example of Flagstaff: 9 inches(rain and melted snow) since October 1. Average for this time period is 12+ inches. A deficit of over 3 inches already and now heading into the driest part of the year. This added to previous year deficits and what you have is a compounded effect that will take many wet seasons to overcome. One good monsoon or wet winter doesn't really affect the long term drought conditions. You have to look long term and not focus so much on local conditions, i.e., stream flowing after a recent storm. Arizona is in a perpetual drought. It's the norm here. But it's nice to get some good moisture from time to time. Remember winter 1993?
  23. AZ8

    State record bluegill

    Nice fish! Man, I used to enjoy catching those fish! Some of my best memories fishing as a young kid. Here I am, mid-1970's at my favorite bluegill hot spot!
  24. AZ8

    My first elk hunt.

    Awesome! Love the enthusiasm. Thats a great memory you'll relive over and over again! Congrats on a fine cow elk.