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Posts posted by AZ8

  1. 37 minutes ago, CatfishKev said:

    If true that's good news!

    When even the liberal press at least mentions it, we’re heading in the right direction. In regards to China:


    And from the US perspective:


  2. What’s happening now is the mortality rate is now decreasing as data with people testing positive catches up. When this first broke, the death rate was like 4% and people were freaked. But it was skewed since the total people with the virus hadn’t been tested. This is exactly what a lot of the experts said would happen. It was just going to take several weeks of data. But the MSM didn’t want to report that. Doctors are now saying the mortality rate for the US will most likely be below 1%. 


    • Like 2

  3. 8 hours ago, Redman said:

    I hope they come in- for the both of us, I would like to go shooting.  I should probably get a couple more orders in the works 


    For the record, I’m good with my current inventory, slowly adding since the last ammo run. When I like to go plinking I usually stop and pick up a box or two before heading out. Well that hit the crapper the past few weeks. Hence my online order. 😎

  4. Out here in East Mesa we’ve got an interesting situation with full time residents competing with snowbirds. Normally it’s not an issue, but adding an extra 1,000 people into a neighborhood grocery store is causing a strain for sure. They’re leaving now, so it should help out a bit. No ill will towards them, they bring in lots of money into the local economy. It’s just an observation. 

     With that said, I’m finding everything I need except TP. But I’m good to go with that. 

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  5. Getting mentally drained from all CV19 talk, so been watching hunting vids on YouTube. 

    Stumbled onto this video. At around the 3:30 mark the wind gets gusty and squirrelly, yet the bull doesn’t seem alerted. Then he casually turns to walk away. In my experience, every elk would have blown out of there quick. I’ve never hunted moose and I find it fascinating there was no reaction to the wind giving up the hunter’s scent.


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  6. 10 minutes ago, elecshoc said:

    Ok folks, looks like this may get rough for a bit.  If this what I think it is, we looking at a mandatory lock down going into effect not only here but everywhere.  Be safe out there its the best chance we have at slowing this down. 

    Hopefully I'm wrong but once the guard is in place it won't be long after.  

    Hoping for the best.



    He’s following what other states have done. Like natural disasters, I believe they’re being used as support. 


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  7. I’m not a doctor or a scientist, so take this for what it’s worth. Using the word “projected” or “potential” without qualifying the statement is just making people panic.  Many are taking that number as gospel.

    I could “potentially” win the Powerball tonight. Does it mean 100% I’m going to be the next millionaire? No. Could it happen? Maybe, maybe not.

    Thats why many of us have a more tempered opinion when the “potential” death toll is discussed.

    True story: I’m a first generation American. Both my mom and dad were young kids in Europe during WWII. They endured great hardship during and after the war. During the Nazi occupation of Greece, Axis powers plundered both Athens and the small villages my parents lived it. My father would tell me stories(hundreds) as a young boy how he captured song birds and sparrows every couple of days, just so they could have some protein. From 1941-1944(Great Famine) many starved or died of sickness. Estimates of 500,000+.  Thankfully the Allied forces ended the blockade and supplies were sent in. Obviously my parents survived. 

    I can’t imagine that the greatest country in the world in regards to doctors, health care, sanitary, unlimited medicines, education, food supply, transportation, innovation and resolve would allow 2-10 million of its citizens to die. Call me an ostrich with it’s head in the sand, but I don’t buy it. I guess I have a different perspective and a little more faith in the US.

    The United States today is in a much better situation. I’m gonna stay positive and feel confident we’ll get through this without the insane fatality numbers being thrown out. 

    If I’m wrong and not dead, I’ll be the first to admit I was wrong. 



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  8. 8 hours ago, Curtis Reed said:

    I would tell him to pi$s off. He wanted to take your guns when all is calm, now he wants one? typical.  I hope he finds himself in a situation where he needs one and doesn’t have one. 

    Same thing with people at work who thought I was nuts because I have 275 gal or water and 3 months worth of food and supplies stored.  I sleep good at night knowing I can hunker down if needed.  Ammo shortage? not i’m my house... Food? Supplies?  I’m good. But i’m crazy right?

    I did in a round about way, but kept it cordial.
