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Posts posted by WalkingW

  1. I try to be in Church wherever I am. I met with a big bunch at Verde Valley Christian Church in Cottonwood. We just acquired a new big building to worship together at in Cottonwood. I am pleased to see so many here have the Lord Christ in their lives. Church is not a place it is a body that Worships. God Bless

  2. I have found it better to have your powder guy ship your powder to your destination and be sure that you let the people that you are having your powder shipped to know what you are doing. It is a bit costly to do this but at least you have your powder that you prefer. There is also the issue of finding a case that will fit your rifle that is airline approved!! I have a few of my rifles that I just can’t take when I fly do to the length of the full stocks. The rest I can break down or they will fit but be sure to insure them if they are old originals. Not a bad idea to have cast of all your small parts IE “locks, springs and tumbler” just in case they get destroyed during shipping. You see some crazy stuff while shipping.

    I still prefer to drive if at all possible to avoid having to trust someone that I do not know and to know that I have my powder when I get there.

    Good luck and happy hunting

  3. After years of taking the back burner to my other clients and the kids I made up my mind to help my wife get her deer. I glassed four bucks the day before season started and bedded them down. We were able to find them the first thing the next morning and the two mile stock started with my six month old on my back. About a mile into the stock we come to the realization that my boy was not going to stop cooing and talking so I sent my wife to a tank that the deer were watering at and my son and I would head off in the opposite direction. A couple hours later I got the call she had her deer down and that he had dropped in his tracks. She had shot the smallest of the four but she could not be happier. She had made the perfect shot with her 160 year old rifle and it was the first time that she was able to use it on a hunt. This allowed me to take the young lady from OE4A out to get her deer so it all worked out perfectly.


    • Like 1

  4. I was blessed with taking a nice Mulley buck with my bow this year and was able to donate my muzzleloader deer tag to Outdoor Experience 4 All. Needless to say I was ten times more excited for her to get this buck than I was on my buck. We had a great hunt and it was truly a real pleasure to take such a wonderful young lady out for her first deer.



  5. I guide form Catch A Dream and Have helped put for Outdoor Experance 4 All. It would take us to long at Catch A Dream to get a trip set up for this hunt but OE4A could get set up with a kid being a local group. They are a great bunch that is really centered on helping the kids. Thanks for your thoughts. God Bless

  6. Now I may open a can of worms, however this is my opinion on this subject. I know there are exceptions to what I am about to say, but in the 36 years I’ve been in the industry, this is my take.


    When you first decide to start your own taxidermy business, your turn around time is dependent on how fast you receive your skins from the tannery. Assuming you use a tannery. And if not, 99 percent of the taxidermists out there know nothing about how to provide a quality tan. That’s like the mechanic saying he can machine the parts for your car himself to save money and time. So the fastest you can get a mount done is about 4 months, using a tanned cape, not home tan or dry preserve. Now as you get more business the turn around time increases.

    As you get better and news travels, the one man shop at best can get turn around time to about 11-13 months. The problem arises when the taxidermist just keeps getting in more and more and can never say “sorry, I’m full” or give you an accurate turn around time. Then, these problems exist. Most taxidermists are artist not businessmen. So they don’t find quality people to help them with their workload and it gets worse. Then quality suffers. Then these problems exist.


    Here is another problem that creeps up. Commercial tanneries only warrant their product for 12 months after they are tanned. (That’s another story). So unless the taxidermist has taken the correct precautions the skins start to fall apart after about a year and a half. Now some do and some don’t. But after that time they become much more difficult to mount.


    Here is something you can do as a customer. When you drop off your animal make sure he gives you an approximate completion time. Make sure you let him know how you want the animal mounted. If you don’t at the time make your minds up as soon as you can, and let him know. When it is about 1 month from that completion time he gave you call him and see how it’s going. And politely stay on him for the next 2 month.


    For the ones that are over 1 ½ years I would call him up and tell him that it has been way too long and you want your animal done in the next 30 days or you will pick the animal and deposit back up and take it else where.


    I think if more customers would treat taxidermist as business, and more taxidermist would treat taxidermy as a business. Then it would be so much more enjoyable to have your trophies mounted. Everyone would know what to expect from each other.


    That’s my take.

    I would rather have a artist do my work than a business man that just wants the money, but a good artist will know when to say "sorry I am to booked". I have never had mounts take over 2 1/2 years and the ones that took that long was because I asked him to for lack of a place to put them at the time. The best mount that I have evry seen was my best friends sheep that only took a few months. So you can be good and fast. I would be real nervious about trying to rush my mount in fear that it would be just tossed together.

  7. is it worth it if your not planning on doing for a living?

    That's a question you have to decide yourself. I would bet most guides do it because they love to be involved in a "hunt of a lifetime" every year. You will use more money on gear, wear & tear on your vehicle, time away from family and friends, etc. Then there's the stress and pressure that is put on you to do something I'm sure you love to do. It's a big sacrifice, but also rewarding when you see all of your hard work helping make someone's dream come true. If you're looking to just go hunting and not worried about money, then I can tell you there's no better reward than helping kids. There are lots of organizations that can use somebody to help out on youth, or less fortunate kids. That's my take on it....

    That is my take on it as well>

  8. Thanks for all the kind comments from all . I've been testing some different loads and I think I might be on to something with this one post-704-0-92276700-1317182434_thumb.jpg

    This was six shots this afternoon with 232 gr. norma vulkan at 110 yds .

    The scope is my old Leupold M8-4X made before 1974 .

    I know this group may not impress some of the shooters on this site but you gotta keep in mind that I'm dealin with 2 barrels and 2 triggers and this group was shot starting with clean barrels .



    Nice job it looks like you are on your way to posting some pics of your buck with your double this year!! Good luck and happy hunting

  9. Wow that is a nice looking rifle!! I think it would be a hoot to hunt with. Did you get it to regulate good yet I know that they can be fun to get both barrels hitting the same spot. Funner yet with black powder loads. I think you will find it real enjoyable to hunt with. I have hunted with my old original muzzleloader from 1854 for years now and have taken tons of game with it. I wish you as much luck with your double as I have had with my muzzleloader. Keep it about the hunt not the kill and all hunts will be a success.

  10. So your the one taking all the cams Lance.... LOL, just kidding of course :lol:


    I smell a bluff on the "I have pics of the thief". Seems like their was a post quite a while back of another similar claim and it also did not produce pictures. I only wish I had pictures of the jerks who pried my lock box open like a tuna can and stole my camera.


    Anyway, if ya got em, post em! I hate thieves!!!!


    I love the idea of busting someone stealing a camera with another one, but what if they took them both. Man, that would really hurt.

    That post was most likely me. It went to Williams court because I was able to id the guy that broke it off the tree. The guy that actually took the camera I never seen again but they were together and so I am sure he knows how close he was from getting caught. You never know when you are being watched so if you need a reason not to steal there it is. Just turn it over to the law let them take care of it that is their job!

  11. This is a post that I have wanted to make for several days; ever since reading the thread about Alan Hamberlin's 410 bull. I am starting this new thread because I do not want to detract from all the well deserved congratulations in the other thread.


    I have no idea who Alan Hamberlin is or how he was able to afford a governor's tag. It's really not of interest to me. If I wanted to know more about him I would Google his name...I really don't care. What I do care about is the great, yet rapidly eroding, economic basis of our country. Americans have the right to spend there money however they wish within the constraints of the law; it is really nobody's business how Alan Hamberlin chooses to spend his. The concept that it is not fair that he was able to purchase this tag is very offensive. It falls right in line with our president who wants a redistribution of wealth because it is fair! This is crap!


    LIFE IS NOT FAIR. Some people are born into money, others earn it, others never have much. Some people are born into health, others never have it. Some people are born white, black, brown, short, tall, male, female...it's just the way it is.


    I have a friend who was not able to apply for elk this year because of his personal financial situation, is it fair that others were able to pay for their tag? For the first time in my adult life I bought a bonus point for Big Horn instead of paying for my chance at a tag. I just don't have the money this year after draining our savings on an undiagnosed nueroligical condition my daughter has...its not fair, but it is what it is. I do not hold spite for those who drew a tag, I just hope they post pictures and stories for all of us to enjoy.


    I have been blessed with a lifetime of hunting memories that I cherish. I have hunted with friends who struggle to come up with enough money for a license and ammunition, and others who have purchased governors tags or other similar auction tags. The memories are sweet because of the people, the animals, and the outdoors, not the money.


    If you have money, good for you. I think it is great when you spend it on things that make my hunting better. If you are not into hunting, spend some of it on something you desire, and keep our economy pumping. If you don't have money for the things you desire, I hope you find a way to earn the money, or find a way to be content with what you have.


    Many with money are very generous. Thank you Bill and Melinda Gates for your generous educational foundation. Thank you Don Diamond for your support of the Diamond Childrens Medical Center in Tucson. Thank you Larry Potterfield for your support of Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, and Thank You Alan Hamberlin for your support of hunting and wildlife in Arizona.


    I could not get this post out of my head last night; so I had to say something.

    I have guided people with more money than I could ever think of that have taken monster bulls and most of them are just a blimp in my memory. I guide for Catch A Dream and the kids and families that I have taken on cow hunts I wont forget a second. I have killed a nice non typical and a great typical bull and that was cool but when a 12 year old boy in a wheel chair, a thirteen year old girl with her left shoulder blade and arm socket removed, or just my wife’s took their cow elk I cried with excitement. I think that I am one of the luckiest people I know. I am not wealthy, good looking or even all that smart but I know the two most important things in life. God and Love.

    You have every rite to vent and I think you should but sometime people with money are not the lucky ones it is the ones that are put through hardship are the ones that know what is really important. I went to the OE4A dinner last Thursday and was reminded that very thing.

    You see I was thinking about quitting because of the loss of one of the kids I had taken and I remembered that little girl had more of a positive effect on more people than anyone I had been around. She went through over four years of Cancer treatment from ten years old till she was fourteen and she had a smile that lit every room that she was in. She knew what was important!! The last time I saw her was the end of a hunt that we were not sure if she would make or not. She told me that she Loved me and thanked me for making her life better. If she had only know how much better she made my life!

    You and your daughter are in my prayers and thank you for sharing. This was the first post that I had to respond to.

  12. Am new to the forum and wondering if there are any other Traditional Archers. I shoot Long Bow and would like hearing from other Trad archers

    Welcome to the site!! There are a couple of us that still use the Traditional bows. I just can't hit anything with one of the new fast bows. They cant shoot over the brush and take way to long to shoot I just don't see why anyone would want one of the heavy things?

  13. How much would it be to do a pickup truck... in the snakeskin? :b


    Jeff, how much materials/cost would it take to do a REM 700 stock, tripod, and would you ever do a barrel/action, spotting scope or binoculars with it?

    Here is a pic of my 223 I did in the Gods country camo. I have done two full rifles now one was a old mauser that I started out on more of joke than anything the base was "Pink :-)". It was a co-workers that was always joking around.It actualy turned out nice. You need to know a little gunsmithing and prep is everything. Good luck


  14. I got a phone call from a guy looking for his Jack Russell I thought I would try to help him out. He lost his Jack Russell last weekend her name is Pebbles. If you see or find her it would be great to help this guy out. Prayers always help out Thank You

    Ty W Hart

  15. Please post below in One Phrase, why you voted the way you did. Or you can choose to vote and not say... Lets NOT on debate on this thread. We should just lay our best reason on the line and vote. It will be interesting how many different reasons we can show for and against. Please remember that we are all hunters and we all have passion for our sport, keep it clean and to the point... ONE PHRASE! ;)

    I will let the picture talk. We sometimes forget that there is others that are not so lucky!!

