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Everything posted by ThomC

  1. ThomC

    2022 Spring Regs

    800 352 0700 Operation Game Thief - call today. 654321💥
  2. ThomC

    Anyone know this guy?

    For safety and fair chase G&F is discussing orange, yellow, and pink as requirements for a "rule".
  3. ThomC

    Anyone know this guy?

    What does G&F say about posting game camera photos.
  4. ThomC

    New to long range

    Sounds like you should start with short range maybe. 😊
  5. ThomC

    Trail cams still legal here

    I would like to buy some ocean front property in Yuma. But, when will it happen? You are right on with the "dumb new rule for 2022". The same people are going to propose the new AWCS. LOL
  6. ThomC

    Covid spreading in deer

    Next they are going to find covid in engine and people exhaust. In commieformia they are restricting water to people to save endangered salmon. 🙃
  7. ThomC

    Miss me Bitches

    RIP Del. A perfect last post for an Icon in AZ.
  8. ThomC

    Az MVD

    That is actually what happened to me. I called my insurance agent and they called the MVD and got the same excuse.
  9. ThomC

    AZGFD paying youtubers?

    I did not read all of this long thread but can I assume that you all are saying that the AZGFD is paying someone to use cameras to assist in the take of wildlife? Is it fair chase to look at video's before going hunting? LOL
  10. ThomC

    Screw the draw

    Is there a draw screw on that boat?
  11. ThomC

    Sheep charges

    There you go Lame & Fishy if you charge more and hire some real IT people and retire the old lamo's you would not be the laughing stock that you are now.
  12. ThomC

    Who is hunting where?

    All of the units mentioned are closed. Thou may not go into or upon to recreate in any way. All public lands are closed. It is a fire pamdemic.
  13. ThomC

    AZ Draw Major Card Overcharge?

    L&F hires just out of ASU rookies. Then, when they find out that they are smarter than the ADM. they leave for greener and smarter pastures.
  14. Never mind it is just a notification that it will get done. Dont stand in the way of the bulldozers.
  15. ThomC

    State Land Shutdown

    The government has learned that anything can be closed by their whim. Everything is a pandemic now. Public lands are NOT public anymore.
  16. ThomC

    It's time to help Arizona's wildlife.

    If you cant answer the question then attack the questioner. When you give government money the money just cannot be traced. But, trust me it gets used.
  17. Yep, just as well speculate on what will be the next new invention that will not be "fair chase."
  18. As a lot of G&F rules are. More rules creates more people who will mistakenly or on purpose break them. Ill-conceived rules = unintended consequences. Usually the bad rule is ignored. Ps Happy Fathers Day! 😀
  19. IX. Just made the use of Game Cameras illegal for a trophy B&C in AZ.
  20. When is the retirement party for the out going chairman? I would like to see him give up his badge, car, and keys. Also his department authorized trail cam and images and other department accesses and information he has acquired while a commissioner. It would not be fair chase for him to use them. If he had any of the ethical sportsman values that he wants others to acquire he must not hunt or fish for a period of time. G&F should name this rule after him and give him another plaque.
  21. If you read the rule it says that you cannot use an image captured on a trail camera to pursue a deer. I does not need to be your camera. So, the anti hunter gets a picture of the world record coues whitetail in the Santa Ritas and post it on all social media outlets. You now may not pursue deer in the Santa Ritas for fear of being sited for pursuing that deer in the Santa Ritas. The rule that the commission voted on has many holes that cannot be filled without redoing the whole process.
  22. It was hard to watch 5 people who supposedly care about hunters explain how they came to their conclusions using only subjective evidence. Only non and anti hunting people would buy their story. Real conservationists were insulted and sold out. And this is not the first time and will not be the last.
  23. Tomorrow the G&F will hold a meeting way the heck out in Payson where the least amount of speakers will be allowed to comment on TRAIL CAMERAS. Talk about comment suppression. Also there will be a way to have speakers contact them thru their communication system if it works. LOL
  24. O, you thought that they would use facts and common sense?
  25. ThomC

    Friday in Payson Trail Cameras

    The comments by the comminissioners actually proved just how biased they were towards their agenda of banning cameras. The G&F spent hours trying to justify what they wanted at the very start.