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The deer and pig hunt was fun, but I had lots of problems with smugglers and illegals. Three hunts in total were effected by groups migrating north for work or to drop drugs. This is a really big problem and the public and private lands are a reck as a result. Best bucks were seen in 34B but the density seemed very low. I spent several days in 36B as planed and saw tons of deer but the quality seemed to be low. I guess it is a trade off, deer density or deer size. Can't have both I guess. My best spot was closer to the road than I had hoped. No need to backpack in, seems as though there were deer almost every place we went, and the deeper we went the more mexicans we saw . I Never did find the trophy I was looking for, but if it were easy it wouldn't be called hunting!

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in my hunt november hut we had the same thing. in some places we saw a lot of deer but very few decent size bucks, the biggest buck i was maybe 65-70 inch 3x3. my dad saw 2 that were beteen 80-90. and a guy we were with killed a 90+. as far as actualy seeing ilegals, we only saw 11, maybe this is why i plan on working for the Border Patrol??

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