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ALMOST a good day:(

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Well Firstcoueswas80 and I went out to some new country today to see what we could call in.


Stand 1

We're shotgunning in the thick stuff, casey set the foxpro in a small wash and set up on a little hill. I went around and sat kind of an open bowl on the back side. Five minutes in I guess a dog came right to the foxpro but was behind a bush so casey passed him up. Then at seven minutes I hear Casey shoot twice. Had a dog come up behind him, but boogered when Casey swung on him. They both got away.


Stand 2

This stand looked thick from the road but when we got out there is was semi-open. Looked great. As soon as the call starting running the sun came out and was right in my face, so I could only see half of the area I wanted to. Anyway at three minutes Casey saw one roll in and out without getting into shotgun range.With a rifle it would have been a dead coyote. At 7 minutes I see one leaving. I misjudged the yardage and sent some shot his way when he stopped. Turns out it was like 80+ yards, and he booked it. With a rifle he'd have been a dead coyote. At 9 minutes Casey had another come in just out of shotgun range and stop, then left. That would have been 3 dead coyotes on one stand if we'd been packing rifles.


Stands 3-5 were dry


Stand 6

We set up in some semi-open stuff at like 10:30am. At two minutes I see one rolling in. He stopped on a hillside at like 150 yards. Of course he stopped behind some brush and the only shot I had was at his head and some neck. I put the crosshairs right under his chin and sent a 45gr pill his way. Well I saw dust fly and he booked it over the hill. Casey's still giving me crap about that one...I maintain there must have been a branch that deflected it (there was plenty of brush in between us).


So there you have it, 6 stands, 6 coyotes, and not a one hit the dirt.

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Just blame it on " bad luck"? Better "luck" next time.

Sure it was a good day anyhow, above ground and enjoying the hunt.

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Oh it was a fun day for sure. Neither of us have called in that many before. It just could have been a GREAT day if we'd connected a few times. Beats workin!

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too bad but it happens ;)

last weekend i went calling and in 2.5 hrs 7 dogs and two foxes came in and only one hit the dirt. most exciting 2.5 hrs i have had varmint calling even though i only got to shoot once. last week i went out all day and only called in one cat and one dog. i love varmint hunting :rolleyes:



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