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Down to the Wire

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Well my pics are sooo bad i may not post them unless I can clean them up a lot!


I was messing with my camera to try to get the self timer figured out and whacked out the exposure settings so my field pics are junk. Did not notice until I sat down after putting bucky in the freezer so a bit hard to re-create. Trying to clean them up some but with little success. Mine is definitely not up to yours' but it should eat well, and was quite a fun hunt.


I was on the 101 heading west today around noon and spotted a CW sticker in the window of a big newer 4wd truck heading west. Wonder who it was?

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Last day of the hunt I filled my tag. With lots of help.


36b, guys said it was 80+ inch 3X3 W/ eye guards. I'll post more W/ pics from work Friday when I have a faster connection.


Thanks all,



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Congrats! Another that last minute tag filled!

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Wow...Sounds like you got yourself an interesting hunt going on. What kind of deer are UDA's? I've never heard of one of those.


Also, you found 80 pounds of marijuana? Holy smoke..That's alot of doobies going on. Back in Little Rock, 80 pounds of weed would be front page news for days. You must be famous for that find.


Thanks for your great posts...Buck



On my way out I dropped into the stream bed to see what the does were doing.  I found a nicely flowing stream in spots.  also found 4 really fresh UDA camps with their associated trash.  UDA prints looked as fresh as mine in the wet sand.



Matt ;)

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UDA's are the 2 legged variety that leave large quantities of trash in their wake as they migrate from Mexico to US and force the real deer into the high country.


In Little Rock, big news, out here it's nothing. You from AR? I'm from Kansas City. We used to go to Beaver Lake up by Rogers, AR 8-10 times every summer to water ski, wake board and striped bass fish. Sure is pretty country up there in NW Arkansas.


I'll post a detailed trhead on my Southern AZ hunt W/ pics later today.






Wow...Sounds like you got yourself an interesting hunt going on.  What kind of deer are UDA's?  I've never heard of one of those.


Also, you found 80 pounds of marijuana?  Holy smoke..That's alot of doobies going on.  Back in Little Rock, 80 pounds of weed would be front page news for days.  You must be famous for that find. 


Thanks for your great posts...Buck



On my way out I dropped into the stream bed to see what the does were doing.? I found a nicely flowing stream in spots.? also found 4 really fresh UDA camps with their associated trash.? UDA prints looked as fresh as mine in the wet sand.



Matt :D

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