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Down to the Wire

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Okay, time for me to put out a request for help! I did take a nice one about 10 years ago on 12-31 but don't like to cut it that close!


Prayers needed for anyone who has not tagged out on the late hunts. I have been hoding out for a bigger 3x but only saw one that was too far, too late in the day.


I know of a few hunters still trying also. and I am sure we would all like the help finding the right ones so lets fire up the network!


Thanks in advance!

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I'm still in the hunt. 36b off Chavez Siding hunter access road (684).


Saturday morning I had a couple of spikes 250-325 yards out, but passed.


Got in real early, setup in the pitch black and waited for light to glass. Dozed a bit only to be startled by movement to my rear! I was in a pretty sheltered spot from the rear, so if it were our enemies from the South I was pretty sure they couldn't see me either. Spooked me a bit and sounded too big to be less than deer/man sized.


I moved around and glassed another slope around 9:00AM. That was when I glassed up the spikes and 4 or 5 does. I lost them, but found them again later when the 2 spikes were sparring and then chasing the does as they dropped into a draw. Made a heck of a lot of noise. On my way out I dropped into the stream bed to see what the does were doing. I found a nicely flowing stream in spots. also found 4 really fresh UDA camps with their associated trash. UDA prints looked as fresh as mine in the wet sand.


Really pissed me off! I usually pack out more than I bring in, but I'm not toucing that nasty stuff. Besides I could fill a roll off dumpster there was so much.


Is this turning into a rant?!


I have found that the constant presence, or the threat of UDA/Smuggler/Coyote presence in the area, to be a real distraction. It really detracts for my ability to relax and enjoy the hunt. If I wanted to deal with A$$ holes all day I can just go to work and take care of that. Unless I've got a dedicated group to camp with, I'll not be putting in for any 36 unit hunts in the future. It just takes too much away from the experience for me.


Anyway, I'll be out there solo on friday with a prayer, .300 and .40. Saturday I'll be out with some much needed help! Wife says the only help I need is professional. I said cool, does that mean I get to hire a guide next time I get drawn. She said no it just means I get to call EAP at work and get mental help for wanting to hunt so much! :)


Good Luck!!!


Matt :wacko:

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Hey guys and gals still holdin a tag us folk that aint huntin need to see some success stories and pics. We need our coues fix. So best of luck to ya'll :)

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What other help do you need, If your looking for someone to help go glass I could proabally sneak in a day if you have a unit that is close. Not trying to find your secert spot just offering to help. Have optics will travel.




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I'm sitting at home waiting! My wife still has a tag for the late hunt, and we planned to be out this week from the 26-28th, but that pseky flu :) epidemic has her laid up and hacking since the 23rd!


Still, we are hopeful that she will be well enough to get out on Friday, but with my college aged daughter back off for school, we don't plan to stay overnight, so it will be a one-day trip with hopes and prayers.


Az4Life, I'm pulling for you on this one., and everyone else who has not tagged out yet.



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I just prayed for you. Hopefully it comes through for you ! -Shiras



P.S. I put you in for a 120 class. :)

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Considering I don't go to church that much I say my prayers for when I REALLY NEED THEM..

But good luck...


and how about a message from my little buddy..


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Well the "force" , or something like it was with me today. Not being able to hunt more than a couple hours tomorrow, and not seeing anything at all in 2 usual rut hotspots, this morning, I decided that if the good Lord put anything with eyegards in front of me, That was going to be my buck.

Well about 10:30 heading to my 4th favorite spot, I stopped to glass some in a burn area. Got out of the truck and was looking to the right, when out of the corner of my eye to the left, I spotted movement, I wheeled around and saw a doe being chased by a buck with his nose to the ground he was oblivious to me. I saw he had at least a fork on one side so I got in the back seat, took my gun from it's hard case, chambered a round and took a few quick steps away from the truck across the trail toward the deer. I got to an opening in the trees and saw He was still chasing and moving slightly away and uphill from me. As he cleared a dead tree he slowed and looked toward me and I saw a decent sized forkie. I fired freehand and He was down at about 225 yards across a ravine from me. My shot was about 3 inches high and back from my mark but it caught a rib on the way in and took out his lungs.


I hiked to him in about 10 minutes and proceded to try the no-gut field dress method. That is pretty slick! ;)

About 30 minutes later I was done, and heading back to the truck.


I Changed clothes and started out just in time to meet up with another CW member.(ConnXion)

We chatted a while and then he headed off to try to fill his tag.


Thanks for the prayers and workds of encouragement. He ain't a biggun like lots of you have got but he will be tasty I'll bet.

Good Luck to those still out with rifle or archery tags. I am sure we will see a few more big ones before it is over.

I will try to post a picute later after I pull it from the camera

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Guest Ernesto C

Wow!! I'm realy glad that you got one Marlon..............you make me happy. Congratulations,God bless you more and lets see the pics.


Ernesto C

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Ah the story. Thanks az4life and congrats on your buck. He'll make fine table fair ;)

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Ah so lika confucious tony say"It's not the size of the deer in the field but how it tasta on the table" Conrats on your score,can't wait for the pics. ;) :D


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