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I am seriously going insane waitng for the results! I find it comforting at least to go back through my videos and re-live some hunts. I'll share a little of this comfort with you all by snapping a few pics. This is a buck I followed for 3 days leading up to the early 12AW hunt last year. This buck was within 200 yrds of this spot every day.....except on the 4th day (opening day)! A storm rolled in and pushed him off the rim (I think), never to be seen by ME again, thats how it goes, but nice buck, great mass and some stickers off the G2's, I named him "Batman" because his antlers look like batwings with the little fingers off the back. Thanks, JIM>

The bucks up there have wide ear spreads also, just to give an idea on how wide he is!





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That's a great looking muley Jim. Awesome mass and you gotta love split eyeguards.

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