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Nonresident Supplemental Hunter Ed Class

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Attention nonresident hunters hoping to draw a permit for our big game hunts. I am posting up a notice AZGFD VHE Instructor Don Martin placed on another hunting related forum. He's out hunting with his grandson or he'd have remembered to put it up here himself, so here it is:


For those non-residents who have already taken Hunter Education in your home state and want to garner that important PERMANENT BONUS POINT here in Arizona, you can now sign up.


The first class for 2014 will be held on Saturday, January 4, 2014 at the Mohave Sportsman Club's 7 Mile Hill Range.


This is a one-day class that starts at 7 a.m. (Arizona time) and lasts until about 6 p.m.


We are not covering all of the traditional hunter ed stuff in this class. We assume you know most of that as you have to have taken and graduated from a class in another state.


You will need to send in proof of graduation from another state's HE Program to Dave Williams at the Arizona Game & Fish Department. His number is 623-236-7434 or email to: DWilliams@azgfd.gov


Class is limited to the first 30 that sign up. Fees are $8 at the door for the one-day class.


You have to be listed on the official roster in order take the class. Walk ups are not allowed.


We discuss things and situations about Arizona you may not be familiar with. We discuss application strategy and fully explain the 10% non-resident cap on tags, 20% pass for those in the max bonus point pool.


Instructors explain and show you in detail how the Arizona draw is conducted. Instructors include Jim Rich who was chosen as the "2013 AZ Hunter Education Instructor Of the Year" by the Arizona Game & Fish Commission


Listen, I know you can take an online class, but you still have to come to Arizona to do the field day.


So why not come to a class--no field day--where you will walk away with a lot better understanding of how our rules and regulations apply to you, plus the bonus point!


Also if you have moved to Arizona from another state where you completed a hunter education class, then you too are eligible to take the one-day class.


If you have any questions, give me a call at 928-303-9481 (cell) or email me at info@arizonawildlifeoutfitters.com


I will also have information on where you can stay that is very reasonable, comfortable and close to dining, and to the 7 Mile Hill Range in Golden Valley where the class will be held.


There are now archery javelina tags available so a good bet is to apply and get one of those tags for a unit close to Kingman, come out and take the class then go javelina hunting for a day or two.


See you in January!


Don Martin

Chief Instructor

Arizona Hunter Education

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