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Looking for a lion--try Galiuros South End

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Hello All--Just returned from my Coues trip to the Galiuros and thought I would drop a note for anyone looking for some lions that the south end of Galiuros has a few (too many). I have hunted the south end of the Galiuros a number of times over the years (last time in 2012) near the Muleshoe/Pride Ranch/Jackson/Hooker Cabin. What I found however was 6 lion kills and 4 does in 2 days of glassing/hiking. We relocated after two days, but never found anything like what I had experienced in past years in the Galiuros. Never saw a lion, but did see some tracks (mostly smaller ones, but I am sure there must be a big tom in there somewhere?). Had four hunters covering some ground in those days and the kills seemed concentrated to the West of the road to Jackson Cabin between Cherry Springs Canyon up to Jackson Cabin. We hunted from the Road to the western edge of the Galiuros and into Redfield Canyon. I would never have believed such a dramatic decrease in numbers. I suppose it is a combination of the kills and the remainder just fled the area. We just weren't able to figure out where they fled to--perhaps deeper into Redfield to the North.? Anyway, we gave up and moved on to do some javelina hunting and mule deer nearer Willcox. Still a great trip--weather was nice (perhaps too nice?). We never get to hunt in T-shirts up here in Alaska. You guys definitely live in some fantastic country down there (at least in January!). Good Luck out there!

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There is plenty of them their that's for sure. There is a reason why the department made it a multiple lion unit a couple of year ago.

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