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AZ commosion appointee ALERT

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Arizona Hunters now is the time to take a stand. Governor Napolitano is about to nominate Nan Stockholm Walden to the Arizona Game and Fish Commission to replace Sue Chilton. As many of you know Nan Stockholm Walden is a environmental lobbyist for the Nature Conservancy, as well as being associated with or donating to many environmentalist groups. She has also donated money to groups like "Friends of Hillary", and "Emily?s List", both radical left wing groups which oppose gun ownership in America. And to top it off she has said that she has NEVER hunted before. Do you want someone who has ear open to the environmentalist and anti hunting groups to be making decisions that will impact the future of hunting? Do you want someone who has NEVER hunted before to impact the future of hunting for you and your kids?


Unfortunately a Hunting Club (YVRGC) here in Arizona, has already had the wool pulled over their eyes, and has endorsed Nan Stockholm Walden. Don?t fall prey to the spin she is putting on her past record. Remember, John Kerry went goose hunting too.


The time is now to call and write the Governor, your representatives, and your hunting clubs to tell them to nominate someone who has hunting?s future in their heart. Below is a list of some of the contacts for you to make your voice heard.


Yuma Valley Rod & Gun Club, PO Box 10450, Yuma 85366-0450


Governor Napolitano: 602-542-4331


Then call your AZ Senator and tell them to block the appointment of Nan Stockholm -Walden to the game and fish commission. You can find out who your AZ Senator is by calling (602) 926-3559 or by going to:




Please be sure to contact the Governors staff as well at: dburke@az.gov ;dvasquez@az.gov ; azgov@az.gov


Don't sit back and let this appointment go through. Stand up for hunters and contact the Governor TODAY!!



Arizona Hunters Who Care


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