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Posts posted by MuggyMan

  1. Short term fill. Invest in fixing line with highend picks invested on o-line, then get big money qb next year when you can protect him.

    I agree. Bradford is just a bridge guy. They're only signing him to one year contract with a second year option. It doesn't matter who they signed until they fix that O-line. Why sign a big $ QB only to have him get beat up? And if you spend all your $ on the QB, then you don't have any $ to fix the O-line and get another receiver and tight end. Worst case, Bradford gets injured again. Best case, he stays healthy and lights it up. We'll see. In the meantime, spend the money you saved on fixing the rest of the team.

  2. Spend lots of time on the bab, I personally call it home. Some years there isnt much difference in the late hunt to the early hunt however some years there is a huge difference!!! The late hunt is always my first choice ether east or west. If the rut is going during your hunt get ready for the hunt of a lifetime. You will see more deer in a day then most people that hunt mule deer see in a year. The early hunt on the west side has a lot of tags so you have a lot more people to compete with. The late hunt there are between 100-130 tags on the late hunt and you would be shocked how many hunters are filled out and have gone home by day 4. Do to the amount of tags my opinion is the late hunt is. Much better tag then the early. You will wait much longer to draw it however. Good luck in the upcoming deer draw and pm me if you get a tag.


    Thanks. I will.

  3. Either tag is an experience.

    Big bucks are killed on both hunts.

    Small deer are killed on both hunts.

    Big deer are killed up top on both hunts.

    Big deer are killed low on both hunts.

    Big deer are NOT behind every tree on either hunt.

    You can hunt as hard or as easy as you want on either hunt. That will effect the quality of deer taken however. If you hunt hard, get away from roads, know how to glass, and can pass mature bucks and wait for a big buck, the chances of killing a big buck will arise.

    Long shots are possible, but So now busting a buck from 20 yards.

    Could be 70s one day and snowing the next. But could also never get above 25°.

    Wind is usually present.

    Start working up a load with non-lead ammo now so you are not scrambling with only a month or 2 if you draw an early tag.

    Thanks Lance. If I draw a tag I will contact you.

    • Like 1

  4. We had the late 4A hunt. As for success rates, the posted success rate was 25%, and we had 4 of us with tags, and filled one tag: 1/4 so for us the success was right on with the posted rate. Tough hunt. Also the driest I've ever seen. 80 to 90% of the water holes were dry. My truck had a thick film of dust inside and out. Full moon, super moon made it really tough, and the elk were only moving at night. With 5 minutes of shooting light left on day 4, Adrian caught a couple bulls sneaking in to water. got a nice young 6x6, unbroken which surprised me for this time of year.

  5. I've done canvas tent is sub-freezing weather multiple times. A good sleeping bag is a must. We basically use old scout wall tents hooked together with a wood stove in the middle. The middle stays warm, but when it's brutal cold the cold seeps in the end of the tent. The downside is no one wants to get up in the middle of the night to put wood in the stove. I will probably invest in a new wall tent in future.


    The times I've slept in friend's campers, the heater kept it so warm I basically slept on top of my sleeping bag in my skivvies.




    Is it ok to use a bow during an elk general hunt?

    yes but what kind of try hard would do such a thing
    One who wanted to hunt close to houses.

    You can't hunt any closer to houses with a bow than you can with a gun legally can you?

    Good question. No loud bang to alert the whole town.

  7. Had a friend forget his tag one year. He drove back, and his wife drove half way to meet him. I fogot my rifle sling once. Borrowed friend's off his rifle after he tagged out on opening morning. My mantra is, "license, tag, rifle, ammo, boots, knife". I figure I can hunt as long as I have those things, and can borrow or buy or make do without everything else.
