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Posts posted by MuggyMan

  1. I'm 25 years your junior but have had tennis elbow since high-school. Hurts like heck at the beginning of every workout, but once you get a few sets in, it loosens (or numbs) up.

    Good job keeping up with workouts! Keep after it!

    You wear a support or brace on your elbow when working out?

  2. Here's a few things I see working for other seniors...


    Cut out the carbs and watch those calories. Maybe download a calorie counting app..


    Smaller portions at meal time

    Cut out the snacking on any unhealthy foods and drink plenty of water. Sometimes when I'm feeling a little hungry, I reach for the water and when I do snack, it's healthy and minimal to hold me over till the next meal time.

    Thanks for the feedback, Tim. I'm getting the nutrition part figured out. Too bad we're on opposite sides of the valley, or we could get together and train martial arts.

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  3. I won the biggest loser contest at work - $130 bucks! Lost 21 pounds since January 1st, then cut 8 more pounds in the last 30 hours before final weigh in like wrestlers and fighters do. Never did that before - interesting experience. I'm going to take one day off, eat whatever I want, then back on the program. Long way to go to reach my goal

    • Like 3

  4. A few years back, I was ordering some fast food (no fast food since January 1st as I'm on the program)... anyway I was ordering and the girl behind the counter says, "We have a senior cup." I looked at her and said, "Who you calling senior?"


    I turn 58 this year, and the fact is I'm starting to feel it. I tell people that other than the gravel in my left shoulder, and the ruptured disc at T12/L1, and my worn out knees and arthritic joints, I feel pretty good. When I have my weight down, the young guys have a hard time keeping up with me, but it's getting harder to keep my weight down. If I don't eat clean, the pounds pack on fast. I was doing arms at the gym a couple weeks ago, doing crossover curls, feeling really friggin good, and I feel something pull in my elbow, and the elbow has been sore since. Talked to a physical therapist friend and she says it sounds like tennis elbow. Not doing any lifts/movements that stress that elbow.


    I hate it, but am admitting to myself that I just can't hit it as hard as I used too. It's frustrating though because going hard is the only way I know how to go. Finding myself thinking about things like structural integrity and correcting imbalances and changing my fitness program, trying to figure out how to still go hard while keeping it in check to a point that I'm not setting myself up for further injury.


    Anyway, I'm interested in hearing from other 55+ on your experiences and adjustments you've made and what works.

  5. OK my weight stayed the same this week but I feel good about it. Hiked 31 miles in 4&1/2 days on HAM hunt. Ate whatever I wanted but didn't go crazy, until the day I came home and felt worn out and starving, then I did some serious chowing down. Back on my program last 2 days. I'm down 15 pounds total since January 1st.

    • Like 2

  6. Id go wider.


    But heres another question, lots of junk or nice clean typical frame? Some of the gnarly ones can be impressive, but I dont think theres a more beautiful mount than a nice clean 4x4 with deep forks, good eye guards and a 25-30" spread.

    Typical with deep forks like you say would be my preference.

  7. While looking for javelina (not very successfully) saw a ton of mule deer. Got to thinking about 2 big bucks I saw last September (they haunt my dreams). They were same size, but one was a little wider and one was a little taller. So, if you had the choice between two really big bucks, one a little taller and one a little wider, which would you choose?

  8. I saw a video on one of those nature shows where a bobcat wandered into a back yard and got into a stare down with a domestic house cat. The bob was twice the size of the domestic, but the domestic showed no fear and the bob ended up backing down and turning tail.

  9. OK, I haven't been part of this but I'm jumping in. I was in awesome shape 3 years ago but have let myself slide. Not liking what I see in the mirror, so I'm back at it. Lost 9 pounds since January 1st. Working out 4 to 5 days a week cardio or weights or both. Most days I'm working 12-hour shifts at the hospital, I at least try to get in some walking lunges, wall sits or ab vacuums.


    In a biggest loser competition with 8 others at work. So far in a close 3rd place, so need to up my game.


    Healy, I like the 100 burpee challenge. Might have to do that.

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