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Everything posted by Xnt

  1. Xnt

    NRA vs liberals

    I see where your coming from Obama and his state-controlled, thug media allies love to hate NRA. When NRA can boast 4, 5, and maybe someday 10 million it says something, i guess. However, please keep in mind that most of the actual boots-on-the-ground fighting for your rights is going on with organizations other than NRA. I contribute to the aforementioned entities: AzCDL, GOA, and SAF. If being an NRA member means a lot to you, I would recommend only contributing the minimum amount to be considered a member, and look into some other organizations that are actually suing/lobbying with the money you contribute, not just using it to do more fundraising.
  2. Xnt


    +1 for Craigslist. Its one of those items people moving usually sell. Especially when they're leaving the area.
  3. Xnt

    NRA vs liberals

    No offense but you're not looking very hard. Don't let me stand in your way: if you want to send NRA $25.00, they will be happy to use that money to print fundraising letters to send to their Life Members, encouraging them to give more and 'upgrade' their 'Life' membership to an 'Endowment' membership. When those members send in more money, even more fundraising letters will go out. Wayne LaPierre will get paid his 7 figure annual salary, and people will see the might of NRA. Meanwhile... No compromise lobbying will actually be getting done by Gun Owners of America. Your rights at the state level will be almost solely advanced by Arizona Citizens Defense League (assuming your an AZ resident) Lawsuits against unconstitutional CCW/gun owner infringements will be funded by the Second Amendment Foundation, not NRA To recognize NRA insofar as their relation with other gun lobby groups: NRA was Johnny Come Lately to the D.C. Heller lawsuit, and pretty much stole the credit for the Chicago lawsuit. NRA withdrew their opposition to the failed Disclose Act, after a sweetheart amendment added to the bill would have d*cked over GOA and the others and left NRA the only viable RKBA organization at the national level NRA is a distinct and legally separate entity from NRA-ILA, which actually does what little lobbying and lawsuits that they can actually boast. "Giving money to NRA" does little to actually overturn unconstitutional gun bans or defend gun owners in righteous cases in court. If you live in Arizona, you should contribute to Arizona Citizens Defense League. The greatest threat to your rights is coming from Bloomberg and his fellow elitist thugs who are seeking to put the same de-facto gun registration on gun owners that they successfully pushed for in Washington State last year. AzCDL is the organization that brought you Constitutional Carry in Arizona as well as a host of other state-level protections to your rights. www.azcdl.org
  4. Xnt

    Tucson Rifle Club Closed Due to Fire

    LOL did you lose points on the chemistry test for that, too? I don't mean to nitpick but people are in for a rude surprise if they are 10%+ off in their zeroing. Fact is most people use yards in their LRFs and discussions about how they shot their 390" bull at 500 yards with their .375 H&H Magnum
  5. Xnt

    Big bulls hitting the ground in unit 1

    from the link: "High Point Outfitters are taking credit for a bull that a DIY hunter Dylan Hatch killed all by himself. They word their post on Facebook to promote themselves and defraud potential clients. " That's quite an indictment. Did HPO respond to this allegation?
  6. Xnt

    3c buck

    Nice job. Does he have some growth on his brow?
  7. Xnt

    Tucson Rifle Club Closed Due to Fire

    500 meters. Which is almost 550 yards.
  8. Xnt

    Spark Plug Remover

    I'm not incredibly handy and have spastic fingers myself and this seems to keep me out of trouble.
  9. Xnt

    Shameless Outfitter

    ^This. Rich as Jordan already was, I'm glad he did this. People need to have the fear of God put into them that theft is unacceptable.
  10. Xnt

    Shameless Outfitter

    I make good money with my photography so I hope that lends some credibility to my ideas. Just because they can doesn't mean its legal to do so. Copyright laws are far more favoring the copyright holder than 99% of people realize. Technically its illegal to download a copy of a photo off the internet even if you don't make a profit off of it. Even to send it to your friends. Doing so for educational/research purposes doesn't cut it, either. Its generally best to let an attorney contact him. The worst thing you can do is write him yourself and send a cease and decist letter, unless that's really your only goal. If you want to punish the offender and also be made whole for the profits he made without paying you An intellectual property rights attorney who has a history of suing people will know what to do. When the miscreant thief's attorney sees the letterhead and knows the guy has a reputation of taking people to court and not just settling he will know this guy means business. Rather than telling a thief to cut out his theft he'll usually ask for a list of all uses, worldwide, of the photo he has stolen and the general ledger of the revenue he has earned as result. What you see in this brochure might not be the only place he has used it and just be the tip of the iceberg. If he has it as the cover of a website or a huge poster print for trade shows it could be making him more money than you might think. If you're curious if your photos have been STOLEN you can reverse search them at tineye.com. The Google has a reverse image search feature as well.
  11. Xnt

    Strip Buck

    Say what now? Why do you think that? I'm all about posing the animal in favorable lighting, and with a nice scenic backdrop for the trophy shot. However, using an ultra wide camera lens to distort the relative size of the antlers and/or "long arming" the trophy shot looks so far unnatural looks tacky. Going extreme like this tends to take away from the glory of the animal rather than add to it. It draws attention to the tackiness of the photographer or whoever set the shot up and makes it more about them than hunting and conservation. Sorry to derail a discussion but its my belief that if certain behavior isn't called out that you'll get more of it and it gets legitimized over time. And that's "Just my opinion."
  12. Xnt

    Sonora Mexico Hunting Season

    You can look for a reputable outfitter or try and find somebody that's already hunted down there. I always go with a group of friends and we have a blast and we have managed to kill some great bucks. If you paper work is in order you will have no problems And if it is not...bring plenty of soap on a rope. ^ This. Why risk it? I wouldn't cross into that God forsaken country with a rifle. Not in the name of a vacation anyway.
  13. Xnt

    Strip Buck

    Sad to see the distortion on the photo like that. Its already an impressive animal and this editing gimmick only takes away from the trophy IMHO
  14. Xnt

    My last Elk!

    Go get 'em, Bob! God bless.
  15. Xnt

    Blaze Orange...yes or no?

    I wear something orange for every rifle deer season. I think people who do not are plum silly. I do not support making it a law. I call it cleaning out the gene pool. Much like idiots who don't wear seat belts.
  16. So I'm watching Mr. Potterfield here and it seems as though to mount a scope properly one needs a few levels and specialized tools. I don't really want to invest in all this and would rather pay someone to mount it right the first time. I already have a set of mounts and rings on my scope but I think I may need a higher profile as I'm replacing a 40mm scope with a 44mm scope. Plus the mounts and rings are several decades old and I'm guessing newer stuff might have tighter tolerances. How much should I expect to pay for the mounting? Any ring and base suggestions? Any good gunsmiths you recommend? Remington 721 in .270 Winny and a Zeiss HD5 3-15x 44mm. thanks
  17. I'm 100 miles to the south in the Old Pueblo
  18. Who to see? Sportsmans Warehouse do a thorough job? Their gun counter service seems to leave something to be desired at times.
  19. Ok did this, and as I suspected it doesn't fit. So I probably need new bases. I might as well get new rings, too. I'd rather spend more to make sure this gets done right and I don't waste trips to the range or tags on hunts this fall.
  20. Weaver. So old that it has the flathead screws.
  21. Great reminder, thank you! I wear a large boonie hat and at mid day sun its great--puts the whole head in a shadow. HOWEVER, be mindful of the early morning and late afternoon hours. When the sun is low in the sky, your boonie hat is often worthless. I use a dark colored tee shirt to wrap around my neck and face to keep the sun off. Sunscreen is better than nothing, but a physical barrier is best for prolonged exposure.
  22. Xnt

    Should we be using ear protection?

    I think it depends on how bad of a shot you are I appreciate the comments and may start carrying some. I've had several surprise shots in my day and fortunately most of them were one shot, one kill. However, as others wisely noted, if I'm stalking up and able to take my time (somewhat) no reason not to put in a couple earplugs. Hearing loss is mostly irreversible and mostly preventable.
  23. Xnt

    A/C on vacation?

    For those of you in the hot zone (PHX, Tucson, Yuma, Etc): do you leave your air conditioning on while gone for say a week? Maybe not mid 70s due to cost but maybe mid 80s so it doesn't soar into mid 90s and start damaging mounts, photos, books, etc. I really should learn the timer function on the thermostat.