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Everything posted by 452b264

  1. 452b264

    Backpacking on a budget

    I rate those as even across the board. Good boots, pack and shelter are a must. Good sleeping bags are water resistant and if they do get wet they are still warm, and the zippers dont break. I have had tents fail and your hunt is over. After you spend time in a heated shelter you will never go back to a standard tent. Just picture yourself 7 to 12 miles in and a storm is coming in as you are putting your pack on your back and by the next morning its below zero (wind chill) and 6 + inches of snow on the ground, the storm last for three days and when you come back to camp wet and tired you start a fire in your stove and the shelter heats right up to 70 degrees. You can cook on it and hang your clothes up since they will be wet, then in the morning you are dry and warm in stead of putting frozen clothes back on. Just my 2 cents.
  2. 452b264


  3. Post a photo of both sides of the action. Winchester made the model 54 not a 53.
  4. 452b264

    Backpacking on a budget

    I bought a bivy sack long ago and its seen a lot of use, but they dont have much in the way of ventilation, so I dont ever use it in hot weather. High country scouting trips or hike in the night before a hunt, un zip the bag and start up the stove for oatmeal and coffee and Im hunting. They have another down side and thats when its storming hard, if you have a tarp you will be ok. I like the tipis from Seek Outside, and they make small ones for packing in great distances. Get on thier mailing list and they will have seconds sales. They use a wood stove so you dont have to carry one or the fuel. A good 4 season tent will cost you as much or more and they are heavy with no heat. Dont skimp on boots or shelter, this includes your rain gear. If you only hunt in hot to warm weather you wont have to spend as much but if you hunt places where it can snow hard and get well below freezing you need to buy the right gear.
  5. 452b264


    The Canadian has great ankle support when carring a heavy load in rough terrian. My son wore out his boots so I gave him the Alics since they are his size anyway. The Alicos are a great boot, the quality is just as good as the top brands. I used a pair of them on my late elk hunt without issue and cant find anything to complain about under hard use.
  6. 452b264


  7. 452b264


    The Alico boots are gone, but the Canadian hunters are still available.
  8. 452b264


  9. 452b264


    Still for sale!
  10. 452b264


  11. 452b264

    Brunos inventory sale!

    Brunos is having a sale! http://www.brunoshooters.com/
  12. 452b264


    Thanks I fixed it.
  13. 452b264


    What year was it made?
  14. 452b264

    12' alum boat

  15. 452b264


  16. 452b264


  17. 452b264


  18. 452b264


  19. 452b264


    Pick him up and measure him. And we want a girth measurement as well.
  20. 452b264

    Grayboe stocks

    The recess under the floor plate is the only thing my gunsmith didnt like about the stock. He uses a lot of Mcmillian stocks and could sell these without issue if that small recess wasnt there.
  21. 452b264

    Grayboe stocks

    I have one of those stocks but its the Terrain. The original owner of Mcmillian started another company so these are his stocks. They come with pillars and the detail (paint/finish) is very good for the price point. I picked mine up for $262 on sale. I havent had it out in the field yet but I dont see having any problems down the road, its a solid stock. Now the only possible negative is the fit at the bottom metal, there is a small gap (rescess at this location) so you can just barely grab the hinged floor plate and pull it open with your finger tips. The owner is an ex navy seal and his personal experiences have gone into these stocks. If water gets into this area it could freeze the floor plate shut. Thats is the only reason I can think that this is built into these stocks. I can live with it but some may not be able to. http://www.coueswhitetail.com/forums/topic/77165-new-build/ https://redhawkrifles.com/products/catalog/grayboe-stocks
  22. 452b264

    Conserve and Protect (Tags) Presentation at G&F Mtg

    Yes it would. There are a couple hundred thousand hunt applications every year. A simple $5 increase designated to "education" would give Pete his million bucks he talks about as well. But he nor the rest of CAPAZ will not have any of that. 200,000 X 15 = 3,000,000 Million