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Everything posted by catclaw

  1. catclaw

    Online application process

    I don't consider it procrastinating, I call it good fiscal sense. I will wait as long as I can to take money out of my account when I am losing or paying interest on it. If they say you can apply up until the deadline time on the 8th, then that is what they have to be prepared for. I am obviously not the only one who feels this way. Their system broke and they stood to lose hundreds of thousands of dollars on it- this is their budget money. Not only did their computers crash, but their phones crashed as well. They know there is going to be a crunch and they weren't prepared. They really had no choice but to fix the problem. The IRS gives us until April 15th to file. All those who have to pay will wait until then. That is just business. There was no doubt in my mind that this was going to be extended. If it had only "broke" during the last few hours of the last day I would say that they would not have been obligated to extend- but it was screwed up for 3 days. I know a number of people that stayed up until 4 and 5 am just trying to get through for two days prior. This is not acceptable in Government. They knew it and they did the right thing. Those of you that are pissed because you paid early and want better odds because those of us that waited until the last week couldn't get in should be ashamed for being so self-centered. This didn't need to happen- they should have either let an outside vendor that had the capacity to handle it run it or updated their systems. They didn't and it broke!
  2. catclaw

    Officials euthanize AZ jaguar

    All you experts that are defending G&F and all you experts that are crucifying them need to sit back in your easy chair and sip on a beer. This isn't over by a long shot. There will be indictments before this is over. There will be people either retiring or losing their jobs. This was obviously done without the proper channels and permits being utilized and certainly a lot of deception has taken place. Every agency, no matter how good, will have its bad members. There are those who always have an agenda. This will not have a happy ending! Mark my words.
  3. catclaw

    Baby boy names

    I have two of each and I got shot down on most of the names I suggested. I wanted to name one of my boys Fred but my wife wouldn't have it. We went with Austin and Levi. My grandson is Porter. I think name popularity comes in cycles or waves. Just don't name him LeeRoy, or Ashmahl or Rosheed... Congrats..;
  4. Now THAT would be an obstruction! I am all for mandatory reporting,but it needs to be convenient for the hunter- You have until the end of the year or so. It could be all set up online so you just input your tag # and check yes or no...
  5. catclaw

    Hearing Aids

    I have one and it alone cost $2500 10 years ago. I pulled the tether off of it and haven't got it fixed.
  6. I agree some will fudge the truth, but the vast majority will not. More data is always better. I don't think they "can handle the truth"
  7. That's why they want to implement a baiting ban- so there are no more obstructions for hunters... Make a heck of a lot of sense. I am for it. I think the current survey is a joke and useless. They have no statistics to show that the surveys being turned in are representative of the real story. I quit doing them about 5 years ago when I realized how many were not turning them in- I, like many others I have spoken to, quit sending them in hopes that they would be forced to make it mandatory. I don't think this is a huge deal people. You could do it online in conjunction with your bonus points. It could be as simple as costing you a bonus point for failing to report. They make lion, sheep, buffalo and bear reporting as well as archery deer reporting mandatory, what's the big deal with including the permitted hunts as well. This would only add elk and general deer to the equation. The only ones I think should be voluntary are the non-big game surveys such as small game or waterfowl.
  8. catclaw

    new commissioner

    Based on some correspondence I have seen from him over this baiting stuff- I can only say "thank goodness"
  9. catclaw

    minimum caliber rifle for deer

    Yep, you could chamber an Encore in .25 auto and it would be legal! I've killed a lot of the buggers with a 22-250 but had one go wrong and won't do it again- it's a stunt.
  10. catclaw

    proposed ban on salt and feed

    I totally disagree with you and this is exactly what they want to happen. It's no different that stating that you don't care if they take away semi-auto rifles as long as they leave the bolts actions alone (because you don't hunt with semi-autos). When it comes to things like this, it's better all or nothing. The corn isn't hurting a dang thing. It is FAR from a guarantee that you will even have a buck hit it. I know several guys who have been putting corn out all fall and NOTHING has touched it- even though we found deer tracks in the snow not 30 feet away. Next they will outlaw radios, then laser range finders, then tree stands- it will never end if we don't make a strong stand now. Even if you don't use corn and salt- you should be manning up for the rights of hunter collectively. Look what happened to Jim Zumbo when he made his dumb comments about AR-15s and hunting. It cost him his job and his endorsements and rightly so. This is a very divisive issue and if you don't have a dog in the fight- you should support the rights of your fellow hunters too! My original question was why these other two guys- they have basically NO say in this issue. I think we are wasting our time unless we go to the commission meetings with a well planned out agenda and address the commission directly. I have stood in front of them a number of times and even called for Shrouf's resignation over the way the USO lawsuit was handled. I got some good head nods from the commission when I said that. We are ranting and raving here on this forum but we should be doing it at the commission meeting. I got a response from the Chairman but he didn't like me calling this an attack on archery hunter - which is blatantly is. How many rifle hunters put out feeders etc? I think we need to quit trying to legislate ethics and let the other sportsmen handle their own. If someone doesn't like to put out corn- then they shouldn't do it- plain and simple. If someone doesn't like to hunt with a scope on their muzzleloader- then don't. If you think radios are unethical- don't use them. If you think 80% let-off compound bows are unethical, don't buy one. This all comes down to the individual. I don't like them making laws to govern what should be ethics- not criminal behavior. I have never put a pile of corn out in my life and never hunted over a salt block, but I will fight for the right to be ABLE to do this should a situation suggest it!
  11. catclaw

    proposed ban on salt and feed

    Why are we sending letters to Brian Wakeling and A Munig? I understand Celeste Cook and the rulemaking committee but not the other two? Any answers?
  12. catclaw

    CCW Class

    Ernesto- I am not advocating that we let someone rape and kill our loved ones. I'll be the first one pulling a trigger but when you go into graphics and talk about blood being all over it becomes a different matter. I guarantee you that if you make comments like that and do kill someone- you will be pulled through a wringer you have no idea even existed. In these cases we do what we NEED to do and ONLY what we need to do. All this talk about shooting through walls and stuff- holy cow, are you serious? IF you shoot a bad guy that is doing harm to your family (which is OK) AND the bullet goes through and kills the neighbor- you will absolutely go to the big house if you used talk such as this and a gun that was designed to "shoot through walls." There are 4 degrees of homicide. The first is just that - first degree murder. It suggests premeditation intentional killing on purpose. The next is 2nd degree. To be guilty of this you have to take actions that knowingly would result in someones death- like driving your car at high speed onto a busy sidewalk. The third and most common is manslaughter in which you have to recklessly cause the death of another. This is typically used in fights, car wrecks while intoxicated and other unbecoming behavior. The last is negligent homicide. This requires only negligence on your part. Shooting a slug through an wall in which you can't see what's on the other side and having it go somewhere other than into the perp and STOP will be this and more- maybe even reckless. Better to use a little judgement when taking someone's life and a class like the CCW class is probably just what you need. Just like defensive driving school is prescribed for chronically bad drivers. A CCW class is a good prophylactic measure for those that are entertaining the possibility of putting 38 caliber holes in someone. If you decide that you want to use a 458 Winchester with solids as your home defense gun because you want to make REAL SURE they are dead is going to buy you a whole lot of grief. It is FAR better to have the County Attorney turn down any prosecution against you because you used relatively sane methods of defense than to have to defend yourself in a manslaughter trial because you overreacted. This is my point.
  13. catclaw

    CCW Class

    What I ment is that if I see the guy going behind a wall, I wont hesistate to damage the wall to knock his bud down!! It will be completly stupid to shoot if the bullet is going to take your child too! If a "bad guy" comes into your house after midnigth, through the window, with knife or gun on hand, he has no bussines at all there and that's enough reasons to blow his brains out..............yea you may have a little blood on the floor but that's better than have a love one on pain,destroy for the rest of his/her life. Ernesto C Ernesto- from reading your past posts, it seems that you portray yourself to be a good Christian person. Comments like these are hardly becoming of a Christian. Taking someone's life is the most serious thing a person could ever do. Certainly not something to be taken lightly and joked about like this. I am certainly surprised by you attitude towards this. Tim made a good point with starting this thread. Most people who own guns really have only a guess at what they can and can't LEGALLY do with respect to using deadly force. Your ignorant statements certainly lump you into this group. Those that haven't had the benefit of years of formal firearms and legal training in deadly force usage[like those of us in law enforcement] would be well advised to take advantage of such a class. Other benefits are obvious; carrying concealed in public and the ability to purchase a firearm from a dealer withOUT a background check. An 8 hour class now can save you hours and even days as well as untold expenses should you do something stupid with your gun out of ignorance down the road. It doesn't matter how much you think you know about guns- and I'll bet that there are a lot of things you think you know that you don't, there will be plenty of things that you can pick up in such a class. There are certain elements that have to be covered in these classes to satisfy state law. I know of too many sad stories where someone brandished a gun and got himself in a lot of hot water because he assumed that it was his "right." Don't be the fool. If you don't want to take a CCW class don't! But don't belittle those who do because you think you are too good to bother with it yourself. We are about to embark upon a 4-year stretch where our rights to do anything with guns will be assaulted at every opportunity. The only chance we have to keep them intact is to stay together and fight a good fight. Divisive comments like these are exactly what will bring the downfall of what we have fought so hard to keep. I have been to many classes where I knew more and was more qualified than the instructor but I still learned something and was able to add something worthwhile to the class. We ALL ought to have our CCW licenses! They should be a badge of honor, not a point of mockery or joking! There- now this is political~!
  14. How do I post a photo in a PM. There is no browse function and when I use photobucket- it says that I am linking to a website that the administrator does not allow!
  15. catclaw

    access to santa teresa mountains

    The indians have a special permit just that exact scenario. Black Rock and Goodwin wash are both in the CLOSED area (D) so you cannot even stop your truck to take a leak. Stay on the road and get off the rez and you are ok. If you are on other parts of the rez that are not closed, you can trespass with other permits such as a small game, predator or even a fishing license. Not so in unit D.
  16. catclaw

    hunting trip for 50th birthday

    I don't think next year will be a good year for that- two bad winters in a row.
  17. catclaw

    Carbon Fiber tripods

    I am looking for a new tripod to replace my current aluminum Bogen. I want the quick release leg clamps and a high quality Carbon fiber lightweight/magnesium legs. I will use a medium Manfrotto ball head on it. I can't really afford a Gitzo. There are no camera stores in Arizona, to actually look at a real tripod I have to drive to LA, LV or NY. I will probably have to buy one online or fleabay. I would like to get one that a hunter has actually used if possible but that is proving to be a tall order. I need it to be at least 163cm tall (without the head) and under 3#. I don't want to spend more than $350 on the legs. The head is another $70. Any of you guys used one that meets these criteria? Thanks
  18. catclaw

    Family Strengths

    I retired from the Police Dept 2 years ago this month and moved out of the valley to Prescott- had enough of the heat and traffic. I started a trucking company to service the landscaping companies up here and no mostly do service work on equipment. I'm mostly retired though- My wife says I need to get a real job again- rats I spent the past year building a new house and just got moved in before my archery elk hunt started. I have pretty much hunted and guided every day since Sept 1st of this year.
  19. catclaw

    Draw results out

    I drew a 27 Archery pig tag (my only choice) and the early turk tag in 8-10. I average one turkey tag every 4 years- it's like drawing a Dec whitetail tag!
  20. Never realized that a feeder got one quite so aroused
  21. catclaw

    Shooting in Tall grass

    My tripod is plenty heavy duty enough to shoot off of- especially with a pack or something under the buttstock- that would be stable! I had time to build a bench rest out of flag stone a couple of years ago- stacked them up and set my pack on them for a sitting, bench rest shot. Had a big bull at LONG range and just as I went to trip the trigger, saw that his main beam was busted so I didn't shoot. I had a rock steady hold on the bugger though. A good shooting platform can't be overstated!
  22. catclaw

    My Unit 27 Oct Hunt

    Great stuff Amanda and Scott!
  23. catclaw

    badland help

    I have never been able to get the blood STAINS off of mine. I have tried cleaners, car wash etc. I gave up. Hydrogen peroxide might work now that I think about it!
  24. catclaw

    Shooting in Tall grass

    There have been some good suggestions on here. I got this little rest from a vendor at the SHOT show one year and it was only a prototype at that time- don't know if they marketed it or not, but I think it was $5 or thereabouts. My son have killed untold pest birds off of it and I used it on an elk hunt for a guy to make a long shot as well. I haven't used it myself on a big game hunt yet. Maybe I will get a chance this year. I weighs only a couple of ounces as it is made of some type of dense foam This is the only link I could find for it. http://www.oegmag.com/PhilsHuntingAccessoriesriflerest.html The Jim White one that Amanda sells is probably just as good and priced right.
  25. catclaw

    Carbon Fiber tripods

    OK, I got to use my new tripod on two different week-long hunts; one in Nevada and one in NM. I got to use a Jim White head again on this trip as well. I think the JW head is very well made- I don't like how the adjusting arm sticks down so far- it's just not my style. The guy who had it said he bought it because Jim helped him a lot with his unit 8 elk tag a while back and wanted to patronize him. He is ambivelant about it and doesn't prefer it to his other heads. I bought a Velbon El Carmagne 640. It is a 4-section leg design so it is real short for putting in my pack. It is quite light and very sturdy. It came with a pan/fluid head that is too bulky for my uses and I switched out for a Bogen ball head and will use the Velbon head for videoing only- or possibly photography when I don't have to pack it in. The Velbon is easy to set up and didn't "vibrate" in the wind. It was a pleasure to use compared to my 15-year-old Manfrotto. I got it for just a shade under $300 from a distributor in Scottsdale. Considering it came with a head, this is a real bargain. As I looked in some camera mags I see there are a few "house brands" that look pretty good as well. Gitzo has some company now! To those of you who have the lighter ones- I wish you well. I like the sturdiness of this one when I am standing. Most are decent while sitting. I like to glass both ways-especially in the tall grass. There are very fet trripods out there that will let one stand and glass without stooping over. Hope this helps someone out.