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Posts posted by catclaw

  1. Glassed across bay. Saw a few bears feeding.  Finally found one who looked big Decided he needed a closer look than ¾ mile.  Had good wind. Took the boat over. Tied up to some rocks,  sneaked down the beach 200 yards to where this toad was feeding on herring roe.

    Watched him for 20 minutes. Decided i was going to pass.  As we started to back out he saw us.  He climbed up on the bluff parallel with the beach.  Knowing that he was going to try and flank us we headed for boat.  He peeked over the edge a couple of times. We came to the creek where we beached the boat and he had a steep trail off the bluff. 

    He stood up and looked at me,  pinned his ears back and started down towards me.  He was maybe 20 yards. I shouldered and fired. The shot set him back.  He retreated and i hit him again.  He tried to get down in another spot but it was shear and rocky so he faded into the alders of sight, in the bluff. 

    Went up and found blood. Took 20 minutes to sort the trail out. Went into the alder thicket slowly.  After 15 minutes and 20 yards i saw him and made straight to him. Second charge but i hit him immediately.  He then turned and went away.  dang these things are tough. 

    I circled and got above him and put another one in him. 

    I then closed in and finished him with my 10mm.

    2 partitions exited, 2 stayed in, trapped by the skin from exiting.  10mm bullet penetrated 40+ inches. He died in a devils club thicket amidst the alders. Took 6 hours to skin in the tight quarters. The hide was wet and muddy and weighed 180 pounds. 2 of us carried it the 200 yards to the beach. Loaded the boat and headed to camp.  Tough, grueling day. 

    One of the shots hit the front of his lower jaw and took out a few teeth. Kinda bummed about that. 

    Took him to town and had him sealed. 

    9' 6", 28 ⁵/16.

    • Like 5

  2. I put anti seize on mine. Unless you're running full auto or doing a bunch of mag dumps, the  type you use doesn't matter. I typically use Molykote G-n since it's what i use for installing barrels too. I tighten the adapter on with a dowel through it. I use a strap wrench on the can 

    It doesn't come loose unless i want it to. The cheapest stuff you can get is fine. 


  3. Harvest sent my wife a new hose and drain valve. This didn't fix it. I had to tear it apart and reseal the fitting into the chamber. I was very disappointed with their very lacking instructions. I'm glad the parts came before i left for work for the year. My wife could not have fixed it alone. The parts took over 2 weeks to arrive from Utah; wagon trains are alive and well.


    I sealed the potted fitting with the wires and sealed the fitting with RTV as well.


    We are back down to < 400 milli torres.


    Hopefully it holds out

    • Like 2

  4. Harvest sent my wife a new hose and drain valve.  This didn't fix it.  I had to tear it apart and reseal the fitting into the chamber. I was very disappointed with their very lacking instructions. I'm glad the parts came before i left for work for the year. My wife could not have fixed it alone.  The parts took over 2 weeks to arrive from Utah; wagon trains are alive and well.

    I sealed the potted fitting with the wires and sealed the fitting with RTV as well.

    We are back down to < 400 milli torres.

    Hopefully it holds out. 

