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Posts posted by northAZarcher

  1. 12 hours ago, CatfishKev said:

    Guess it's not big news.  He advertised for a company selling auto key cards.  Checked with ATF before hand and they said they were not illegal.  Then they later made them illegal, arrested the guy making them. He stopped advertising them immediately on his channel. Then they went back and charged him for selling machine guns basically. Even though they were considered legal while he was actually selling them.

    No different than the pistol braces, bump stocks, FRT triggers.  They are overstepping their powers but it takes years to go through the courts.

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  2. 3 hours ago, cowboyhardt said:

    My name is shaun I am interested in your range finder 480-492-6121

    ☝️☝️☝️ smells like a scammer!!! In a bunch of other posts of various riflescopes/binos/rangefinders and just joined

  3. 12 hours ago, firstcoueswas80 said:

    And this is where I am going to struggle. I lack patience sometimes.

    Few years ago I bought him some Mavens for Christmas. First day out, with binos on a tripod, "Levi be careful don't knock your binos and tripod over." literally 30 seconds later he knocked them over. I chewed on him pretty good... Had to realize they weren't broken and it was an accident. Made it up to him, and am more cognizant of situations like that. 

    If you struggle with patience, Maybe it's better to have a friend tag along and be another voice if things get crazy.  I can get to excited at times and just another person reminding me the deer have no idea we are there and to slow down or whatever the situation calls for can be helpful to everyone. If you haven't yet, explain that you struggle in that area and that it's not on purpose.  Good to show kids that us parents make mistakes but own up to and work on them.

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