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Everything posted by cjl2010

  1. cjl2010

    Norma Brass

    Maybe we can spend more money with our own Made In USA manufacturers.
  2. Forster die set. 100 pieces of headstamped 7sst ADG brass. Manson reamer and gauge. $525
  3. cjl2010

    Learning Taxidermy

    Goodnight Adam…
  4. cjl2010

    Learning Taxidermy

    I forget how old you are 😉
  5. cjl2010

    WTB Blackhorn 209 powder

    I’ll give 2 pounds for the NL pure
  6. cjl2010

    In Search of Blackhorn 209 Muzzle loader powder

    If you come through Payson let me know
  7. Bet you it is more than likely from the ejector slamming the case over on extraction and catching the raceway.
  8. cjl2010

    Card hits??

    I think we’re supposed to blame YouTube and randy newberg.
  9. cjl2010

    Question about staying warm

    Humble brag 😉
  10. cjl2010

    Change username

    He knows how to get a members name changed…
  11. cjl2010

    Change username

  12. cjl2010

    Change username

    ^^^ this dude complains about everything. best way to change your username is to contact @firstcoueswas80
  13. cjl2010


    My powder valley primers should be here Tuesday, my brownell primers arrived 2 weeks ago. Always buy from reputable company’s.
  14. cjl2010

    Long range rifle

    good luck https://www.longrangehunting.com/threads/arizona-found-long-range-rifle-in-case.281519/
  15. cjl2010

    Dumb Question

    Put a little JB’s on it and it’s just like running an oversized patch, right?
  16. cjl2010

    Looking for blackhorn 209

    If you come through Payson I can help with 1 or 2 bottles.
  17. cjl2010

    Large rifle match primers TRADE

    What lot number are your 210s?
  18. cjl2010

    Late Season Archery Bull tag Unit 22N

    If I had an elk tag in 22N, I would befriend the guy that has pack mules…
  19. cjl2010

    New to long range

    Tons of mental masturbation. Find a load that shoots well with little vertical and get after it. Don’t worry about brass weight and please do not neck size. Post results.
  20. cjl2010

    Reloading question

    It’s getting better. Let me know if you want me to keep an eye out for any components.
  21. cjl2010

    Reloading question

    Good points. Could always use the bolt to seat the bullets deeper lol. Or ask @lancetkenyon to get you a new load going.
  22. cjl2010

    Reloading question

    By shoving that bullet back in the case, and loading it close the the lands in your new rifle, you could be increasing pressures to a dangerous level.