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Everything posted by mattys281

  1. mattys281

    Cage Fighting

    Dang! Nice footage. I’ve seen lots of little guys play fighting but have yet to see a full of rut battle. That’s be pretty cool to witness.
  2. mattys281

    42 sheep 2019 /w vid

    Very nice, congrats!
  3. mattys281

    Yea it’s a 2x2...

    Eye guards count, that’s a 3x3. I know for sure because my buddy shot a big velvet forky with eyeguards last year and aaaaalll the eastern guys on the interweb corrected me that it was not a forky, it was definitely a six point or 3x3. either way, great buck! Congrats to you guys.
  4. mattys281

    My Sidekick Closed Out The Year Strong

    Great job, congrats to him!
  5. mattys281

    New Deleted post

    This place is a g rated Disney production compared to the crap we’ve heard (and said) in the machine shops. I don’t think anything here would make you blush. Some of you fellas do seem a little tightly wound. Maybe log off once in a while, and spend more time drinking beers and hammering your ole ladies. Speaking of which, my third beer is just about gone, which means I gotta go!
  6. mattys281

    Unbelievable 2019 Late Bull Hunts

    Outstanding work. Congrats to all!
  7. mattys281

    The year of the Mule Deer

    Wow! Just outstanding. Congrats to all!
  8. mattys281

    Headlamps and stealth

    The area we archery hunt in the summer has a good number of bears and more than a couple cats floating around, so I use my head lamp all the way in and all the way out, scanning both sides of the trail and checking behind me frequently. As mentioned by others I’ve walked right by deer in the dark within twenty yards without having them spook. I’m not going to say I’ve never bumped one out, but I don’t think it has ever significantly impacted the day, especially if you go in an hour or so before dawn so the area has time to calm down again before shooting light. I also try to move fairly quickly. I think deer are less alarmed by something they can hear coming and monitor then they are by something trying to sneak up on them in the dark. besides, bumping a deer out is much less detrimental to your hunting experience than a broken leg or a bear mauling.
  9. mattys281

    41W Sheep 2019

    Awesome ram! Way to go
  10. mattys281

    Pops 2019 buck

    Nice work gentlemen. Congrats on an awesome trophy.
  11. mattys281

    43B Ram down

    Awesome ram! Congrats
  12. mattys281

    My Kaibab buck

    He’s a nice one! Congrats
  13. mattys281

    Coues to Midwest Whitetail Conversion

    Yotebuster nailed my line of thought. Look at the minimum entrance scores from p&y and b&c and you should be able to draw a pretty easy ratio to use for the score. coues deer are fun and can be challenging, but having recently got my butt kicked on eastern whitetail I think us western guys often don’t give them their due. Eastern whitetails on private land can be a slam dunk (sometimes). Eastern whitetail on public land can be every bit as tough as hunting out here, at least with archery gear. Five days of hunting Oklahoma public land, I never got to pick up my bow. 3 days on private ground in Nebraska and I had close range opportunities every day.
  14. mattys281

    Missing hunters in Mexico

    Terrible news. Sounds like Mexico is almost as dangerous as Chicago or DC.
  15. mattys281

    Black Friday Deals

    https://www.pnumaoutdoors.com/system/all-weather 30% of pnuma gear. I’ve got the Selkirk all weather jacket and bibs. They are warm, wind proof and have kept me dry in persistent snow and light rain. Haven’t got to try them in heavy rain yet. Rogerssportinggoods.com also had a really good deal going on Sitka gear last week. I picked up a coldfront jacket and bibs for about 40% off. Not sure what they have left now, they were getting low on sizes last week.
  16. mattys281

    Albino Coues Whitetail Deer😳😳😳

    Very cool. I’ve seen an adult mule deer doe that was all white once. Pretty rare
  17. mattys281

    Buddy’s buck

    Nice one congrats!
  18. mattys281


    Happy thanksgiving everyone
  19. mattys281

    The boy tagged a nice little buck

    Really nice one! Congrats to him
  20. Congrats to him! Great buck
  21. mattys281

    The Big 3

    Outstanding buck! Congrats
  22. mattys281

    Taylor-Biggest Buck In The House

    Man! Outstanding buck. Put my name in the jealous column. Congrats to her!
  23. mattys281

    My sons 1st coues

    That’s a nice one congrats to him
  24. mattys281

    Drama isnt my friend, so I'll post Elk pictures

    Nice work. Looks like a real good year to me
  25. mattys281

    Walking or glassing

    Last one I killed was on the first day of the hunt. After spending all morning glassing and not seeing anything, I walked right into a herd while changing glassing positions. The moral of that story is to always glass all around you even when you’re in the move. The one before that took 8 days (spread through the season, not consecutive days) just to find the first herd.... they can be tough to locate sometimes. They have a pretty big range, but seem dedicated to the spots they like. It may take them several days or even a week or more to get back to a spot you’ve found sign in. I keep track of all the spots where I’ve seen them or lots of sign and make a route. Keep hiking and glassing that route for a few days, don’t give up after just one day. It sometimes takes a little while for them to get back into town, so to speak.