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Everything posted by mattys281

  1. mattys281

    Mask Requirements

    I agree to the point that California is not representative and their mortality rate may well have shifted. NYC’s mortality was much higher, although it was influenced heavily by their local leaders’ decision to throw covid patience back into nursing homes with obviously extremely vulnerable populations. With any disease , you will inherently see a drop off in mortality rate after the initial hit that ravages the vulnerable. That’s an ugly fact, but a lot about nature is ugly. I consider it a worth while effort to shelter the vulnerable, but that could have been done without shutting down the worlds economy and courting the disaster of global poverty. the part that really pisses me off is that they already know their models and data were bad at the outset, but they keep persisting with the same line of bs. To me it’s painfully obvious that a certain perspective is being pushed and any countervailing arguments are being intentionally silenced. That’s worrisome to say the least.
  2. mattys281

    Mask Requirements

    This is a total bs number. It’s not 0.5% mortality. It’s 0.5% of severe cases that are bad enough to get tested and require some sort of medical attention. Antibody testing showed that in April over 4% of LA county more than 400,000 people had already had the bat flu and most had no idea. They just got over it at home: also in April, antibody testing showed that up to 25% of NYC had already had it and over 20% of New York State had already had it. Why isn’t this in the news? It was never widely reported on mainstream media, even though it was coming from credible sources like the cdc and UCLA that did the study in LA county? A couple doctors in Bakersfield, both ER docs who were highly trained in infectious disease, had a press conference on it and the video was almost immediate removed from YouTube as ‘false information’. According to those docs, the covid mortality rate was approximately 0.03% in California at that time. when you have multiple experts that are all educated experienced and qualified to evaluate data and surmise conclusions, but the government, the media and major platforms like YouTube and Facebook all agree that they’ll only give air to one side of the argument, what do you call that? Sure sounds like conspiracy to me. So then the question is why? What are they going to gain? Chase the money and political power (although I repeat myself there don’t I?). as for hospitals being overwhelmed in Az, that’s total bs. Sorry, I’ve got a brother and his wife that both work in the medical industry in the west valley. Their hours were cut and their hospitals were almost empty. I took my daughter to the ER in Prescott Valleyba few weeks ago, it was a ghost town. Not one other person in the ER, we were in and out in about an hour. Their ‘covid unit’ they had set up in the parking lot was also completely empty. the data shows its highly contagious and most likely we all will get it (and many already have and just don’t know it yet), but the mortality rate is less than 1/25th of what the government claims, and that’s been proven by antibody testing in Europe, Asia and the good ole US of A.
  3. mattys281

    Mask Requirements

    Yep, that's my story too. My older brother has it now, just tested positive a week ago. As of yesterday, he says it's no worse than any cold he's ever had and not nearly as bad as a hangover. No hospital needed. My younger brother works at a pharmacy down in Litchfield where they're doing testing. He says over 70% of the people they test are coming back positive. They proved with anitbody testing that this was waaaaaaaaaaaaaay more widespread and not nearly as deadly as initially though way back in April. Yet here we are with the media and dumbsh!t politicians still trying to fear monger, second wave, cases are spiking blah blah blah. I just don't know how we've tolerated their crap this long. AT first it was 2 weeks to slow the spread, then 30 days to keep from overwhelming the hospitals, and then somehow we went from slow the spread to stay locked down until a vaccine is here? WTF??? Who they heck ever signed up for that? How many decades do they need to come up with a vaccine for HIV? What about SARS? Even if they do claim they came up with one by the end of the year, my family isn't going to be the guinea pigs they test that poison on. Maybe five years from now after it's go some mileage on it, but no way your sticking that crap in me or my kids on the first go-around. Now after all these riots & crap & mass protests full of unmasked people, they still want to try to push their BS. Good luck selling us that story again.
  4. mattys281

    4Runner for Sale

    That they do. When it gets snowy or muddy out, and I have to go deer hunting, I swap vehicles with the wife.
  5. mattys281

    4Runner for Sale

    Those 4runners are pretty BA little four wheelers. My wife’s rav4 kept getting stuck in the snow so last winter I bought here a 4Runner. That thing likes to play in the snow and makes my ram look pretty silly on washed out roads.
  6. mattys281

    my 2019 12aw late mule deer

    He’s a dandy! Congrats
  7. mattys281

    Eastern Turkey hunts

    Not sure what the public land / access to private land is like, but I’ve seen some pretty nice birds come out of Kansas and Missouri both, as Azbullhunter mentioned
  8. mattys281

    How many hunters vote?

    I vote. And hunt once in a while...
  9. mattys281

    Let’s see them guns....

    They can’t ban those guns.... at least not yet
  10. mattys281

    Free Guinea pig to good home

    Guinea pig tacos ehh??? I had cow lip tacos in Guadalajara and some tacos in Tijuana that I’m fairly certain were not really beef... so why not, I’ll try some
  11. mattys281

    Free firewood - Prescott area

    I’ve got a ponderosa pine that fell over during the last snow storm up here. The local fire department cut it into moveable pieces but it needs to be cut down further and split. If anyone wants it they can come and get it. In the Groom Creek neighborhood up senator highway. not sure how much wood it is, but the pieces filled up the bed of my truck up to the top of the cab.
  12. mattys281

    Effects of the virus scare?

    My brothers been on a roll sending me some good ones lately
  13. mattys281

    Effects of the virus scare?

    Saw some gal in Texas just got arrested for opening up her hair salon. Absolutely ridiculous. We’re a ‘free’ nation, but our citizens can’t be allowed to weigh the risks of getting a haircut??? why is it that whenever I read the news From the major networks there’s nothing reporting about antibody testing or even an adjusted death rate, it’s still all the same numbers based on severe cases and not total infections? Heard yesterday that as countries are opening up they’re seeing an uptick in deaths, but Sweden is still trending down as they march on towards herd immunity... we obviously have a second wave coming, anybody want to wager on how that will be handled? My money says another lock down that will lead to a third wave. Call my paranoid, but my suspicion is this will be drug out past November
  14. mattys281

    Effects of the virus scare?

    George Carlin’s take on this fiasco. The guy was strangely prophetic. Language warning... and ‘trigger warning’ in case we have some sensitive souls who don’t like the sound of the truth
  15. mattys281

    Legality of Orders

    You don't have to hope that a lot of people have already been infected, it's a fact! There's are now studies coming in from multiple states, Cali & NY among them, and many European countries showing that this crap has been burning through the world's societies for a lot longer than admitted and it is already waaaaay past the point of containment. Every decision has a cost associated with it. The decision to stomp on everybody's freedoms & make the populace effectively prisoners in their own homes has already netted an uptick in child & spousal abuse, child molestation, alcohol & drug abuse, suicide, and people dying from lack of health care because they're either a.) too afraid to go to the hospital, or b.) the hospitals won't treat them. The "b.)" factor here has hit my family personally. I have a young nephew that has suddenly started having violent seizures. Hospitals won't schedule him for an MRI because their capacity has to be saved for Covid. He's up to I think 10 or so seizures in less than six weeks. This is a mild example, there's people around the country dying at home, because they can't or won't go to the Dr. A week ago a UN spokesman announced their predicting up to 130 million deaths of starvation world wide if the economy doesn't get up and going again very soon. Poverty kills more people than any virus around the globe. The cure was worse than the disease right since the beginning. Many people spotted this as the wrong move to make, it's been a political game right from the beginning. The people that are dying from suicide & poverty & lack of care will be swept under the rug & reported on very little if at all. The only thing that will make news is the covid crap and the number of covid deaths will be used as a sledge hammer to swing back & forth in debates & attack ads. Fear mongering makes the media money and it keeps useless politicians in office. I would be willing to bet that 90% of the "covid deaths" were people that were really short on time anyway, and would have died just as easily from any ailment. Any common cold or flu bug is sufficient to finish off someone that's already terminally ill.
  16. mattys281

    4.5 million people in maricopa county

    I heard the same thing a week or two ago, so when he said that in the video it really caught my attention.
  17. mattys281

    4.5 million people in maricopa county

    Around the 30 min mark they talk about how doctors are being pressured to add covid to the cause of death list in autopsies. I've been calling shenanigans since the start. This whole thing is 90% BS.
  18. mattys281

    4.5 million people in maricopa county

    Here's the input of a couple of doctors in california that have been following the testing data and given their analysis. Their press conference was on Youtube & got pulled, because it doesn't go along with the doom & gloom model of information that the gov & the media are pushing. If you're already a little irritated over this mess, you may not want to watch this. https://www.turnto23.com/news/coronavirus/watch-controversial-press-conference-held-by-two-bakersfield-doctors-that-was-pulled-down-by-youtube
  19. mattys281

    4.5 million people in maricopa county

    Based on antibody testing 15% of the state and over 20% of nyc has already had the kung flu with a whopping mortality rate of 0.5-0.6%. Like everywhere else the mortality rate for middle age and young people without pre existing conditions is dang close to zero. High risk people should self quarantine, everyone else should get back to their life’s. this whole thing has been a giant colossal chit show since the start. Government incompetence on full display. vote Ducey out that giant POS
  20. mattys281

    Effects of the virus scare?

    There’s a lot of studies coming out from around the world that this ‘pandemic’ is already much, much more wide spread than what the government’s are reporting, and while highly contagious, the death rates are a small fraction of what they thought. you can count on our government and media to over hype the danger and keep the hysteria rolling as long as they can. They’re like a guy that’s always bs’ing people and has too much pride to admit he’s full of crap so he keeps going and going with the lie, trying to save face, even though he’s already busted and the truth is coming out. Think about it, media agencies have been losing ratings for a decade or more, but now everybody’s tuned in 24/7, even though we all know they’re full of crap. Any politician that comes out now and says, “yeah.... we got this one all wrong and over reacted. Sorry about your job/small business!” Is certainly not getting re-elected. In economics class they called it the law of rational self interest: people take care of their own needs first. The media wants the money to keep rolling in and the incompetent politicians want to keep their cushy positions of power. shapiro cited a study out of one of the hardest hit areas of Germany that showed around 15% of the people had already had the crap and had antibodies from it. That made the death rate in the region less than 1/10th of what had been claimed. It will vary by region but we’ll see the same over here. There’s another study he cited that showed a region in California was already 5% infected and another study indicating that this virus has been in Cali since as early as mid December, which is what I’d been saying all along. With an average of 14k people per day flying from mainland China to the US, this thing had to be here within a couple weeks, not months. ive never trusted the gov or the media. I certainly don’t trust them to be honest or forth coming now. This is going to go down in history as one of the biggest screw ups every, and now everyone is trying to cook the books to make it seem like they did the right thing or at least they can dodge the blame.
  21. mattys281

    Anyone else get their Stimulus Check?

    just sayin....
  22. mattys281

    Effects of the virus scare?

    Shapiro mentioned there was a new study out of the U.K. suggesting that a huge percentage, up to half of their population, has already been exposed and/or infected. If that’s the case, the death rate is so low to be almost negligible compared to a common flu. It’s only the rate of contagion that makes it a nasty bug. bottom line is there’s a lot of bs and fear mongering going on and it needs to stop
  23. mattys281

    Effects of the virus scare?

    For those of you that prefer rational thought over hysteria and media hype, this is a good listen from another qualified source. I've heard from many sources now that this thing is highly contagious, but not very deadly. The death rates being touted by the media are grossly inflated because they're only testing people who are already very sick! It's the worst sampling plan on the planet! In my industry (aerospace) it's the same as if you brought me a box full of parts that we all already knew were bad and we sorted through them hoping to find one or two we can salvage. That's not how you evaluate a systemic problem. The greatest danger we face now is not death from the corona virus, it's a global depression and high unemployment. Some of the "experts" are already talking about 20-30% unemployment in the US. Just imagine that for a minute and all the things that go with it: foreclosure rates to make 2008 look like a walk in the park, mass evictions, homelessness on an unimaginable scale, depression, drug abuse/alcoholism, suicide, deaths of people that lose their insurance with their jobs so they can't get meds or even see a doctor. That's not to mention people stealing & looting just trying to survive. That's just domestically. What about all the people around the world that are being kept alive by US foreign aid and charitable giving. Let's sack their local economies and then stop all the aid & charity on top of it. The media is making more money off of this than they've made in a decade or more. Everybody's tuned in, even though a month ago we all agreed that they're all completely full of BS. Politicians are running a political game: If I don't take this seriously and it goes bad, I'm screwed. If I do take it seriously and it fizzles out, we can all say we had bad information and just overreacted. It's the biggest CYA overreaction I've ever seen in my life. Until they spend the time and money to start testing people for antibodies to see who's already had it & kicked it, they really have no idea at all how severe this thing is.