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Posts posted by Allforelk

  1. I think it is awesome. The more animals spread across the country the better. Agree on the survival rate. Seems like such a small # of bulls but i am not a biologist.


    More animals = more hunting opportunity down the road for others.


    I wonder if the bull/cow ratio has something to do with an attempt to promote genetic diversity within the herd. Younger bulls pushed into a crowd with the gamble on the recruitment of the impregnated cows. The numbers make sense in my head, but I honestly know jack squat on the science and methodology behind it.




    I made a thread to tell me a honey hole for a certain unit and I'd send nudes of my ex gf. A good dude gave me a legit honey hole. He said don't me those nudes, but I did anyway.

    I know a good honey hole for mule deer.

    No need to give up your spot. I'll show you nudes of every one of my ex's for a six pack of beer.


    Opportunity porn is not a crime...

  3. So its for waists over 34 and height 5'10"-6'1"

    Definitely buy a pack based on your torso measurement and not the quoted height range. I never understood how much this means in terms of load distribution. Im only 510 but have a 22 torso. The first couple of packs I owned in my life made me hate them.

    • Like 1

  4. basically old kitchen butcher knife if u ask me

    Thats what the old guy designed them for. Uncle just found out it was great for skinning those beasts. He told me once the wheelbarrow was well over 200lbs carrying the hide and head off. He was 14 at the time. Ive only beat him in a wrestleoff once.

  5. I had a Great Great Uncle that used to manufacture knives for the family with that contour. On of my moms brothers used his skinning buffalo for the Explorers Club when he was a kid. Id be interested to find out where you found that. I will get a hold of my mom and see if she still has one laying around somewhere so I can send a pic your way.
