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Everything posted by AZDirtyTaco

  1. AZDirtyTaco

    Coues hunter or Coues Sniper?

    Knuckleheads... A bunch of knuckleheads... This was way to easy for this guy. Sets up a new profile to protect his prestigious internet persona and fires up all the monkeys with his 1st post. He sat his fat butt in a blind over a gut pile, with a cooler full of beer and a doobie, and waited for the yotes to come. He knew y'all better than you know yourselves. This threat should be called, "Internet Sniping" instead... lol.
  2. AZDirtyTaco

    2018 Archery Coues Buck

    12 yards... wow! Nothing like pulling one out at the buzzer like that either. Amazing buck and excellent work keeping your head in the game right down to the wire!
  3. Theres always one in every crowd. Thanks buddy. Classy way to handle the critique man. Your story is yours and your style is yours alone. We're all out there for our own reasons and I appreciate you sharing your story, regardless of my preference of your artistic style on the video. Great hunt, great bucks, and thanks again for putting yourself out there by sharing!!! Looking forward to the next one. Just maybe cut out the Audio Slave and go with more Deftones... lol
  4. AZDirtyTaco

    Coues hunter or Coues Sniper?

    Nerd. Yep, I went there.
  5. AZDirtyTaco

    Coues hunter or Coues Sniper?

    We're all bored, it's Monday, wish we were hunting instead of pretending to work... Don't let this dude troll with that garbage.
  6. AZDirtyTaco

    Clearance Broadheads

    Hey Gents! Looks like The Devil is clearing out their broad-heads. I just picked up a shelf-full of Allen fixed blades for $3 per pack and they also have all Rage's they carry 50% off. I'm assuming that all of the stores have the same clearance deal going and thought I'd pass along the find.
  7. AZDirtyTaco

    CWT Feuds

    No kidding. but I have to ask now. is it against the law to take a camera ? or is it one of those MORAL / Ethical things people keep spouting off about ...... Thats some funny stuff. I hate cameras and dont think they should be there but wouldn't never take one or damage it. What about doing a little vegetation reorganization instead???
  8. AZDirtyTaco

    'Stink Pigs'

    Now this is funny - Javi -- Noun. A foul-smelling, debatably inedible new world species found from the American Southwest into Central and South America.
  9. AZDirtyTaco

    'Stink Pigs'

    . While we’re at can we stop calling them pigs of any kind. They are not pigs, they are not related to pigs. They are javelina. The funny thing is that, as a wildlife biologist who specializes in evolution and taxonomy, I know exactly what javelina are related to and even I've learned to go with the flow and call them pigs...sometimes even referring to them as stink pigs. I've even got my kids calling them pigs, although they absolutely know the reality. No matter what I call them, they are among my favorite things to hunt and they are great eating. But then I once ate a grasshopper on a dare and a cold pot roast MRE for breakfast, so there's that... I've even started saying Cooooze, but that's a whole other debate and thread. It has to be because cooooze or coooosi just sounds sooo much cooler than cows. Thing is... I love hunting and eating them (javelina). I have ZERO problemo with anyone contributing to the existing negative connotation or speaking in that type of vernacular. All it does is add to an already perceived notion that they are not good eating. Which is getting back the point and intended light nature of my post - I'm just looking for even less competition on tags and even better options on leftovers.
  10. AZDirtyTaco

    2018 archery coues

    Helluva buck and 1st post! Congrats.
  11. AZDirtyTaco

    'Stink Pigs'

    You got me. I will make a promise to correct the err in my ways and give the great javelina of this country there hard earned respect due. Nothing but socially responsible and political correctishness going forward. Good talk. :-)
  12. AZDirtyTaco

    'Stink Pigs'

    Lol... now we're reachin!
  13. AZDirtyTaco

    Morning hunt 20C

    Nice work!
  14. AZDirtyTaco

    Now What . . .

    Flashlight and a GoPro or anything that will record at the end of whatever you have to shove back in there. That should give you some idea of what you're working with. Like someone already mentioned in another comment - I'd pay REAL good $$$ to see someone go in a dark hole, headfirst, with an arrow or even a firearm for that matter... Javi's are no joke. Cocky and mean little suckers and they get my full respect. I took mine this year from 20 yards, elevated 6-8ft maybe, on a mild quartering to angle. Single lunged him and came out the other side low and back, leaving a massive hole with guts hanging out. He made a huge leap straight up in the air and then walked 15ft while dragging his intestinal tract to a bush where he laid up. The rest of the heard went back to feeding within seconds of the disturbance and wouldn't leave the area. After about 40min of quietly waiting, I started to try and spook them from the area so that my son and I could go recover him. He looked done from my vantage point, but wasn't... He got up and ended going another 25ft or so into some heavy brush. In the mean time that herd circled us up for about an hour before finally moving on. Even ended up with a baby following us like a puppy while we were relocating to another spot. They are not a weary animal, that's for sure.
  15. AZDirtyTaco

    Garmin Xero Bow Sight

    All I can say is WOW! How fast can I hand over my $$$$... https://buy.garmin.com/en-US/US/p/613654
  16. AZDirtyTaco

    Garmin Xero Bow Sight

    I can see what you're saying to some extent. How does this sight make someone any more or less accurate in terms of arrow placement? It's only eliminating the need to go back and forth with the range finder. I get the nature of what you're saying for sure though. 1 more of many leaps in tech.
  17. AZDirtyTaco

    Midwesterner Heading SW

    Love the dedication Speedy! If I knew the Southern part of the state, I wouldn't hesitate to lend a hand or offer up some advice. Good luck this year and hope you come away with an awesome story to share!
  18. AZDirtyTaco

    Garmin Xero Bow Sight

    Good question for sure. Hard to think that they would be illegal in my opinion. It's combining technologies already in use. Just eliminates that back and forth nature of using a handheld rangefinder and use of a slider for those that use an adjustable sight. Which could go a long way toward limiting some common mistakes. Also could go a long way toward increased accuracy and fewer wounded animals as a result. Certainly would be a personal preference call on use of tech which is always good conversation. I am really curious about how that sight shoots and if it generates torque. The weight is listed at 14.7oz not including the 2 AAA batteries needed. That places it at about double the weight of my current sight. The balance of the weight would be the biggest factor there. The feature to load data for multiple arrow profiles is just freakin saweet!!!
  19. AZDirtyTaco

    First coues

    2 years - 2 coues. Doesn't get much better than that! Congrats!
  20. AZDirtyTaco

    First timer

    The best part (to me) of everything you shared, is that your friend enjoyed her 1st experience deer hunting. I'm sure she could hang with 90% of the camps here. You were a great friend to have seen her through that length of a hunt and have her coming back for more. That is not an easy thing to do. Great job to you both!!! Sounds like you've lit that fire for your friend. Very cool.
  21. AZDirtyTaco

    As if Hunter's needed anymore bad publicity.......

    Try cooking them longer. So not like waterfowl is what you're saying? Man... I've been way off.
  22. Love this post and congrats on a great memory shared with your buddy! I've passed on score for less tines and more meat in the freezer in the past and wouldn't hesitate to make the same decision again. Haven't found a good recipe for the antlers yet.
  23. AZDirtyTaco

    Opinions Wanted

    Hey Gents - I'm looking for your opinions regarding a backpack hunt I'll be heading out on tomorrow morning. I have OTC archery deer and bear tags in my pocket and am heading to an area that I feel good about my opportunity of tagging out on either. The kicker is that I don't feel confident that I will be able to get within an arrows range of a bear and would need to take a rifle to realistically have a chance. I have loaded both bow and rifle on my pack and am having last minute thoughts on whether or not I'm out of my mind. The trek in will be a moderately difficult one for me and I'm good with the added weight of the rifle (13pnds), but I am wondering if I'm being a little to eager here. Thoughts?
  24. AZDirtyTaco

    2017 Super Moon Coues

    Congrats on some great bucks and really cool shot of the moon there!
  25. AZDirtyTaco

    Opinions Wanted

    I haven't been able to work out the lighter pack solution just yet. I will be suffering the weight penalty with a deer and the double millage penalty if I'm fortunate enough to tag a bear. A bunch of 'suck' either way basically...