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Everything posted by AZbowhntr

  1. AZbowhntr

    Unit 1 Semi live late archery hunt

    Good luck. This hunt should be a little more tire friendly. Although apparently not grill friendly.
  2. AZbowhntr

    Proud son of my 91 yr old father.

    I sure hope that at 91 I am still able to walk let alone go hunting and shoot a buck. That is awesome. Congrats to you and your dad. Hopefully there will be several more.
  3. AZbowhntr

    Coues in the Oaks

    Great video. That buck at the 9 minute mark was really nice.
  4. AZbowhntr

    Look at this AZ freak buck

    That is an awesome buck. One of the best yet this year.
  5. AZbowhntr

    outdoorsman fluid head

    Wow that is a lot of money for a head. Looks a lot like the Jim White pan head too.
  6. AZbowhntr

    My Biggest Coues Yet.

    Congrats on a great buck.
  7. AZbowhntr

    Big Buck Down

    Congrats on one cool looking buck! That is awesome.
  8. AZbowhntr

    Non resident Hunter Ed

    You had to have taken the course in another state after 1985 and have proof. It is an all day class up in Kingman somewhere around the beginning of the year. The thread was on here just the other day as Heat mentioned.
  9. AZbowhntr

    CHAMP Hunt.

    That is awesome. Congrats to everyone involved.
  10. It isn't really for the youth. It is for people like me that took hunter education when I was 14 in Idaho but need to complete it here too so that I can get my permanent bonus point. I wish it was closer and I would sign up. It is nice that they offer it instead of having to do the entire course again.
  11. AZbowhntr

    Cow Tags, Kids, and Time Well Spent

    Congrats Lance on a great hunt. I wish I could get my Paige out there hunting.
  12. AZbowhntr

    Kembria's Turn (Our Epic Fall Part 3)

    That is just awesome. Congrats to you and Kembria. You guys are setting the bar pretty high for the rest of us out there. Good luck this weekend. I'm sure you won't disappoint us.
  13. If you are a spot and stalk hunter I wouldn't get anything over 10X. That way you can use them for glassing and while you are stalking too. I would get something like a Vortex Viper or in that line and start saving money. Just have the mindset that they will be temporary.
  14. AZbowhntr

    Giant Muzzleloader Bull

    It is a great year to have a tag. I have seen some monsters this year between the Governor tags, raffle tags, early rifle and archery. And now muzzle loader. The day after Thanksgiving can't come soon enough for me.
  15. AZbowhntr

    Unit 22 Youth Hunt

    Congrats to your son. That is one happy little guy there. Way to stick with it. And a heck of a shot.
  16. AZbowhntr

    My Daughter is Officially a Marine

    That is awesome. Congrats to you and especially her. Quite a difference from when I was in the Air Force. They let us touch a rifle on one day. And it wasn't even a real M16.
  17. AZbowhntr

    buck pics in neighborhood

    It's all cool until some idiot posts a picture of himself and the buck saying he shot it 20 miles away. I have seen a few while playing golf at Gold Canyon throughout the years.
  18. AZbowhntr

    Desert Landscaping Question?? HELP PLEASE!!

    As AZkiller noted it is hard to get rid of the bermuda right now. It has started going dormant for the winter. When I redid my last yard I had to wait until it came back in the spring. Then I sprayed it a couple times to make sure it was dead. I then rented a sod cutter and took a couple layers of roots. It turned out pretty good.
  19. AZbowhntr

    New Mexico elk 2019

    Good luck.
  20. AZbowhntr

    Moosings - Idaho - 2019

    Congrats on a great bull. Hopefully you were able to get your truck close. That is a lot of meat to pack out.
  21. AZbowhntr

    Draysen's 2019 Archery Elk Hunt (Our Epic Fall Part 2)

    That is awesome. Way to get it done Draysen.
  22. AZbowhntr

    2020 DIY Sonora Coues hunts

    I was one of the hunters from this last January that hunted ranch 2. I would hunt the ranch again in a second if everything worked out. Here are a couple pictures of the buck I ended up shooting. I can tell you that I missed a bigger buck more than once the night before I shot this one. I had a blast and the ranch is beautiful. I would be glad to answer any questions that I could if it mattered. I am out of town for a few days but I am connected.
  23. Well done on an excellent bull. You are one of very few that can say they passed a 400" bull. Quite the distinction. Good luck to Draysen on his hunt. Look forward to the story and pictures.
  24. AZbowhntr

    The Hunt Recommendation Process

    Just the number of tags given out can be misleading. I am more concerned about the success rate of those tags given out. I have hunted the late archery bull elk hunt in 23 a few times in the past. They give out so many tags but the success rate is about 5%. Doesn't make much of a dent overall. If the success rate was say 50% I would have a problem with the amount of tags given.
  25. AZbowhntr

    Moosings - Idaho - 2019

    Good luck. Looking forward to another of these posts. They have been the best threads on here for quite a while.