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About Stefangoodman

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  1. Stefangoodman

    Spearfishing in Rocky Point???

    Haha I use it to attract the fish, they tend to get curious and want to double back. Thanks for the feedback!
  2. Stefangoodman

    Spearfishing in Rocky Point???

    Hey guys, just got back from another trip down to RP this past weekend where I was able to shoot my biggest grouper yet. For the past month I've seen the biggest fish I've ever seen down there and this weekend I was finally able to get close enough for a shot. The Gulf Grouper ended up weighing 13.5lbs on my scale even after she spit up a large baitfish. I'll put the links to the videos down below if you want to check them out. The second video is from Spring Break in which I missed some BIG grouper. Big Gulf Grouper - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PC7SaeeGHtI&t=24s Small Grouper & Big Grouper (misses) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QIWOv1atLKw
  3. Stefangoodman

    Spearfishing in Rocky Point???

    The big Cabrilla was in Rocky Point @trphyhntr
  4. Stefangoodman

    Spearfishing in Rocky Point???

    I'll be down this weekend, 5-10 knots on Saturday with less than half a foot waves. Definitely great conditions if you don't mind the cold!
  5. Stefangoodman

    Spearfishing in Rocky Point???

    Don't know if this post is still active or not but to answer your question, yes there is still good spearfishing in Puerto Penasco. I go down there almost every month during school and find it much better than what most people say. Over the past year I have shot some great fish, including Yellowtail and a few large Leopard Grouper, aka Cabrilla. If you want to see some of my clips I have about 10 videos on youtube of my past trips down to Rocky Point. Here's the link or just look up Spearfishing Grouper in Puerto Penasco - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3opytAv31pg&t=127s Any questions just ask or email me. All my info is on my youtube channel. Safe diving!