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Everything posted by Desertguide

  1. Desertguide


    True story.
  2. Desertguide

    State Land Shutdown

    This whole notion of "public" land is kind of a joke to me. We pay taxes. We vote. But the government does whatever the heck they want. I don't "own" my house... the bank does. I don't "own" one of my trucks... the bank does. We don't "own" Federal lands.. the government does. If they can lock you out or even charge you to enter land... its not yours... its the governments.
  3. Desertguide

    State Land Shutdown

    If they can lock you out of it, it ain't yours.
  4. Desertguide

    G&F commission voted unanimously to ban trail cams

    Lol... I'm totally OK with it. Inwas just making a joke
  5. Desertguide

    G&F commission voted unanimously to ban trail cams

    Cool!!! Here ya go!!!
  6. Desertguide

    G&F commission voted unanimously to ban trail cams

    By the way, everything I said above was reflected in the public comments at the last meeting. The owner of AZ Groundpounders and Greg Krough from Mogollon Outfitters both spoke in favor. Both big established outfits. Hunter Weems with Arizona Custom Hunts and Eddie Wiley with Southeast Arizona Outfitters spoke against. Great hunters but they're smaller outfits. Hunter used to be with A3 but is going on his own this year.
  7. Desertguide

    G&F commission voted unanimously to ban trail cams

    I think I mentioned before in this thread but this will really hurt the smaller and less established guys. There are lots of guys that have 9 to 5's that rely heavily on trailcams because they don't have the time to scout. Most bigger outfits with established reputations and that have full time guys won't be hurt as much.. if at all. They'll just have to put a lot more time in the field scouting and that will cause prices to go up. I say most because there are a couple big very established outfits that rely a lot on trailcams and this will definitely hurt them. It'll depend a lot on species too. Elk hunts will go up. Coues hunts will go up. Muley hunts south of the ditch shouldn't really be effected. Antelope hunts won't go up. Of course that will all depend on the outfitter too. Some guys might spread rate increases across all their hunts and some will just raise rates on the hunts most effected. What ends up happening on the strip will be very interesting to see. It's an entirely different world up there. In the end, the outfitters some people want to see hurt and taken down a few notches by this, won't be hurt at all. The little guys that aren't part of the trailcam "problem" will be hurt and maybe put out of business. That's usually what happens with more government regulation.
  8. Desertguide

    G&F commission voted unanimously to ban trail cams

    Someone that doesn't like guides? No way!!! No... you were just average before it was cool. Everyone hates guides unless they are one or they hire one. Do you want a patch for your jacket? "Guide haters club" has a ring to it!!!
  9. Desertguide

    G&F commission voted unanimously to ban trail cams

    What is your deal? I just said in the last post that I haven't used them in 3 years. Even when I did it was sparing and I've never killed an animal that was on camera. This being the last year, I thought I might pull mine out of the shed one last time. I don't have some aversion to using them. Just haven't needed them. What do you care if I do or don't?
  10. Desertguide

    G&F commission voted unanimously to ban trail cams

    I don't use trailcams. Haven't in 3 years. Might use a few this year since it's the last year. I own 4 and they're in my shed. I can actually find deer with my own 2 eyes and take pictures of them in person. Novel idea huh?
  11. Desertguide

    G&F commission voted unanimously to ban trail cams

    Guys like you crack me up. You talk out both sides of your face. "They banned trailcams because of guides".... "they cater to guides". Which is it? Then when you get called out on nearly everything you said you back peddle. "They took my trailcams away. How am I gonna hunt now?" Have fun next year...lol
  12. Desertguide

    G&F commission voted unanimously to ban trail cams

    That's the instance I was referring to. Back in 2015 they killed another 20 or so down on the south end of the valley. That's only part of it. They've had gates ripped down, signs shot... you name it. One time I tried to run his dad off... lol. He said "you were coming to run me off weren't you?" I said "yes sir". He said "good job!!".
  13. Desertguide

    G&F commission voted unanimously to ban trail cams

    I don't know what me being a guide has to do with anything. I was running people off their farm before I was a guide. And what does it matter how many deer he or anyone that wasn't trespassing killed? The fact of the matter he... and I for that matter... have ZERO interest in killing farm deer.
  14. Desertguide

    G&F commission voted unanimously to ban trail cams

    Hey man.. I haven't said "trailcam" once. You must be a G&F plant. 😂😂😂
  15. Desertguide

    G&F commission voted unanimously to ban trail cams

    Arizona is one of, if not the best state in the country for hunting access. That's due in large part to the efforts game and fish and the critter groups make to keep ranches open. There are lots of units with tough access but that's life. Ranchers have as much right to close their property as you have to lock your front door. We should all be thankful we hunt in a state like AZ. Don't like it? Try moving to Texas and finding a place to hunt without paying a mint. Or.. try NM or WY where ranchers get landowner tags. Or... NV where they have a special guide draw. Thats right... they set tags aside just for guys that use guides. We have it so good.
  16. Desertguide

    G&F commission voted unanimously to ban trail cams

    Kurt had 40 something deer poached on his farm in one year. I've personally run many trespassers off their farms. Ranchers and farmers close the land they are able to because people are IDIOTS.
  17. Desertguide

    G&F commission voted unanimously to ban trail cams

    Nearly everything you said here is BS. They cater to guides... lol. They love guides so much they banned trailcams because of guides.
  18. Desertguide

    G&F commission voted unanimously to ban trail cams

    1. You could be right. Depends on how far rhe antis try and go. One thing that could help prevent that is if HUNTERS abide by first come first serve and respect each other. 2. Those auction tags provide the money to build and maintain game waters... among MANY other things. The people that buy them do us all great service. 3. If you know how to hunt, hunting water is only 1 option. You can learn 10x more observing from a distance than from a trail camera. 4. Personal views play a role in every aspect of life. It's literally their job to decide what's best for wildlife in AZ. I didn't like their decision but I respect it. 5. The Cattleman's Association has had a member on the commission since there's been a commission. They're out there more than anybody. Cattlemen built this state. Every time we walk up over the dam on a dirt tank we need to be thankful.for Cattlemen. 6. That's a point of personal opinion. I respect your opinion.
  19. Best auction item I've seen yet... 😂😂😂
  20. Desertguide


    Getting a little moisture just north of us!!!
  21. Desertguide


    It's called My Radar. Use it a ton on hunts. Especially early archery deer hunts.
  22. Desertguide


    You need to go hunting bro... lol
  23. Desertguide


    First cell went west. Bigger cell headed for us. Hopefully it puts the Pinnacle fire out. It's burning some awesome country. Should be over 10,000 acres by now.