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Everything posted by AZtroutman

  1. AZtroutman

    WTT Nosler Trophy 160gr 7mm ammo

    https://www.shootersproshop.com/7mm-rem-mag-140gr-accubond-trophy-grade-ammunition-blem.html Blems, but they shoot the same.
  2. AZtroutman

    Leftover tags

    Guess no leftovers this year? Never seen it take this long to post the list.
  3. AZtroutman

    how do these otc archery outfitters do it?

    Outfitter saying they killed 180s vs what they actually score is a whole different ballgame. Wouldn't sound as good to say they have an average of 160" (and probably lower than that on OTC archery hunts)
  4. AZtroutman


  5. AZtroutman

    Bonus Points

    I believe the rule is if you don't apply for 5 years in a row then you lose your points. But if you applied in 16, missed 17, 18, 19, 20 and then applied in 21 I would think that should be considered putting in within the 5 years. I would think you could argue that and get your points back. Not that it matters but my question would be if you were buying a hunting license all those years why weren't you buying an antelope and elk point as well?
  6. AZtroutman

    Results up

    Check your portals
  7. AZtroutman

    Card hits??

    Results up
  8. AZtroutman

    Card hits??

    It's said pending from the day you put in
  9. AZtroutman

    Located needed ammo. THANKS

    Dont know if you're looking for anything specific https://www.elitefirearmsonline.com/products/remington-r30062-047700054605-5090
  10. AZtroutman

    44bn tag holder

    Man, people really can complain about everything on here.
  11. AZtroutman

    Card hits??

    The whole purpose of the waiting to tell what day to have cards updated by is to ensure they are ready to charge by the next morning. Some people will argue they don't "have" to because it's not a law but there literally wouldn't be a reason for a credit card update deadline if it wasn't the case. The longer they wait the more likely they will have to do another update deadline.
  12. AZtroutman

    Account Hacked

    Sounds like just what a scammer would say 🤔 lol kidding, glad you got your account back.
  13. AZtroutman

    Boquillas Thief!!!

    Seems pretty obvious that yes you can pick up sheds
  14. AZtroutman

    Newly Approved Hunter Ethics Course for the Bonus Point

    You CAN buy a point. For $150 and taking the course. But if you already have a hunter education point from your class as a kid then you will waste your time and money.
  15. AZtroutman

    Newly Approved Hunter Ethics Course for the Bonus Point

    So is this just basically allowing the adults to get their bonus point without a field day? And making a little extra for that convenience? Seems like a fair deal vs what people would have to pay to come all the way to az.
  16. AZtroutman

    2023 Guideline Recommendations

    Sounds like you want some rut deer hunts for your kids. . .
  17. AZtroutman

    Unit 1 or 3a/3c

    What's considered better to you? More elk? Bigger elk? Better rut? Less people? More roads? Less roads? Closer to a town? Wilderness? Both units can certainly produce a good bull but there's more to it than that. According to draw numbers twice as many people applied for unit 1 than 3c. But there's more than twice the tags in unit 1.
  18. AZtroutman

    Unit 1 or 3a/3c

    Neither, I'd wait 4-5 years and hunt 23. Or go learn unit 9.
  19. AZtroutman

    Ban on Russian guns and ammo

    They don't have to take your guns away if they can get rid of the ammo. .
  20. AZtroutman

    Moultrie A-30 game cameras

    Pm sent, I'll take them depending on location or if you could ship them.
  21. AZtroutman

    Game and fish family portal

    Like it or not you'll wife and kid will never get the az bonus point unless they take the class so better fire up that computer and put them to work 👍 Also, you'll continue to apply with the shi*ty system just like the rest of us until you die so enjoy it 😉
  22. AZtroutman

    Game and fish family portal

    You would have better luck getting these wishes fulfilled by Santa Clause. The AZ hunter ed bonus point is to bring people to AZ to spend some money and ensure they learn the rules of AZ specifically.
  23. AZtroutman

    2021-22 governor's bear tag

    It would more than likely be open to interpretation depending on who is doing it and how the warden is feeling that day. Guys accept all kinds of things for helping people and nothing comes of it. I think it has to be pretty obvious you're out there truly guiding without a license and getting paid for anything to happen.
  24. AZtroutman

    2021-22 governor's bear tag

    Legal for the hunter. Not legal for the person accepting the money.
  25. AZtroutman


    I'll take it. Pm sent