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Posts posted by trphyhntr

  1. 3 hours ago, ctafoya said:

    I wouldn't use a blind or stand that wasn't mine anyway. If it ain't yours, don't touch it. 

    Scenario for you. You walk in to your spot to sit your poverty brush blind. there’s a pop up blind there with nobody in it. Youre still sitting the brush? 

  2. 31 minutes ago, CatfishKev said:

    Well if I showed up to someone sitting on my property and I wanted to use it at a different spot since I slept in would I be legal to take my property with me?

    Interesting perspectives here.  I get the first one to the spot logic but now I want to take my stand or blind elsewhere. Am I a douche?

    I would get up and let you have it. But I’d hope you’d feel like a total fag interrupting someone’s hunt because you showed up late and have no other options but to take the blind off the area someone has set up in. 

    I think if I was in that situation I would just leave it and come back and get it. 


  3. 1 hour ago, high rise hunter said:

    Assuming this is on public land I don’t like how this note is written. Anyone can legally hunt from that blind outfitter owned or not. Better to just say, “This blind belongs to TNT—we will have clients in-and-out of here from 12/15 -12/31. If you happen to kill anything over this water please share with us at at…(contact info)."

    This is the correct answer. But if I had my heart set on sitting that spot and walked up to find a note like that. I’d still show up first and sit that spot if I wanted to on the exact dates they want to reserve 

    • Like 1

  4. 14 minutes ago, AZLance said:

    A few years ago when I got to my tree stand there was another hunter sitting it, I told him it was my stand, and he said in AZ it's first come first serve, I told him that was fine, I'd go sit somewhere else. Before I left, I took all my tree steps going to the tree stand, he seemed upset. he was screaming something about first come when I walked away, I hope he got down ok.

    That’s a whole nother story all together. If I was sitting someone’s blind and they walked in during a sit. Be like any other sitting situation. I’d say say didn’t you see my truck on the way in mr slept too late? 

  5. 2 hours ago, HNTNGUY said:

    Not sitting in someone else's blind is kind of a given. I think the note attached to it is kind of a douche move.

    Nah. That’s totally chill imo. I wouldn’t give a care if someone sat my blind that’s on public when I’m not in it. 

    of course I’d be sick if they killed a giant. But that’s not here nor there 

    • Like 1


    1 hour ago, stanley said:

    Agreed on the wink emoji (Too much emoji use on my part, in general.  Likely the result of years of text exchanges with my daughter… ).

    That being said, it IS a fact that there are studies.   For sure though, the results of the studies are just that; results (not necessarily’facts’…).   

    If I really wanted to know, I’d ask a few dudes that are local hammers and decide for myself. If that aligns with the study so be it.

    but I just hunt when I can, moon be damned. 


    • Like 3

  7. 24 minutes ago, stanley said:

    +1 on Woody's rain comment.

    My opinion is that the full moon won't impact watering habits too much.  Deer get thirsty and want to drink whether the moon is full or not.  They can/will hit the water at any hour of any given day.

    Side note:  The 'full moon' impact on deer activity has been debated SO many times, it seems.  Though most hunters would disagree based on their own experience and anecdotal evidence, there have been studies that show the full moon has little/no effect on deer activity during the day. ;) 

    Go sit that water hole with your boy!

    I don’t agree or disagree but I know one thing, adding a winking emoji to a statement of any kind doesn’t make it a fact 

    • Like 1

  8. 3 minutes ago, POk3s said:

    Hope no one minds if I bump this back to the top. With the hunts almost over for 2023 I would be very interested in hearing from those who hunted the border units, and what kind of activity they saw this fall.

    2 hunts on the border, didn’t see any sign fresh sign. 

  9. On 12/2/2023 at 7:28 PM, NOTAGS said:

    Can we ship the Gen Zs back in their place, since the the Zs think they shouldn’t have to work and should be paid the same as all others, which is the Socialism the migrants are fleeing. Which is what the  Left and our current admin are promoting.   F ing Biden can’t control his Bowel movements, much less the border .  Now due to his incompetence, all the AZ people who travel to Penasco  and places  near by are screwed.


    and I agree with Yote, the Hispanics will,out work 85% of our current society. 

    boomers gave away our freedoms and our country through legislation and got none back. ship them away

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  10. 7 minutes ago, twigsnapper said:

    What do you mean?

    Seems like it would be really convenient to drive the rig to the mountain. Not have to use a trailer and a tow vehicle. To me, seems it defeats the purpose some. But that’s just me 

    if you’re using it only as an off-road vehicle, how many miles are you really gonna put on it, plus it’s Toyota I thought that was the point of them

    again I’m just thinking in my logic 

  11. 22 minutes ago, Roofer Billy said:

    My buddy took a 32 foot scissor lift on a flat bed trailer and hunted from it. He was hunting off of Freeman road near Oracle. He would raise and glass from it until he spotted something. It worked at least twice. He stuck a giant 5x5 and the next year a 4x4. When your down in the flats even a couple inches of height makes a big difference 

    Saw something like that for sale on Craigslist years and years ago, never forgot it 
