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Posts posted by trphyhntr

  1. I have drawn a tag and been blessed to take a ram and he was smaller than that and I was in a very god unit. I took him on the last day after spending 19 days in the field and I still consider him to be a trophy WAY above any other. I don't know anyone, and I was out with a lot of Sheep Society guys, that would pass up a 160 or better if granted the rarity of drawing a tag.


    That is a great ram, good pics!


    The 167 ram is a complete toad for a desert, awesome!




    Just my $0.02


    I was fortunate enough to get drawn when i was 15 for 15b west. got a 162, but i would have to disagree on the not passing of a 160. definately depends on the unit, but if i had a unit like say 22, i would be passing a 160 for sure, because ive seen toads there. theres quite a bit of diference in looks from a 160 to a 167 imo. 167 is a great sheep. im proud of my 162 but id wish it was a little bigger, it was 12 years old though, so i guess thats the trophy.

  2. They must have been a couple years ahead or behind me. Dan Wahlin graduated one year before me.


    The real stand-out players in my class were Jeff Holly, Paul Hoyt, John Acosta, Mike Gutierez (sp?), Kevin Trainor, Brandon Williams & Robbie Golden. Hope I'm not forgetting anyone. Mike, Brandon and Robbie were all state champion wrestlers as well.


    Jeff was pretty much our whole offense - and he shattered almost every record for running yards at the time. We didn't have much of a passing game in those days. Kevin T could throw, we just couldn't catch. Even when I started my Sr. year as tight end, my nickname was "Iron Hands" Jones. LOL. I could block reasonably well but couldn't catch to save my life. :angry: :lol:


    ya, i remember alot of those names since they are on the wall of fame. that jeff holly name stands out especially because he has the 100m and 200m records at BR.

  3. Anyone following high school football in AZ knows the "big game" every year is Blue Ridge vs. Show Low. Maybe the hottest rivalry in in the state. The last 3 years it's been BR vs. the Cougars in the Dome at Flagstaff.


    Last year, the Cougars came out on all cylinders and put it to us. The year before that, we came out on top. Tonight, Blue Ridge finished up a zero loss season, facing the Show Low Cougars for the third straight year in the state championship game. Tonight, Blue Ridge took the trophy home, but the kids from Show Low really showed their mettle and their inner pride. Those boys fought hard, didn't win but showed respect for their home town, maintaining true dignity that doesn't often come with rivarlies of this caliber.


    My sincere respect goes out to the young men on both teams, and to the coaching staff, to bring a world class rivaly face-down that could go either way, and keep it civil, respectful, and in the spirit of high school athletics.


    Having played for Paul Moro, many years back, and having a son of one of my good friends and former teammate playing for Ricedorf - most people outside this community can't even begin to grasp the rivalry here. For those boys to be picking eachother up, congratulating eachother after each run, treating eachother like friends, rather than enemies, really says a lot about both coaching staff from both teams, but even more about the character these young men have developed.


    These boys all played their hearts out, but they also showed respect for eachother - GOD I love highschool football. Shameless shout out to my bro, Dain Thompson - who kicks butt and probably will never read this. You rocked tonight.


    ya i was stoked. i played there years ago, dain is a cool guy and i really liked him as a coach. Paul Moro and all the assistants are about the best in the country. glad hamilton lost so BR can keep the all time win streak record also. BR is loaded for next year too. glad the gold football is back at home!

  4. Good bucks, next time take some pics that don't show exactly where you went, or just don't post them. I was above you on the mountain, That storm was nasty. There's getting more and more people in there each year.


    get a life dweeb


    People like you that should stay off of sites. Dweeb!!


    people like you and the dweeb, make these sites no fun. the guy posts some great pictures and a great hunt and somebody tells him not to post pics at all? its chicken shoot if you ask me. funny thing is only thing you guys did was draw attention to the spot. if you said nothing no one would have thought twice, by calling him out you make it sound like its the glory hole of all that is coues deer. lol.
