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Everything posted by elecshoc

  1. elecshoc

    And now...unit 33 is Burning...

    https://gacc.nifc.gov/swcc/predictive/intelligence/admin/google_maps/ics_209_incidents/ics_209_incidents.htm These are just the active incidents now. It's seems like almost every range was hit this year with a decent sized fire.
  2. elecshoc


    I wouldn't, just because mad cow being of the same type of affliction is transferable to humans. until we know it's not 100% transmittable I'm not taking that chance. on the other hand there is always the chance that the animal has the disease but it's still undetectable at that time.
  3. elecshoc

    And now...unit 33 is Burning...

    Yeah to see the fire map for the state is almost unimaginable.
  4. elecshoc

    SW Colorado Family Camping Tips

    yep delores river, vallencito lake and the silverton train are all the spots I would 2nd as well. Sounds like fun, I gotta get down over there as well, its been too long now.
  5. elecshoc

    Where am I

    That there is the mighty sasquatch.
  6. elecshoc

    Hunters Ed Classes

    I did the online coarse and did the field day at the range on houghton.
  7. elecshoc

    Just killing time

    I like caltopo, I can access google earth, bing sat and quite a few topos including the new FS topo. Good stuff and I can download custom maps for myself.
  8. elecshoc

    Resources for wolf debates

    Nope this was early 95. Introduction happened in 98. As per the 80s sighting, I'll take my pops word on that over anything else. If you met him i think you would too. That man has spent more time in the outdoors than most and above all can tell the difference between wolf, tote n dog.
  9. elecshoc

    Resources for wolf debates

    Funny part is that wolves have always been in northern az and northern nm. My dad seen them in the 80s in northern nm and I've heard howls in the mid 90s in norhtern az before the reintroduction started. So I believe solid game management with all predators would be the key here. The energy focused on just hating the wolves would probably be better served on keeping lion hunting alive and well in AZ. If we let lion hunting slip now the wolf issue would be the last of the worries here.
  10. elecshoc

    Memorial Day

    I would suggest the documentary Underfire: The Untold Story of PFC Tony Vaccaro. The story about an infantryman on the front lines in WWII who at documented the war with his own store brought camera. It shows the first hand what he saw and documented who later started working for Stars and Stripes. Goes along way in showing what those boys went through for us. Thank you to the men and woman who have given us their ultimate sacrifice.
  11. elecshoc

    Hand made knifes 440 steel blank blades

    Good looking knives. Very reasonable on custom sets.
  12. elecshoc

    Santa Ritas are burning...

    hopefully thing take a turn for the better here soon.
  13. elecshoc

    Santa Ritas are burning...

    So now projected between 15000 to 20000 acres and only 10% contained. The wind is pushing it far and fast
  14. elecshoc

    Santa Ritas are burning...

    From vids and pics I've seen it looks like it may have started right near where the main road dips into the wash at the start of sawmill canyon, From there is looks like it might have went south southeast
  15. elecshoc

    Santa Ritas are burning...

    7500 acres 7% contained at this time.
  16. elecshoc

    Black rattlesnake

    Man snakes sure got bunch of y'all shook. Too bad on gettin skunked.
  17. elecshoc

    Snake bites

    Stepped on one that never struck, seen a bunch more while out and about. I get rid of the ones that could become an issue, most though I just leave where I see them. Snakes have never scared me like that, I figure if I get bit then so be it.
  18. elecshoc

    Harbor Freight Ammo boxes

    actually you really cant go wrong at 5 bucks a pop.
  19. Nice meeting you Ramon. Thanks again. Just let me know if you decide on that archery hunt and i can get you unit info for it.
  20. elecshoc

    Late cow hunt unit 8

    im in there just before u. PM before u leave ill let u know what i saw.
  21. elecshoc

    1 tag 2 withdrawals of $135

    Call and get the tag.
  22. elecshoc

    Results are Posted on AZGF

    drew late 8 bull
  23. elecshoc

    3/17 CC Hits?

    Yep, our cash is in the hat today. So stoked
  24. elecshoc


    Sorry to hear, hopefully guys get it back. I'll keep an eye out in the shops down south.
  25. elecshoc

    Planting a Food plot

    Shoot just plant corn, you don't need no fancy wildlife specific plot.