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Everything posted by JLG

  1. JLG

    Wife 2022 javelina

    Your love is ordained from the Heaven's...definitely a sign...congratulations..
  2. Anybody in the Coues community, a retired butcher or have past game processing experience looking to make some Christmas money? Have a friend with a processing shop in Payson and he runs a seasonal business from late September thru about the day before or a few days after Christmas. Shop runs 5 days a week Monday thru Friday weekends off. Usually get 4 days off for Thanksgiving. If anyone is interested let me know and I can forward you to my friend. Fall up here is amazing after being bludgeoned by the heat in the lower elevations. Can't tell you how enjoyable it is to be in long-sleeves and sweatshirts. Favorite time of the year for sure. Take Care JLG.
  3. JLG

    Seasonal job, Payson Az.

    It is Round Valley and they can still use an additional experienced cutter...PM if interested.. They are currently open for the fall seasons and taking in game..the first deer and antelope of the season were processed Thursday and Friday...
  4. JLG

    Seasonal job, Payson Az.

    Might as well bump this to get a 1000 reads. It's a pretty nice way to make Christmas money and buy a couple new toys that go bang in the fall. Clean, well run shop, owner knows what he is doing. Word of mouth keeps the shop full, year, after year...turnaround time on meat is under 3 weeks..as a rule...
  5. JLG

    Seasonal job, Payson Az.

    Not mine...and what's the fun in that...life without a bit of mystery...
  6. JLG

    Seasonal job, Payson Az.

    Business isn't mine. Can say it's one of the 3 Nitteman listed. So legal and licensed. If anyone is interested I can get them in touch with the owner..
  7. JLG

    Seasonal job, Payson Az.

    HuntHarder, second question is an odd question...out of the blue...? What's your thought process behind a question like that?
  8. JLG

    Seasonal job, Payson Az.

    Hi Oz31p sent you a PM. They have been in business about 15 years. Well run and tidy shop.
  9. JLG

    Seasonal job, Payson Az.

    Bear in mind if you don't live in Payson and this appeals to you. If you have a trailer or can borrow a trailer there are plenty of RV parks up here to put one in for the season.
  10. JLG


    Tron78, sent you a PM. Thank you.
  11. JLG


    Thanks hynoon
  12. JLG

    Hydro Dipping

    Anyone do or have used someone to hydro dip? Have some small bull skulls and one elk cow Skull that I am interested in having US or Arizona flag or even a Let's Go Brandon dipped on them. Maybe one each skull but it could be all with the same either AZ or US flag. Thanks.
  13. JLG

    Hydro Dipping

    Thank you
  14. JLG

    Ammo and projectiles for sale or trade.

    I didn't get them either..🙂
  15. JLG

    Ammo and projectiles for sale or trade.

    If first responder doesn't take the 410 I will, be in that area Friday.
  16. JLG

    300 Win Mag Trade

    Back home in Payson if anyone is going thru town and wants to do the trade. Have a safe weekend.
  17. JLG

    300 Win Mag Trade

    Buddy has a turreted rifle in 300 Win Mag dialed in for Winchester Super X 180 gr Power-Points. He has the following: 19- Federal fusion 300 Win Mag. 180 20-Federal 300 Win Mag. 150 gr soft points 20 Federal 300 Win Mag 180 grain copper power SHOK. He wants to trade box for box. If you got any and are interested it what he has text me and we can go from there. I live in Payson but will be in Queen Creek this week Tuesday thru Thursday. First picture is what he wants second is what he has.
  18. JLG

    40 S&W 180 GR HST JHP XM40HC

    Back home in Payson if anyone is coming thru for the weekend and interested in the rounds.
  19. So I got 800 of these, they are Federal Factory ammo. If you look them up on You Tube they expand over .700 inches consistently in ballistic gel. Start expanding within the first inch or so. Do about a one inch wound channel for up to 10 inches or so, penatrate to about 15 to 17 inches. They also consistently retain the 180 grains they start at. So all and all for a round you stake your life on and that of your loved ones. They do what they should do. These rounds from what I have heard are what some Federal Law Enforcement agencies use. I want $600 for the 16 boxes of 50 each. In Queen Creek from this Tuesday thru Thursday. On a side note I live in Payson...will sell in smaller amounts too. Take Care JLG.
  20. JLG

    40 S&W 180 GR HST JHP XM40HC

    Bump to stay next to my other post.
  21. JLG

    300 Win Mag Trade

    Sent you a PM Buck.
  22. JLG

    40 S&W 180 GR HST JHP XM40HC

    So am heading back down to the Valley tomorrow thru Thursday to take advantage of the weather. I will be in Queen Creek the whole time. In digging around I actually have 800 of these. Will break them down to 100 round sales and of course be happy to see all 800 go at once, premium stuff for sure. $75 for 2 boxes of a 100. You can message me at 602-317-8084. John.
  23. JLG

    40 S&W 180 GR HST JHP XM40HC

    So heading back to Payson this evening. At Bell and Grand Ave. Will take Bell to 101, 101 to Shea and Shea to the 87. Sometime this evening. Taking my mom with me and she has been retired 26 years so she never has a sense of urgency.. Love her, in no way judging 🙂.