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Everything posted by JLG

  1. JLG

    40 S&W 180 GR HST JHP XM40HC

    Thank you, firstcoueswas80...
  2. JLG

    40 S&W 180 GR HST JHP XM40HC

    For how long who knows, getting to that age when stuff doesn't work like you would like it too...🙂
  3. JLG

    40 S&W 180 GR HST JHP XM40HC

    Bump this back up cause I am in the Valley from Payson thru Sunday. Eastside today and tomorrow and Westside Sunday.. northeast Valley Sunday evening.
  4. JLG

    300 Win Mag Ammo

    The hornets we talked about.
  5. JLG

    300 Win Mag Ammo

    Johnny how much for the power points only? I will take those. Thanks JLG.
  6. JLG

    Looking for 410 single shot

    Mike, you provided a gun for this that had sentimental value to you on a personal level. I told the Momma the story you told me and she was floored. She was touched. Thank you so much for what you did. Really great talking to you.
  7. Have a friend with 3 kids, one is a 9 year old girl and she loves hunting. She likes to squirrel hunt but hasn't taken one yet using a 22. She is a little Itty bitty gal, so my thought was to get her first squirrel a small 410 might be the ticket. Her mom is looking to get it for her as a Christmas present. Probably early considering Christmas is at the back end of squirrel season. Her momma was telling me today when her daughter knows they are hunting she is the first up, first dressed and first with her lunch packed...so she already has the passion. Feel like her taking a squirrel would farther fuel the passion. So if anyone has a single shot 410 in the back of their safe, collecting dust. I am pretty sure it will be put to good use...putting a huge smile on a young hunters face. Let me know what you have please. You can send me a PM, Thank you.
  8. JLG

    Looking for 410 single shot

    Barry, I enjoyed our chat. You providing ammo in these times left the Momma speechless...Thank you and Thank you for taking the time to drive up to Payson.
  9. JLG

    Looking for 410 single shot

    Great quote Kent..you definitely did your part on this. Thank you.
  10. JLG

    Looking for 410 single shot

    I gave the Momma the guns and ammo yesterday, she was excited and Thankful. I couldn't do it but she is saving them for actual Christmas gifts. She said they will be on Christmas break for the last week of the year and will get them out for the last week of squirrel season. She kept asking if she owed me any money and I said no. She repeated a few times that you all without knowing her and her children would do what you did. I said the only thing wanted was some pictures of the kids enjoying the guns with some big smiles and she said she would do that. Thanks again everyone...
  11. JLG

    WTB Remington 6 1/2 primers

    Very cool I am starting my day in queen creek and working west from there.
  12. JLG

    Looking for 410 single shot

    I just met Huntnfish, he and his wife drove to Payson from Camp Verde, not only did he give me the shotgun shells he also provided a generous amount of 22 shells for plinking and practice. In our conversation he mentioned he could see the little girls passion and he wanted to help fuel it. This feels really good. Can't wait to get this stuff in her and her brothers hands. Thank you all. Thank you, Barry...
  13. JLG

    WTB Remington 6 1/2 primers

    Hi John, I got some, I can spare 200. Are you in the Valley? I will be down tomorrow.
  14. JLG

    WTB Remington 6 1/2 primers

    Hi John did you find some of these?
  15. JLG

    Looking for 410 single shot

    Guys I just want to thank you all for your generosity, solid bunch of guys. Not surprised this was the end result. I will have the ammo and guns by the end of the weekend. I had another offer from a member in a private message for another 410. She has the 9 year old daughter who has the passion and an 11 year old son who also hunts so figured why not get them both one. Pretty excited to see the reaction of the mom and some pictures of the kids enjoying their guns. When I get the pictures I will share them with you all. Thank you.
  16. JLG

    Looking for 410 single shot

    PRDATR, I will PM you with my number. I am heading down Sunday to get the gun.
  17. JLG

    Looking for 410 single shot

    Huntnfish, I sent you a PM about the ammo, Thank you.
  18. JLG

    Looking for 410 single shot

    I like it but open to opinions
  19. JLG

    Looking for 410 single shot

    You guys honestly make me smile. Can't wait to show the Momma this after she gets the gun for her daughter. Feel like there might be a tear or two. Thank you all for your generosity.
  20. JLG

    Looking for 410 single shot

    Eli that's a great idea.
  21. JLG

    Looking for 410 single shot

    You guys get this, very cool. I got some 410 shells to get her started so good there. I got a single shot 20 gauge I was think about giving her but honestly it kicks like crazy. Was thinking a 410 might be a bit easier on her. Thank you guys.
  22. How much for the KP-15 lower? Thank you.
  23. JLG

    **SOLD** CZ 720 G2 20ga semi auto shotgun

    I shot one of these for the first 6 days of dove season this year. Mine is a sweet...sweet dove slayer. My best day I went 15 of 29. I am pretty much in love with it. I cut my teeth on a Remington 1100LT and this gun reminds me of it. I had alot of 50 percent shooting days with that LT. Feel like with a pair of glasses that could happen again with the CZ 720. Anyone on the fence should buy this gun.
  24. JLG

    6.5mm-06 dies ISO

    Nitemann, PM sent on the loan, Thank you.