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About arg

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  • Birthday 11/03/1979

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  1. arg

    My First Elk Hunt

    Just wanted to tell everyone thank you for the awesome comments! Here is a pic at my Grandpa's house when I got to show him the bull.
  2. arg

    My First Elk Hunt

    My uncle and I drew late rifle bull tags and we were blessed with two beautiful bulls. Although we were hunting in different places we both had our bulls down opening morning by 8 a.m. I just want to say thanks to my family and close friends for letting this be the hunt I have been dreaming of since I knew what hunting was. Best of luck to everyone this year! Hunter My bull: My Uncle's bull: Both our bulls together: My Thanksgiving/My family! So thankful!
  3. arg

    First turkey for Hunter.

    Hunter got this turkey Saturday morning. What a great time and such a fun hunt for the kids.
  4. arg

    Game Trail Taxidermy

    I've had my elk back for awhile now but havent had much time to post. Just want to thank Bret Prentice from Game Trail Taxidemy on a awesome job on my bull.
  5. Today I am writing in to congratulate my brother-in-law, Dakota. Let me first start off by saying that this hunt (successful one) was meant to be and deserved by no other man in my eyes. Dakota and his wife, Amanda welcomed their first child into the world July 18,2012. Gunner was a beautiful baby boy. Sadly, at two weeks old Gunner was diagnosed with a rare brain cancer known as AT/RT. Gunner and his parents were life-flighted from Show Low to Banner Cardon’s in Mesa, and that is where the next 9 months and 4 days were spent. Hour by hour, day by day, we watched Dakota and his wife go through something that I have no words to describe. Their son fought for his life and showed positive signs of beating his cancer. We were all blessed to have the little one out of the hospital for a few short weeks of which we were able to celebrate Christmas as a family. Unfortunately, the day after Christmas Gunner showed signs of concern and that is when we learned the tumor had come back and was larger now. Despite this, Gunner remained strong (especially from the love and support of his parents). To keep a long story short, Dakota was down here with Gunner until he passed April 22. With all hope lost we were all concerned for Dakota and his wife. This loss is something that no one should have to go through. Well, Dakota loves to hunt (and that is something he sacrificed during Gunners treatment)....this is the only one thing that was able to get his mind off of things, out in the great outdoors...and that he did. Once he found out that he had been drawn for deer he spent numerous hours and days out in the woods preparing (this was also his way of mourning). As you can see from the pictures Dakota took down a well deserved buck. We are all so proud of him and feel that God truly played a roll in this successful hunt. Also, if you will look closely, Dakota had made an antler necklace of which holds some of Gunner’s ashes. Gunner (Big Guns) was on that hunt with him and will be on many more.
  6. arg

    Hunters buck.

    I made a great shot on this buck opening morning. What a great time with family and friends.
  7. With Thanksgiving and club baseball my schedule was pretty much booked up until my hunt. After a quick turkey day with family. My dad, uncle, grandpa and I where off to the hills. We set up camp real quick so we can get one last look around before opening morning. That night i could hardly sleep...we woke up early and hiked to the spot where i shot my buck last year. With in minutes my dad spotted two bucks working a ridge. With no time to waste my uncle and I worked over to the nearest ridge to try to get a shot. As we peeked over the ridge the two bucks where already on the move..."dang they caught us". That day we seen so many doe's i lost count but we couldnt turn up a buck. After a good dinner and a good night sleep I was up early, eager to see what the day would bring. We decided to try a new area that we've been wanting to go look at. We started glassing across the canyon and all i heard was my dad say "I got a buck". After a quick game plan I found myself 300 yards away with him in my scope. As my uncle calmed me down i squeezed the trigger. It was a perfect shot that knocked him down. What great hunt with my family and to make things even better I did it on my moms birthday. Hunter
  8. arg

    Post you results

    Archery Unit 1 Bull tag! Can't wait.
  9. arg

    Jaycie's First Big Game Hunt.

    That's truly a fantastic first buck, congrats to Jaycie!
  10. arg

    Hunter's first Hunt

    My son Hunter wanted me to share this with you all, enjoy: I could not have asked for better considering the horrible start to the year I had. On February 13, 2011 my Mom and Dad had to take me to Phoenix Children’s hospital. My Mom and the Doctors said I was lifeless when I got there. We found out that I had Type 1 (juvenile) Diabetes and had been very sick for a long time. I spent a while in the hospital getting better. Having diabetes has been a very unhappy change to my normal active life. I have had a hard time adjusting. Thank goodness I did my hunters education courses right before I got diagnosed! Once I showed signs of improvement, my Dad put me in for my first Jr. deer hunt. The first morning of the hunt we found ourselves on the side of a mountain glassing up deer. We spotted a bunch, but mostly does. Then, finally, my Dad spotted my spike a couple ridges over at 494 yards! We moved in closer…we finally got into shooting range and that’s when I pulled the trigger!!! My first shot was a little high, but determined, I reloaded and hit him just a tad back on the second shot! About 45 minutes later we relocated him bedded down under a tree, and at 211 yards I finished him off! My cousin Preston was at camp and could hear my shots, he was soooo excited for me. It was an awesome experience, because the next day Preston shot his first deer too! There is nothing better than to be on the mountains with my family, and I am looking forward to a life full of more hunts and experiences!
  11. arg

    Lost bull in 4b

    Hope everything works out for you.
  12. arg

    Frank THE Tank!!!

    Awesome bull! I love those fronts and mass.
  13. arg

    got one!!

    Congrats on the buck! Awesome job.
  14. I shot this buck on the 2nd day of the hunt in 19A.
  15. Awesome job Luke!! you are on a ROLL!!!