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Everything posted by krp

  1. krp

    3a 3c bull

    Nice! any bull in the late hunt is good. Congrats. Kent
  2. krp

    I propose a new scoring system!

    The use of electronic devices; telephone for texting or calling, radios, ect. only disqualify if the hunter is guided to the game itself. I can sit in point A, the animal at point B, you're somewhere at point C. I can't tell you how to get to point B but can tell you to haul butt to point A where I am and then shoot or chase the animal. Could be 50 yds or 30 miles or a different state. Kent
  3. krp

    I propose a new scoring system!

    Trophy hunting itself has nothing to do with it, i.e. I will hold out for a certain size. Hunting with family and friends have nothing to do with it, i.e. My brother, his son, his son-in-law who has never hunted before and myself, go up together and sit on a ridge, glass for animals and enjoy each others company. Having multiple individuals or groups, for pay or as fam&friends, spread throughout the unit scouting while the hunt is going on. Keeping in comunication with phones and radios and calling a hunter to their location for the kill, definately is pushing issues. Posse hunting. Having a standing offer of money for the harvest of a found animal to anyone with info, i.e. The lakeside bull, the nevada outfitter war bull and the spider bull. Have all caused negative local and national press and make the nonhunting public turn their eyes and thoughts toward what we love to do in a negative way. Bounty hunting. Having a hunter at home in another state, then combing the area until the target is located, calling him in and driving him to the animal for the shot, i.e. the spider bull is pushing issues hard. Some of our most famous celebrity hunters push the issues, so be it. I feel it soils all of their accomplishments unfortunately. Gotta wonder how many more Kirt Darners, Noel Feathers, Jimmy Hustons are out there, again unfortunate but that's the pot they jump into. The B&C has turned from an independent entity, to a political members club that spins press releases to protect their standing members and their ethics code, i.e. the spider bull. From B&C themselves. FRIDAY, february 6, 2009 MISSOULA, Mont.—The Boone and Crockett Club’s recent announcement of a new World’s Record elk has generated unprecedented news coverage as well as public craving for details about the giant bull. spider Let's translate; We here at the B&C have been hammered with negative feed back (public craving), because of unpresidented (negative) news coverage and need to put out a third press realease (eductional moment) to run damage control for our most famous member. B&C is mostly about the member/hunter and less about the animal, totally oppisite of Teddy's vision. And no, they are not the driving force of all hunting we have now with TR as a good little soldier in their army. It was one vehicle TR made and used in his vision. Like all things, as soon as the founding fathers of something are gone, changes happen, good or bad. TR never had a scoring system, that came in the 50s. For the original question, just go by main frame, width and main beam length. If all other racks fit inside, it's the WR. I keep finding myself writing responces to issues or actions of those on this site and deleteing them, it's truly becoming harder to come here and not want to argue about some of the stuff written. Instead of deleting this one I'm posting and just stepping out like I had to do at MM. Kent Kent
  4. krp

    Minox 15x56 or Brunton 15x51

    I have not actually sat behind the nikons, I did go to cabelas when they came out with the 12s and all I can say was they seemed a little grayish when I looked through them in the store. Doesn't mean anything, plenty of people like them and find game with them. I've sat one eyed behind the Swaros and Minox, I could tell they both were excellent glass and believe it when those that use them say they are super. I have Minox 10X52s and they are fantastic, if I could use the Minox 13X56 or the 15X58, I would and never look back. That said I can find game better with a 300.00 two eye bino much better than a expensive one eye bino or scope. The Minox 15s are better optically overall, bring a bit more color and a little low light advantage. Negative is they are heavy if you pack them and may not fit your face well with the bulk. The 13s are lighter and better shaped, I could almost use them and thought about buying them and shaving the sides a little. Things a guy will think of. The Bruntons weigh 32 oz and are great to pack, very sharp optically but have a slight white wash. Do better than I thought in low light, differences are slight under the Minox and even Swaros. Durability may be an issue, so far so good after a few years. I was able to use the Bruntons this morning on my Brother's elk hunt, elk are easy to see over a coues, but they did great again. Spotted a herd of 30 plus at a couple miles in the cedar ridges at first light. I could see if they had horns even spikes at that distance no problem. Of course they move from the cedars, across the flats to right below us at 100 yds, no bull at 2 miles and no bull at 100 yds. They would have walked over us but my brother was crying so loud they just slowly walked around us. I would also add the Minox 13s in the mix at around 750.00, and of course the Leica 10-15X50s but those are so beyond my spending level, would fit my eyes though. Unless you only had 300.00 or wanted a light backpacking bino, or had Chihuahua eyes. I qualified for all three. Buy the Minox. Kent
  5. krp

    Is this a wolf or hybrid?

    Some animal rights group just got taken, thought they would buy some of their own wolves and get in the reintro game. HaHa, wish I had thought to get some dogs like that and sell them to those ........... Kent
  6. krp

    Minox 15x56 or Brunton 15x51

    Thanks for the thoughts. My leg is 60% the doc said, I was able to start walking on it 2 weeks ago. It's going to be slow going for sure. My foot sticks out to the outside quite a bit, just healed that way, so one foot steps toes straight and the other toes to the side. If I knew they could turn my foot around I would have had them point it to the rear and ran as fast backwards as I can forward. Kent
  7. krp

    Minox 15x56 or Brunton 15x51

    Everyones eyes are a little different, I did personal research on the roof binos I could use that would fit my narrow eyes. At the time that was the Brunton 15X51, Viper 15X50, and the Zeiss 15X45. The Zeiss were worthless except in pure daylight and I still didn't like them., I've been pounded for this opinion but those that get on me can't themselves say they're any good, just upset I say something bad on Zeiss. I repeat the 15X45 Zeiss only are crap. The Bruntons and Vipers were close, the Bruntons for me were a tad better optically and fit my face better. They both started out at 600.00, the Viper has dropped to 500.00 and the Brunton to 292.00 or something. I wouldn't get the vipers over the bruntons. The Minox is a better bino than any of those, still a hair to wide for me, 549.00 is a killer price for a very good 15X. Now , I checked out the new Kaibabs, they are supposed to close down smaller than the Swaros and they do. I can barely get them to work, if I can come up with the dough I would get them. This is how I would go depending on the money I have, if you don't see a bino it's cause I wouldn't get it at all. Brunton 15X51 300.00 Minox 15X58 550.00 Kaibab 15X56 1200.00 Swaro 15X56 1800.00 Any will find you a bedded deer in the high grass, in shadows, first light, my bruntons did for my last deer. Kent
  8. krp

    Minox 15x56 or Brunton 15x51

    They've been 1/2 price for a few years. I don't know if they made a bunch years ago and just don't sell much or what. I got mine for 313.00 from optics planet I think. Googled them and Amazon has them for 292.00 new in stock. It's been that way for 3 yrs that I know of. I know they were originaly 600.00 like the vortex. Maybe still clearancing old stock? Kent
  9. Mason, I agree, you made your peace. It's cool. Once you did that I personaly took the dingle collar off you and think others should also. Some of the guys you like, do the things you say you don't like on some subjects and others you don't like, possibly myself included, support all the other things you did like. You never understand a guy until he posts quite a few times where he really is coming from. I'm getting a better feel for you. I realize you can cool off so am not offended by the DIRT BAG ARCHERY HUNTER thing now, that was harsh for someone we didn't know to well. I'm not going to agree with everyone, though I like everyone. I will state my point of view, enjoy sarcasm, giving and taking, as long as it's not malichous, never liked physical threats though. Some subjects are more serious than others and just need to be talked out, points of view usually doesn't change but an understanding of each other does and cools heads. Imagine if we all said, Heck ya, go kill the sob and you did or he you, what a hunting PR disaster for the public to see. Probably be the end of cams on public ground. Just talking a situation out from all sides. Dingle has a ton of catching up to do. Kent
  10. krp

    Minox 15x56 or Brunton 15x51

    Get the Minox and I'm one of the Brunton owners, I just can't get the Minox to close down enough for my eyes. Minox are great binos, German made, I love my Minox HGs in 10X. They will last you a lifetime. Get the Bruntons if your eyes need them, which you don't. Or if you want a very light weight 50mm bino for backpacking, that's another reason I use them over my heavy porros. I'm not sold on the durability of the Bruntons, even though I've road them hard for a couple years, don't seem as solid of a body as my Minox, we'll see. Get the Bruntons if you only have 300.00 bucks. If you ever upgrade to Swaros, they make great loaners or for your kids. Kent
  11. Cool, I guess I get to take and use your cam when I find it as long as I bring it back, sometime. Oh wait, that happens all the time and no one is endorsing that. Try and keep it apples to apples, if you said you put your coat over it because it bugged you. That would have been humorous. Cam users need the goodwill of all hunters or they won't ever have one left. Not understanding that some hunters don't want to be filmed the entire time they are hunting a spot like a tank, is mindboogling. No one vandalized, used or abused the cam just made it so it wouldn't disturb them. You truly cannot see a future problem with the rise of cam use on public land. It could lead to restrictions on when you can put a camera out, time limits and not during any hunting seasons. Do you want it to be like the Flying scouting regulations, I don't, so don't abuse the goodwill of other hunters, compromise a little. Working on keeping my MM skills up, haven't been there in awhile, gotta get in top shape incase I need it. Kent
  12. Of course not one thing was on point in that. If you park your trailer next to a tank, I will call G&F and they will site you, possibly tow it. No photo radar harrassing a hunter. I would say it is apparent who at least understands there was no molesting, just insuring their right to privacy, in the majority not half. You and Mason a buddies? Kent
  13. We don't have to all agree, just think. Kent
  14. If these subjects aren't discussed, then it will be settled in the field with people that have weapons. If these sites aren't for this, then all they are is brag boards and worthless. This is no different than the treestand, atv type discussions and I can see trouble coming. Better to think about it on either side before you confront or are confronted in the field, may have a much cooler head. Kent
  15. Id like to give them an old fashioned butt whoopin. Funny, seems a righteous whoopin can go either way when both parties believe they are the ones in the right. Private property rights could only mean not harming the property. Damages from nonexistant future images may be hard to prove. Invasion of privacy would probably win out. Anyway, I like the idea of hanging your coat where ever you want, using the private property approach. It never helps a situation to threaten, best to negotiate. Hang something infront of the camera if it bothers you while hunting, remove it when you leave. Get the word out for acceptable practice and people won't have to figure the best method out in the field. Kent
  16. Nobody harmed anyone's equipment in this case, that's a different subject. I'm not moving from the best spot to sit just because I don't want to have my picture taken 500 times in the next few days. If in my mind that camera is distubing my hunt it's going off, flash or no flash. This ain't the paparazzi, I have rights also. If scouting in any form disturbs another's licensed hunt, that's not right. You took a chance someone wasn't hunting the spot and hoping for some pics, they were hunting it so you should have not been angry and pulled it. There are no more hidden spots up there when you can sit in the resturants and listen to all the bragging of flying scouting and the elk they see in these, used to be secret areas, to whoever will listen. Suprised you were the only one with a cam there. Anyway, good luck on your upcoming hunt. Kent
  17. The more I think about it, the more I feel that the hunter was the one that had every right to hunt in peace and not have his personal space violated. I think he was polite in just turning it down or off. Scouting is one thing, if there is an actual hunt going on then I would expect to have it turned off by someone wanting to hunt. Kent
  18. Just thinking about it, not saying anything is right or not. If you're hunting a tank or area that has someone's cam, everytime you go in and setup predawn, you get flashed. Everytime you move, if you're setup in the cam's sight, you get flashed. If you hunt there all day, multiple days you will be filmed all day long, everytime you fidget. If you make a hit before dark and come back at 10:00 with flashlights to pickup a blood trail the cam will continue to flash you. Where does the cam owners rights end and the hunter's rights of not being harrassed or filmed without his permission end. I could see getting irritated enough to turn a cam down or off with the intention of resetting it and forgetting. This brings up a whole other can of worms. Kent
  19. krp

    WTB 15's

    Answered your post on TAH, Mine aren't for sale but you can borrow to try out. I know you're the kid that went to the youth camp, killed a nice deer, won a few prizes and made a good impression with some standup guys. If I had swaros you couldn't borrow them but you can my bruntons. Kent
  20. krp

    Minox 15x56 or Brunton 15x51

    here's pics of the Brunton, antelope buck at about 2 miles, there are corrals in the extreem righthand side at over 4 miles with two herds and I had no problems seeing them since early morning while glassing. And I still like the tripod and head I bought from Amanda, plug. Kent
  21. krp

    Minox 15x56 or Brunton 15x51

    Get the Minox from Cameraland if you have 550.00 and don't have a problem with the binos not closing narrow enough for your eyes. Unfortunately I do and so I've written here different times the options I have and the tests I've done. The bruntons are the best of the 50mm objectives class (Zeiss 15X45, Viper 15X50) not counting the Leica, (I just can't afford them). 300.00 gets you in the serious glassing game. Visually they compare with the Docter big porros and do decent in low light, better than I thought. Weigh a pound less than the big obj, so go on my BP hunts, I really just use them for everything now. There's no problem with the clarity of the bruntons, just a little whitewash or the colors aren't as startling as my buddies swaros. These guys are or have been guides and don't say a thing about my glass, just ask me to come, I still find the hidden animals better than them, just experience/technique trumps glass. I looked through the Kaibabs at Sportsman and they are so close to closing for my eyes, they will work. With breaking my leg helping on an elk hunt it'll be a long time before I seriously look to pick those up. The Bruntons are suprisingly good glass, 300.00, and if that's what you have, or want light weight, get them and get in the game. The Minox seem good, looking with one eye, but I go more off my Minox 10X HGs and knowing they're really good, so recommend them also. Next up the price list would be Kaibab, then the big 2, Swaro/Leica. We're talking roofs not porros. Minox 15X58 My humble opinion. Kent
  22. krp

    Game processing in Payson

    That would be good to know, Ron can fill up by Saturday on a state wide hunt. Ron and Marianne are the only in home cutters I know and the only kind I trust. Would be good to know another. Kent
  23. krp

    Game processing in Payson

    Yep, Ron and Marianne, they've been doing it 20 yrs that I know of, super clean setup, your animal is all you'll get back. Take the number and call when you get something. Only place I'll go if I don't butcher myself or recomend, I don't butcher for friends anymore. They did 3 elk for our group this year and I have a freezer of their cuts, good as always. Kent
  24. krp


    Doug, I loaded some 120 nbt up for my 7mm mag when I had it, 3400 fps. My buddy used it to shoot his coues at 200 yds and it had a small entrance and perfect nickle exit hitting rib. One case doesn't prove anything but it worked great that time. I loaded those because I heard and seen the same thing you did, people even shoot elk with them. I wouldn't use the 140s though. None of the three 7mm08s I got for my Dad and 2 nephews has killed anything but I did work up loads for each gun and the 120 nbt shoots great in them, as does the 140/139 combo. I picked up a nice tikka 7mm08 from a member here for myself just recent and will work on loads, probably shoot the same loads that the others do. That would make loading easy. Kent
  25. krp

    A Worthless Waste of Hunting Gear

    Doug, the scentlock cloths have to be the biggest scam ever, though I've never bought any. I bought a new quad in 97, had alot of fun tooling around with the wife and kids for a year until it was monotunous. Load it for hunting, unload, load it to go home, unload. That was it for the way I hunt. Sat in the garage for a few years . Sold it. I had to have a long range scope, so I got a Leupold 6X18 VXII with LR rectical, almost 500.00. Put it on my 7mm and my buddy borrowed it, I had never even hunted it. Kills his buck at 200 yds on 6X and then drops the gun down a steep slope and puts scratches all over it. I realise I just wasted my money on something that was unneeded and too expensive. I've shot moving yotes at 320 yds with my 3X9 set at 3 and coues at 420 yds set at 9, no problem. It sits in my closet now, paper weight. Kent