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Everything posted by elkaholic

  1. elkaholic

    worst draw system in the west!!!

    hello - the guys that are really bitin their fingernails are the first timers who put in for archery only deer - the season start Aug. 21 - oops limited time to scout on those hunts --Gary
  2. elkaholic

    Draw result contest?

    hello - they are trying to make it hard to win - buzy signal a lot today - Gary
  3. elkaholic

    Draw results

    ok - check out the contest - first to post the results are out here on CW.com wins a roll of gamebags - false reports - disqualify you - anyway go to contest for rest of rules - gary
  4. elkaholic

    Draw result contest?

    hello - tomorrow 24 th at 10:02- oops mikes out - lol - so the person who comes on here cw.com first and says the results are out now and isnt full of B>S> wins - this is not pick the time - the day - false reporting early are disqualified - - capote - no G&F employes or their family -- Gary
  5. elkaholic

    My son

    hello - Kent , Cheryl and Family - I would have liked to have met and to have known Bret! I'll look for the brightest new star in the heavens tonight and reflect on how families need to remember to say 3 simple words as often as they can - I LOVE YOU - This world has lost a beloved son - the heavens have a new bright star ! A heart felt sorrow for all who love you Bret! - Gary
  6. elkaholic

    The loss of a CWT member

    hello - though I did not know Dan - thoughts and prayers to his family - Gary
  7. hello - wished I'd seen that a few days ago - I coulda razzed him a little - oh well guess there's still time - I know it was a goood buck if Derek was gonna shoot - uno momento porfavor cost him that time ---- Gary
  8. elkaholic

    Bull Video saved the BIGGEST for last.

    hello - hey Joe -- i see you do a lot of videos , the footage you get is awesume - I'm sure it's skill , experience, and your equipement + time in the field = knowing a little about hunting animals -- probably helps too- - Say a person wanted to get his/her hunt videoed - what would something like that cost these days? - what would be involved? everyone wants a memory DVD. We all seen the cameras shooting the ground and out of focus - I'm sure it's not as easy as people think. Guess the next question is----do you do private hunts ? Gary
  9. elkaholic

    Camera Reviews

    hello - thanks for posting - great info - i need something that'll zoom in and still get a clear picture - Gary
  10. elkaholic

    Bull Video saved the BIGGEST for last.

    hello - the first time i clicked on it - it wanted me to sign up for tube - AHHHH DAve's bull - super nice bull and video !! - gary
  11. elkaholic

    Bull Video saved the BIGGEST for last.

    hello - so where you post it Joe - Gary
  12. elkaholic


    hello - i went with the razor tricks this time around - i've been shooting out to 40 and they fly like darts - just like CNS i like the idea of the razor tip cutting edge - to be honest i looked into them after i seen they had a very good penatration cutting tip - from the broadhead penatration tests i posted in jan . they were like 0.7 lbs - in my opinion the test showed the tip can make a big difference - Gary
  13. elkaholic

    Draw results

    hello - the latest rumor goin around - you can check your bonus points stats - --if you had any - they'd be gone - now you wouldn't know what unit but at least know you were drawn !!??? Gary
  14. elkaholic

    Fee Increases for next year

    hello - I see the sparing has stepped up a bit since I last checked in ! Entertaining read to say the vary least - So after 2 rounds I got the score 2 to 0 for Bill. Rick - one warning for low blows , let's keep it above the belt from here on out . ---- Gary
  15. elkaholic

    Fee Increases for next year

    hello - i was doing great till - " acerbic "- glad I got a dictionary handy - it must be the summer heat - lots of fervent opinions lately - Gary
  16. elkaholic

    Fee Increases for next year

    hello - terry-"you have to remember that the only way you can increase the non-res hunts is to increase the res hunts-"- heres where all that quanity over quality survey crap came about! why do you think they dropped dec. whitetail hunts from 100 to 25 and put in 600-700 oct. hunts . they are showing a much higher # of resident tags thus it up's the non-res. Agin - Brain -"I do not expect fee increases to be part of this package, but I cannot promise that." I'm not trying to say he's sprinkling perfume on the pile of crap - but it still smells fishy to me ! With times as difficult as we have now accross the nation - they ->> G$F <<<-should be looking at making things easier rather than harder for the average guy to be able to go and enjoy hunting and fishing in this great state.! You hunters with families -times are not changing for the better- sure they instatuded a savings for family licences and tags but that's not enough - when they turn around and screw us in another direction.
  17. elkaholic


    hello - here's what the experts say ! Unlike many other parasitic bugs, chiggers don't have needlelike, piercing mouthparts. Instead, they use an interesting accomplice -- the host's own skin. The same salivary secretions that break down cells also cause the surrounding tissue to harden. This creates a strawlike tube called a stylostome. The longer the chigger feeds, the longer the stylostome becomes, and the deeper it penetrates into the skin. The intense itching that chigger bites cause comes from two sources. One is an allergic reaction to the chiggers' saliva. In some people, this reaction is extreme, leading to large sores or hives. In most, it simply causes a small, red, itchy bump. The other source of itching is the stylostome itself. It causes irritation and discomfort until the body's immune and lymphatic systems dissolve it and carry it away. If the chigger fed for a long time and the stylostome extends deep into the skin, this process can take quite a while. Many home remedies for chigger bites, like painting the bite with nail polish, involve the idea of smothering an embedded chigger. But by the time you notice the bite, you've often brushed or scratched away the chigger already. The reason nail polish makes some people's bites feel better is that it seals the bite from air. Over-the-counter creams that relieve itching often do a better job of making the bites feel better. It's also a good idea to apply an antiseptic, especially if you've scratched the bite extensively -- too much scratching can lead to a secondary infection. If you're bitten, don't be tempted to try home remedies involving toxic substances, and don't try to remove the stylostome -- either could cause secondary infections or other injuries.
  18. elkaholic

    Fee Increases for next year

    hello - http://www.azgfd.gov/temp/documents/AGFDPr...creases_000.pdf scroll down and read the proposed fees plus application processing fee of 7.50 are the 2009 rates ---the statutory fee's - these are the ones to worry about for next yr. - not sure what the class A/B elk deer are - cuz the b rates are what we paid - i think the A rate is if they go to a trophy hunt ! - Gary
  19. elkaholic

    ****NOT MY HERO****

    hello - IKNOW _ I KNOW BUT HAD TO ASK !
  20. elkaholic

    ****NOT MY HERO****

    hello - I got one last question that is kinda floating around in my head- Mr. Nlacost - you posted some of the story - Tricks of the Trade - how many yrs have you been chasing coues whitetail - -- gary
  21. elkaholic

    ****NOT MY HERO****

    hello - take it from an ole fart - we been all over different parts of this state 30 yrs ago - just like some of you are doing now - we killed a lot of good quality bucks over the years - so in our eyes your all rookies and beginners if you haven't been doing it for 25 yrs. Some guys get lucky their first time out - some hunt a lifetime and never score big - some brag more than others and some never say a word. Thats just the way of things - I've had guys tell me my 119 wht-tail -my avatar - wasnt killed in Arizona = no way they dont get that big - that was 20 yrs ago - unit 21 - horseshoe lake - go get 'em it's all up hill -you gotta pack'm out - theres no finding me beside a road with a deer that aint fielddressed - i got no day pack - water - no binocs. - etc. sorry - I posted my buck a while back - favorite taxidermist or something - anyway - NOT one single person made a comment on how nice a buck it was- - go figure - guess you gotta be in with the crowd - they were drowling over little 100-108 bucks ? anyway - time will pass - bigger bucks will be taken - this guy had to pass those gene's on to others - they are out there - hope everyone but some of the guys for 21 dec. hunt get drawn and those that 've had tags for last 2-3 yrs don't get drawn - Enjoy your future- lots of hunting trips to go ! i'd like to add one comment - -one trip a couple of guys beat me into my spot on opening day - i was kinda ticked off but hey they got there first - i moved over a hill and walked into a nice buck that now hangs on my wall- i never hunted that spot ever - walked by it dozens of times to get to my spot - - bigger bucks can be found on the other side of the hill- you'll never know if you don't go look !!- -- Gary
  22. elkaholic

    ****NOT MY HERO****

    hello -- " So if someone writes a magazine article and brags , tells ELABORATE stories"-- hoghuntr " Don't ever forget that you were far more lucky than good.... as we all are when we harvest a coues with a bow. We all know the story of you standing on the side of the road with an un-gutted deer acting like you just shot a 100"er..... "C"n"S I don't know the real story and I haven't read what was published either - Gary
  23. elkaholic

    ****NOT MY HERO****

    the whole map thing - helllo- was kinda staying out - but it took me a whole 1 minute to go to google earth and get exact travel route to pinal peak !! - not like it's pinpointing any specific cords! but it's a easy place to find !! not a good example !! easy to find any cords on google earth - or location - just type it in the directions-- Gary
  24. elkaholic

    Saltwater Fishin' Trip!

    hello - get out the peanut oil and the big pot - it's fish fryin time ! brings back memories - glad you could share your trip. Gary
  25. elkaholic

    I keep hearing this nasty rumor....

    hello - heres the proposed chnages - scary reading - pretty mucgh lets them do anything they "deem" necessary - g&f revisions - doesnt cover deer archery persay - but if they think too many animals are being taken by this method - boom its done for !!! They got a clause that covers limiting all rut hunts period !! A PDF version of the draft proposed revisions under consideration is available for review or downloading at www.azgfd.gov/huntguidelines on the right side of the page under the "what's new" heading. http://www.azgfd.gov/h_f/hunt_guidelines.shtml Gary