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Everything posted by WHALE

  1. WHALE

    New Years Day Buck

    congrats again brotha
  2. Congrats to you and your boy. I love the scene with him using the big glass! You don't see kids using those very often.
  3. WHALE

    Late season success for two great kids!

    That's awesome!!!!!!!
  4. WHALE

    2015 archery deer tags

  5. WHALE

    2014 Rewind

    Congrats on a great year. Man that is a BIG late archery bull.
  6. Congrats to you and your cousin on two great bucks.
  7. WHALE

    first archery buck!

    Congrats on your first archery buck looks a lot like my first archery buck.
  8. Congrats on a nice buck
  9. WHALE

    2014 OTC Urban Javelina

    My brother invited me down to the desert to go pig hunting and yesterday was the best fit for both our schedules. We always have a fun time hunting together and this was no different. We were able to tag one and a couple close calls on others. Spot and stalk on these little boogers is a blast except for the cactus in the feet. Thanks for invite brother.
  10. WHALE

    Please pray for TJ!! He was in a bad quad accident!

    Horrible news! Prayers sent for you TJ.
  11. WHALE

    Colleen's Coues

    You guys are a coues driven family Congrats
  12. WHALE

    Rattling and calling coues

    I had a Spike coues come running in last year on Jan. 1 while I was rattling. The buck I shot two year ago come in 20 minutes after a rattling sequence.
  13. WHALE

    Clays Bull Elk

    Great job Clay!!!!!
  14. WHALE

    Merry Christmas

    Tis a lot of lights Looks great Merry Christmas
  15. How many bonus points did you have when you drew this tag?
  16. WHALE

    Bigger Than Last Year?

    Congrats to you guys that's awesome
  17. WHALE

    6x6 Bull Killed, Crazy Story!

    Man that's awesome congrats on your first bull and a good bull.
  18. WHALE

    Late Season Archery Elk Part II

    Man that's insane to get those caliber of bulls late archery congrats to you guys.
  19. WHALE

    One more late bull

  20. WHALE

    Finally got it done late season bull

    Congrats on a BIG late season bull. That is a heck of an accomplishment.
  21. WHALE

    Thank You Wild Heritage

    Man I want one of those! Hopefully some day. Nice buck
  22. WHALE

    Late Archery 2014

    I was able to make 4 stocks on bulls this year. The first was on a good 6x6 that ending with me only getting 200 yards before being busted. The second was on descent 5x5 the ended at 45 yards with an arrow nocked ready to go only to have the wind do a 180 on me. The third was on a descent 6x6 that ended at 35 yards with the bull spotting me getting into position. The fourth ended with me being able to arrow a little 5x5 yesterday afternoon after slipping in on him bedded and watching him sleep for 45 minutes. We got him off the mountain today and I can say this was the longest and steepest elk pack out yet. Thanks for the help Justin Good luck to all the other archers still at it.
  23. WHALE

    Late Archery 2014

    Thanks for the replies. Kidso keep at it. It will work. Mark good job on your bull. Joe nice to see you posting on here. I am still looking for the next lion when I do I'll be calling you.
  24. WHALE

    Late Archery Elk Part I

    That is a beast late hunt or rut. Congrats