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Everything posted by creed

  1. creed

    OTC hunts for 2023

    So if I use unit 42 as an example, 81 general bucks were taken. They are going to base the archery tags on 20% of that which would be 16 additonal deer or assume that the 81 deer represent 80% of the take and make a total of 101 deer taken?? That would add 20 deer to the total harvest??? I am confused.
  2. creed

    Alamo-any reports

    Really have the itch to hit Alamo. Was at Havasu yesterday but didn't fish. Plan on heading back after Easter when it won't be so crazy. I haven't been smallie fishing in at least 20 years.
  3. creed

    OTC hunts for 2023

    We should know soon. I had thoughts about unit 42 and the December closure. If they go to the quota system it should open up. In fact I would think that all units should open. It would give more opportunity to get away from the crowds and have a better quality hunt.
  4. creed

    Suggestion for 6A Archery

    There are elk nearly anyplace in 6A you want to look. Just pick an area and start scouting. Seriously.
  5. Archery antelope is a blast! I like it much better than rifle. I have been fortunate enough to draw 4 tags, one rifle and 3 archery and have filled all but once. And I think spot and stalk antelope is much easier than desert muleys. Not much challenge hunting antelope with a rifle. The success rates prove it. And 14 bp's are still low odds on many archery hunts.
  6. 06 is a good all around cartridge. If I had to have one rifle for western hunting i would choose a 7mm Magnum. If I can't do it with a 7 I probably shouldn't be doing it.
  7. creed

    Draw Results

    Drew a unit eight bull tag and an 18B antelope. Both archery
  8. creed

    Day Dreaming for Antelope

    My last archery antelope. I drew this year with 11 points. I love bowhunting antelope!
  9. creed

    Just got a CC hit!!!

    thanks. I think God knows I am a short timer and let me hit the jackpot before I go.
  10. creed

    Just got a CC hit!!!

    Archery early bull elk, Archery antelope
  11. creed

    When never meets now.

    Been there after over 30 years of marriage. It is comparable in some ways to a death. It takes lots of adjusting and time but it will eventually get better. It sounds like you shouldn’t consider reconciliation even if she wanted to. As hard as it is sometimes it’s better to walk away and start over.
  12. creed

    Best unit for 2022 with 23 points resident

    Something similar happened to me in the bonus round. I didn't understand at the time how it happened. I put early archery 9 first, 10 second. I had enough points to draw 10 in the bonus round but not 9. I drew 10. Gotta be careful
  13. creed

    2021 Rut....

    I am seeing the biggest bucks of the year. I am encouraged. I have seen at least 4 bucks 180+ and another pushing that 200 mark. It’s been awhile since I have seen that many.
  14. creed

    2021 Rut....

    Sorry about the poor quality but it was starting to get late in the morning and I was getting heat waves. And he was at least a mile and a half off. I tried to cut a little bit out of that video and enlarge it but it didn’t turn out too well. You can’t really tell but he’s a 4 x 4. he is the third biggest buck I found this year. Going back this morning to see if I can find him again
  15. creed

    2021 Rut....

    IMG_3398.MOV IMG_3398.MOV
  16. creed

    2021 Rut....

  17. creed

    Newbs and non resident dont's

    Are you saying mule deer are easy?if you are I am in need of lessons because I get my butt handed to me hunting desert muleys
  18. creed

    Best unit for 2022 with 23 points resident

    23. I let bulls walk in that unit just because of where they were. Packed one solo out of a canyon with thigh high snow drifts. Swore I would never hunt elk again. Better get in shape and eat your Wheaties.
  19. creed

    Feeling a bit discouraged

    I could never master back tension in a hunting situation but used one 75% of the time practicing. I had the yips so bad I could invent ways to punch the trigger. Back tension pretty much cured me of that. It carried over into hunting. I used an HME T handle with an index finger button. It could be shot similar to a hinge.
  20. creed

    2021 Rut....

    Saw 3 big bunches of does yesterday. Only one buck. With 6 bonus points he wasn’t big enough to sit out the year.
  21. creed

    2021 Rut....

    I have been hunting one of my favorite spots the last 3 days without seeing a deer and scarcely any sign. Dog tracks everywhere. Yesterday I glassed them up. A pack of 5 domestic dogs roaming the desert. I am thinking they have pushed the deer out. Time to move on I guess.
  22. creed

    Feeling a bit discouraged

    Randy Ulmer agrees. https://www.bowhunter.com/editorial/benefits-of-hinge-style-release-aids/18293
  23. creed

    Feeling a bit discouraged

    Lots of good advice. I went through the same thing. What helped me the most was what NOTAGS said. Once you decide to shoot don’t look at the antlers again. Pick a spot and concentrate on that spot only. And practice. If you’re getting close but missing you’re prime to wound an animal and lose it. That’s one of the worst feelings in the world.
  24. creed

    Arizona Update: OTC Archery Deer

    10% cap on Non-Resident sales of OTC archery deer tags Is it sales or take? I was led to understand it was take. If that is the case residency must be stated at the time of report. If it is sales is there another way other than a draw based on previous year OTC sales to limit NR hunters to 10%?
  25. creed


    I walked up on a guzzler yesterday that usually has numerous cams on it. Not a single one. I thought it was kinda cool.