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Posts posted by bonecollector

  1. congrats to the young hunter, but do you think its good for a young hunter to start out shooting animals from that kind of distance? Im sure you have practiced a lot of shooting but what are we showng our young ones. I thought taking youth hunters hunting was about the experience and the essence of the hunt? Just a my thought.

    good luck on your deer hunt.


    Hogwash. If the kid can make the shot consistently which it sounds like he proved he could then why not. Everything was legal, ethical, and humane. If you put enough time and $$ into your rifle, amo, and rest then you can be consistently lethal at those ranges. My wife shot her first deer at 500 yards with a similar set up. Double lunged it with one shot. As far as the experience and essence of the hunt who is to say he didn't experience it? Look at the smile on his face. Isn't that what it is all about? I personally love long range hunting. Adds to the challenge. Some people like to sneak in close for the challenge which is fine if that is what they enjoy. Not everyone's essence of the hunt is the same. As long as you are legal and humane and it puts a smile on your face then Mission Accomplished!


    Nice job kid! Those coues bucks are in serious trouble!



    It sounds like the kid made a great shot and has practiced before at these long ranges with consistancy. He made a great one shot kill. I think we should congratulate the kid not question him on how he got it done. These days we need all the youth hunters we can get to keep our passion alive and strong. ;)

  2. SO your saying that deer don't adapt and they all use man made water holes and trick tanks ..... The reason for the need of any water catchments in az and most other places is do to MEN changing the surrounding areas... divirting water, tapping springs and last time I looked water fell from the sky and bubbled from the ground.... Don't try to sell the fact that it is needed... nothing is needed ...The animals will adapt and have way before the practice of feeders and man made water sources ... water sources that most were never put in place with the thought of wild game in mind but to support the herds of cattle free grazing the lands througout Arizona .... AS HUMANS WE WANT IT and WE WANT TO CONTROL IT... AND AS LONG AS IT IS LEGAL IT IS RIGHT .... well remember one thing most of the actions taken by mortgage companies and the banking industry that screwed everyone in this country were legal .... SO DOES THAT MAKE IT RIGHT ....



    Lets not get into the issues of lenders and banks that another debate of its own. :angry:

    Please remember we are all sportsman no matter how you look at it. Our license and tag fees help pay for the management of game animals here in the great state of Arizona. I would venture to say that in years past we had more rain than in the past 10 years and water in most areas used to bubble from the ground, but it seems times have changed at least for now. I can say for a fact that in unit 11m while elk hunting on the east side of the unit if it weren’t for water catchments there wouldn’t have been any water at all. All the water tanks and springs were dry. To be honest with you I can’t believe you would say nothing is needed, again you are very wrong and no matter how hard you try you will not win that debate, I’ll leave it at that. Again if it’s legal have at it and have fun doing it. please answer this question Do you infact hunt water holes?????Thanks Steven


    In the unit I was scouting today only there are only 2 water holes, and guess what they are both bone dry! The only water around is a man made troph! Just my .02

  3. Guilty on both counts, hope you guys had more success than I did on the turkeys. I can't seem to fill a tag this year, sure is doing some serious damage to the old ego, lol. I was out more to spend time with the young boy with me than to kill a turkey though. BTW if you are going to drive a white dodge around units 22, or 23 you also need to have a goatee & a baseball cap. lol >>>--->Jed

    I was in a buddies white f350 we waved! We filled 2 tags later that evening (Fri)
