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Everything posted by jdub

  1. jdub

    Tick Tock

    And there is apparently no plan on allowing people to update their cards again due to the delay. Doesn't mean they won't do it but as of now they aren't.
  2. jdub

    Tick Tock

    Good luck gents.
  3. jdub


    Yep, sounds like it. It also tells me that they pretty much ruined unit 8 as a top tier unit from 2006. But I think we already knew that. Oh, and they're in the process of doing it to unit 1 with the increase in this and the late rifle hunts.
  4. jdub


    So, I came across my old 2006 Regs while cleaning out some of mybookshelves. I found it interesting to see the numbers for applicants, tags and success rates as compared to 2019 from GoHunt. I may have been off a bit but I just tried to get close. I thought I'd put some top tier and bottom tier units in to a comparison. These are early bull archery. The success rates are for harvest.
  5. jdub


    I think patience is in order.
  6. jdub

    Unit 11M bull hunt

  7. jdub


  8. jdub


  9. jdub


  10. jdub


  11. jdub


  12. jdub


    I can’t stand cat
  13. jdub


  14. jdub


  15. jdub


    What the heck? That seems really early
  16. jdub

    January Malay Elk Rifle Hunt Advice

    No atvs. If the weather is bad, have options.
  17. jdub

    rock for trail camera security

    Funny, my biggest concern is critters using it as a den.