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Everything posted by muleskinner

  1. muleskinner


    You gotta believe! If i'm Colorado, i'm kicking myself for ever letting it get to a tie game after being up by 17 points. Buffs might want to focus on lack of rebounding and defense in the last few minutes instead of the controversial calls. Wildcats better remind themselves that luck will run out sooner or later. They clearly have some issues to address. Go Cats!
  2. muleskinner

    Fiscal Cliff

    Once again our illustrious leaders will plunder the goose that lays the golden egg! Arrogant bunch of parasites! When will this nation say enough is enough?
  3. muleskinner

    Piers Morgan

    Ted for president! Seriously, I would gladly contribute to airfare to get this idiot, Morgan, back to his hole in Europe. How about a boycott of all of his advertisers?
  4. muleskinner

    Did anyone see this

    I'm not trying to excuse the spreading of inaccurate info. I'm sure some folks do so with an agenda in mind. Didn't seem to be the case here. I could be wrong. Lets hear it for truth in reporting!
  5. muleskinner

    Did anyone see this

    Mis-information can be very destructive. However, I think we need to back up and give folks room to make mistakes without crucifying them. For the most part, this forum is a great place to engage in good spirited debate. I appreciate Amanda for making it possible. This thing called the internet, invented by Al Gore from what I hear, is an amazing thing!
  6. Excellent article. Facts and reality, which should win the day. However, politicians never let facts get in the way of a new law, regulation, or tax!
  7. I would like to wish everyone a merry christmas, Hoping you are as blessed as I have been. As we remember the birth of Jesus Christ, I am reminded that christianity has done more for the advancement of men, women, and children than any movement in the world! Simply because its founder was and is the son of God. I am glad the tomb is empty! May Gods' blessings rest upon all of you who value freedom and the price that was paid for our liberty.
  8. Instead of knee-jerk, emotional, response to the latest tragedy in Connecticut, maybe we need to look at changing the culture of death in our country. A culture that is supported by the legal practice of killing unborn babies by the thousands. A culture that is supported by the entertainment industry with blood, guts, and gore in movies and video games. I wish one of the media people would ask our illustrious president when he is going to stop condoning and promoting abortion for political gain, while supposedly shedding tears over the murder of of children. Do we wonder why there is no respect for human life? One thing that young people seem to be able to do, is pick out inconsistencies in adults. Especially political and religious leaders. So, can we deal with real issues instead of coming up with solutions that do not work? Of course, its easier to focus on guns than to admit that our nation has made some incredibly bad choices. Rest assured, whether individually or as a nation, you will reap what you sow!
  9. muleskinner

    Culture change

    Coach, I am encouraged to know that there are people who can see the real picture. For you , and others, who can see the heart of the problem, please make your voice heard! I think we would be pleasantly surprised to find out how many people share these views. There is a serious void in leadership among the conservatives. We don't need to be afraid to speak loud and long on these matters! Young people especially need strong leaders in these terrible times. Onward and upward!
  10. muleskinner

    Culture change

    mattys281, Very, very true. Appreciate your insights.
  11. muleskinner


    In 1924, in Michigan, a disgruntled farmer killed his wife, blew up his farm and animals, and blew up a local school. 38 children between the ages of 7-14 died, plus 6 adults. Point being, people who are determined to do evil will find a way. No guns were used in the incident in 1924. No guns used in the Oklahoma City bombing a few years ago. No guns during 9-11. Add the thousands of deaths every year due to alcohol related automobile accidents, along with the thousands of unborn babies killed primarily for convienience sake, and it seems like banning guns really has very little to do with preventing tragic death.
  12. muleskinner

    The world has gone crazy

    In reading about people who commit these horrific acts, there seems to be at least one common thread. They have a serious disconnect from other family members. The Columbine shooters were known to be isolated from their parents to the extent that, they would spend 2 days and nights on a mountain behind their house, and the mothers had no idea where they were. Parents were, for the most part, unaware of what these kids were doing in their bedrooms and on their computers. A serious warning sign! Parents should know whats going on with their kids even though they may be teen-agers. If a 20 year old kid is living in mom and dads house, the same applys. If your kid is a virtual stranger to you and the rest of the family, you might be heading for disaster!
  13. muleskinner

    The world has gone crazy

    Freedom comes with inherent risk attached to it. God created Adam and Eve with freedom to make choices, knowing full well that they might make the wrong choice. Accountability is critical in a free society. Every choice has consequences. I don't pretend to have all the answers to the mess our society is in, but I do believe we must ask God's forgiveness for our blatant disregard of his Word. 2 Chronicles 7:14 is a good recipe for restoring a nation to God's favor.
  14. muleskinner

    Cardiac Cats

    It ain't over til its over, I guess. These cats showed some serious toughness on both, the football field and the hardwood. Should be a fun year for the basketball team. Go cats!
  15. muleskinner

    The world has gone crazy

    Really? Can i take that to mean you don't exactly agree with me, or do you have a problem expressing your true feelings? Keep the faith son.
  16. muleskinner

    The world has gone crazy

    I have offered my prayers on behalf of the families and the children and stated that on a separate post. I have 8 grandchildren, 7 of them under the age of 13. My heart truly does hurt for these folks. For anyone who supports abortion to attempt to represent compassion and empathy is the pinnacle of poor taste at a time like this. Hopefully I don't offend anyone by my comments, but I have been silent long enough and don't feel that I can be any longer! " All it takes for evil to prevail, is for good men to do nothing". We must become engaged if we are going prevent these kind of tragedies in the future. I too, look to the soon coming of The Lord Jesus, in the meantime I have to speak for what is right and just!
  17. muleskinner

    The world has gone crazy

    What an unabashed hypocrite we have for a president! Sanction and promote the murder of unborn babies for political gain, and then go on tv and, supposedly, wipe tears from your eye over the murder of 5-6 yr olds!
  18. muleskinner

    The world has gone crazy

    My heart aches for these children and their families. Unspeakable evil perpetrated on innocent children. I would like to call for every school to mandate armed staff members who are trained in the use of firearms for self-defense. It is no coincidence that these so called ,"mad men", deliberately carry out their evil in places where they know full well nobody is armed. Minimizing the damage is possible, along with the opportunity to exterminate the evil doer!
  19. Hawkeye, my cousin is on theTucson police force. I believe he told me that as a member of a public service organization, they cannot strike. Is that true and does that also apply to the fire dept.?
  20. No wonder Japan is building better cars...they probably don't get alcohol and pot breaks!
  21. Hawkeye, your comment stating that those who are expressing anti-union sentiments are, "idiots", is pretty revealing. I find that to be a fairly typical union mentality. That is the same mentality demonstrated by union members in Michigan, who feel justified in assaulting people who happen to disagree with them. Would it be too far out of line to say that unions breed an attitude of intolerance toward anyone who happens to disagree with them? I don't think so. As with everything, there are exceptions. By the way, has there been any official condemnation of the violence in Michigan, from union officials?
  22. I have been a part of a union in the past, although a very weak union with very little clout. However ,I detest the union mentality that says," if you cross the picket lines i have a right to do harm to you or your property". Unions have outlived their usefulness in my opinion in this country. I applaud the state of Michigan for making a decision based on the will of the people and not caving in to pressure from anyone, least of all the sorry excuse we have for a president. Lets hear it for states rights!
  23. muleskinner

    Jaguar-Macho B

    The jaguar is a rare treat for anyone to see in the wild. I have urged people who happen to see one, primarily hound-men, to please keep their mouth shut about it and take lots of pics. Also be very selective about who sees the pics. The feds will absolutely use it as a tool to shut us out of more public land. We are slowly but surely getting our back against the wall when it comes to land access. We sure don't need to give em any thing else to use against us.
  24. muleskinner

    Has anyone seen this yet?

    The article I read, said the bear weighed 175 lbs. Does look kinda small, but pictures can be decieving.
  25. muleskinner

    Has anyone seen this yet?

    I read where the university asked him not to shoot any more critters with the musket. No action taken against him by the school.