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Posts posted by roninflag

  1. On 1/14/2020 at 11:39 AM, Alpinebullwinkle said:

    Wild horse population is growing exponentially in unit 27. Don't recall seeing them pre-2000. Getting to be a big problem requiring attention soon. Wish the wolf reintroduction resources would start feeding the wolves horse meat instead of elk meat!! Would address two issues with one solution.

    ALPINE- I was in unit 27 quite a bit this year . I did not see a feral horse. those poor wolves can't kill anything .  confessing, this knowledge could tempt me. I saw a lot in unit 3. 

  2. On 1/12/2020 at 7:10 PM, azbirdhunter88 said:

    If you did you’d understand my point and done research to know they aren’t invasive and were here first. 

    I hunted those units for years and am old; I had never seen  a single horse without a brand. ever. until after the fire. recent.  the ones in unit  3 escaped the rez.  they are the same as Eurasian ringnecks . invasive. 

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  3. 6 hours ago, PRDATR said:

    What is he holding up?

    PRDATR- a Gray Fox I called in. the thing was SHAQ Fox. maybe 20 pounds easily twice as heavy as any I have held. we spent a day and half in an adjacent unit . I was up there.  I do not like the horses there . I did not shoot any. Ron


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  4. On 1/12/2020 at 3:50 PM, Northern Pintail said:

    You’re right they shouldn’t be there in those numbers but that’s not the reason tags in 3c have been cut.  Talk to the wildlife manager and he wants an older age class of bulls.  Might want to get the truth making things up

     Northern - I did not say a reason. 
