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Posts posted by idgaf

  1. so you guys are these fast flat shooting arrows, must be getting perfect scores on all the 3d shoots. I mean if there's no difference really from one pin to the next then you must be shooting in the vitals every time. as it's been said before, shot placement is by far the most important thing, however, if it does not penetrate it does not matter. saying that penetration does not matter is the dumbest thing I have heard ever.

    The one and only time I did a 3d shoot (smoker course Bh happening when it was at sunrise) I scored horribly. I did not know to shoot at the 10 ring on angle shots and aimed to where my arrow would go through the vitals which did not score well. My 7.5 GPI arrow has yet to bounce off an animal and even has a few pass threws on big game animals. If I am aiming at the shoulder on a large bodied animal than penetration is very important, but I will not do that intentionally.

  2. I think what he's trying to say...is that a bus at 35 mph running you over kills you better than a Ferrari a running you over at 100 mph...


    Because as anyone knows the Ferrari will obviously be going slower than the bus due to the drag co-efficient thereby only appearing to move faster.


    It's Einsteins inverse - square law in reverse.

    Your just as dead either way. What is not taken into account with any of this is bus/ferrari placement. I will take a fast flat shooting arrow with a forty yard pin and a 45 yard animal any day over the same circumstance and the slower looping trajectory heavier arrow. Arrows kill by slicing and creating blood loss in vital areas not by crushing its intended quarry.

    • Like 1

  3. After waiting and applying for 39 years,the challenge was getting the tag in a time frame that I could still go!!!! I have known people that have put in all their lives,and died waiting to get the TAG.I hope that you don't have to wait as long as I did,but I can assure you that I applied in most all the units in AZ.trying to get lucky.I drew 3 years ago,and killed a ram that I am very proud of.I just wish that I have 39 years left to draw a Rocky tag-I'll only be 101.

    Totally understand that one. A friend of mine got his desert after 17 years of applying and his rocky 17 years after that. I told him that's fair he got two tags in 17 years. I get under his skin just a bit when I tell him that.

  4. Thanks for all the replies, Let me rephrase the question just a bit. Horn style is certainly one of the most important parts of a trophy, but not the only part. Which style is harder to hunt, rarer, harder to get to, ETC. Whenever I look at one of my animals on the wall I think back to that hunt and when I finally get my once in a life time sheep tag I want the memory to be a strong as the mount if that makes sense.

  5. I'm not sayin it can't be done, I'm just sayin it can be done better


    Do you guys read stuff or just get pissed if someone doesn't agree with you?


    Go back to last year and look at all of the elk in the lost and found box. How can that be fixed? I said placement is the most important thing. What is the answer? I am not an archery hunter because I don't have the time to dedicate to practice needed to be successful. Do you all have any ideas to reduce the number of lost elk?

    Last years lost in found is getting worse every year, I found a cow last year that had 4 ulmers broadheads in it amognst the bones,2 years before that in 5 b I found 5 broadheads in the dead elk bones are you kidding me most of the people on this site I think are newbies I don't get pissed I just state the facts from my experiance,back in the day we use to have are hunters use 220 grain bullets so they could bust the shoulder and then finish it off.I have read the posts on past thru shots with a bow I have killed well over 30-40 animals with my bows only one of those wasn't a pass thru were the heck are you guys aiming.more elk are lost with a rifle then the drug store archery hunters it's a fact I once glassed a guy shooting a 30 06 hit a elk 6 times and walk away thinking he never hit it because it didn't fall over.once in the Dragoon mountains we watched 3 guys shoot at a deer 26 shots they hit it 16 times and still didn't kill it.I think people spend more time on these forums then they ever will in the woods.

    Once again, its not the equipment its the operator. A bigger gun, heavier arrow, does not make you a better hunter. First Coues was 80 is right if we shoot we need to follow up. Take the time and track.

  6. In my opinion Kinetic energy does not kill animals, arterial hemorrhage does. I shoot a light arrow with a mechanical head and have taken seven of the ten big game species with it. I have also shot a Javelina at 20 feet with a 454 casul and it ran away and I have witnessed elk drop with a 90 grain 6mm bullet. Most of the animals that I have heard of being lost is because of operator error and not equipment issues.

  7. I think that would be the equivalent of inflation hitting the bonus point system. Our system is not the best, but it is better than anything else out there. There is fine line g&f is dealing with we have the biggest elk because of their conservative nature when it comes to tags we also have the most call for demand because of this conservative nature. We yell when their is to many hunters and then we yell when we are not one of those hunters.

    • Like 2

  8. The bull in my avatar was from the late archery hunt in 3c a few years ago. I hunted everyday of the season and some days I saw a dozen bulls and others I did not see an elk. I do not have the patience to sit water so I glassed and still hunted. Still hunted the bull releasing the arrow at 18 yards in very thick cover causing a stampede. I would do it again knowing this is NOT a rut hunt and the opportunity to not fill your tag strongly exist.

  9. I have seen and experienced what a nine wolf pack did to my favorite hunting area in unit one. It is not good. The wolves would chase the elk herd for miles until one would drop back and then they would eat for the night. They would do the same thing the next day. Two season ago during the deer hunt we saw over a hundred deer in that area last year in the same area, same people, over three days we saw ten does and pack of really fat wolves. when the elk would startle the immediately go in flight mode and run in single file for miles. Mexican wolves can stay in Mexico.

  10. honestly, I think the answer is yes all of the above to a point. The unit with the biggest bulls is a moving target, unit 10 one year and unit 1 the next, unit 9 the following. I think there is no one answer to the question. It is based on a couple of constants: genetics and pressure and a couple of evolving variables climatic conditions and food sources. In 2010 I saw pics of 420 bulls coming out of unit 10 in 2011 and 2012 I saw pics of 420-460 bulls out of unit one and 27. Last year I saw pics of giant bulls from everywhere, lots of rain, especially in 23n. Pick a unit and hope weather conditions and the draw favor you.

  11. I mean no offense to those that are bitter about not getting drawn and maybe its my understanding of supply and demand, but I have no negative feelings (and am happy for them) to those that are luckier than me and have a tag coming or G&F for the draw methods. When 2500 people want one of 20 tags it may take awhile for you to be one of the twenty. Or usually in my case when 11 people want 10 tags and I am the one without the tag, I simply say typical and then I will get the next one. The draw is about percentages and luck, if you have a lot of luck put in for any hunt and win, if you have less luck (like me) play the percentages and eventually you will win.

    • Like 4

  12. I just did my javelina from January. I boiled for several hours than de-fleshed, boiled for a couple more than de-fleshed. Than I soaked in heated hydrogen peroxided overnite and than I boiled for an hour or so in the hydrogen peroxide. All of the flesh fell straight off of the bone the last round including the cartilage around the nose. It came out quite well but that was alot of work.

  13. I can understand your frustration. But you can not help an agency that is going the way of the forest service greenies. They didn't have enough arse in their pants to stop the vote to ban trapping in the state. When they didn't make it clear as mud that this in no way was an emotional voting issue, and was a cut and dry a game management issue. It became clear as mud that not only do they have no teeth. But are marching to the liberal greenie drums. They have become managers of the dollar, not game managers by a long shot. And they will continue to do so until they force grass roots Americans and their children out of the game. And when that is accomplished it wont leave any interest for the average citizen to vote on these issues because they have been priced out of the game.

    Leaving only the rich to vote on issues that should never have made it to the ballet box. And they will lose. Game over greenies win, and they didn't have to take our guns or bullets.




    Take care, Willie

    Gov't is Gov't they never seem to spend my money (and they take way to much of it) in the right places but when they at least try to spend it correctly, I will applaud them not hinder them with criticism. I am not upset with Gov't or frustrated, I am upset at people like you and me dependence on them. When we expect them to go out and hunt for us, something all of us on this board enjoy, we depend on them way to much and it is time to do something about it.


    ThomC is correct I am not doing this just for G&F, I am doing this for myself and the big game animals I treasure hunting. I believe this is called a win, win, win situation. I will give my fullest effort to taking thirty big game eating predators out of 3b this year to see if it helps. I will do this not because the Gov't told me so or gave an incentive to do so. I will do this because it needs to be done and it takes people like you and I to do something without being told to make this place better.
