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About idgaf

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  1. idgaf

    arizona rio

    When I had my tag In 17 they were everywhere. When I was back there in 19 for my strip deer hunt. I saw one set of tracks.
  2. idgaf

    Traditional muzzleloader otc elk

    Not mine. It's too fancy and mine got trampled after being out there a week
  3. idgaf

    Traditional muzzleloader otc elk

    Let's go! Kevin text me when you got a couple of days to hunt
  4. idgaf

    Traditional muzzleloader otc elk

    Kevin, Next time around (In my best john wick 4 voice) pistols
  5. idgaf

    Traditional muzzleloader otc elk

  6. idgaf

    Traditional muzzleloader otc elk

    Nice your usual spot or the res?
  7. idgaf

    Traditional muzzleloader otc elk

    Name the day. ( just not Monday or Tuesday of this week)
  8. idgaf

    Traditional muzzleloader otc elk

    Before you go, know that I am an above average hunter with extreme local knowledge and it took me 20 to 30 days to shoot a spike. Weapon choice was a .54 caliber Hawkins for two reasons, first I like to challenge myself. Secondly, some passive aggressive ahole on here question my use of a 3030 last year so I wanted to go older and slower with my weapon choice. Since mid June I spent my time chasing two of the three full size bulls I've seen with only a couple of sightings of them. The only pictures I got of them. If I was using a standard weapon shooting the now standard 1/4 mile my taxidermy bill would have gone up. I even set up a blind at the closest water source and sitting there half a dozen evenings, only seeing cows. Realizing that my obligations to some friends I said I would help is coming up shortly and my wall space for elk is becoming limited (my last two bulls live in my garage now) I told myself just have fun and get some meat. Thursday I am sitting an overlook when a calf pops up and then a cow and then a bunch of cows and then I see a couple of spikes. The conversation with myself goes on for a couple of minutes of going down there for a spike was intense and heated. I decide to try. Doing the perfect stalk I get to 40 yards or so as the sun is setting and miss. I spent a couple of hours that night and that next morning looking for evidence of a hit. Nothing 20240711_192306.mp4 Saturday evening rolls around and I go back to that spot so I could have cell signal to listen to the assignation attempt. Saturday morning my good bulls didn't show up in their spot. I actually leave early so I can eat a non microwaved dinner. I am almost half way back to the truck when I hear some calves yapping back in forth. I decided to check it out after another lengthy conversation if I wanted to see some cows. I see them weaving through the cedars and I get closer, fully expecting to create a stampede. I get under 40 yards and the spike I shot at on Thursday jolts and stops about 30 yards from me. I settle in offhand and squeeze. Spike drops instantly. The round ball turned into a pyramid shape. Sometimes it's good just to hunt for fun and I need to remember that. 20240711_192306.mp4 20240711_192306.mp4
  9. Story to follow. I have some packing to do.
  10. idgaf

    How long until cards are hit??

    Let's do it!
  11. idgaf

    How long until cards are hit??

    Congrats! Your going to make Me check now
  12. idgaf

    AZGF Overlapping hunts

    I just noticed my December rifle coues tag in 36c is at the same time as archery coues, I expect every archery hunter to stay out of the unit.
  13. idgaf

    Unit 1 Deer

    Hunted unit 1 my entire adult life. Like every unit, it just depends on your skill, ability to scout, and level of luck. My brother had the tag last year and passed on multiple 160s class deer looking for a particular buck. He hunted every day of the season.
  14. idgaf

    Fish Id

    Green sunfish
  15. idgaf

    Duwane Adams ?

    Wow! Good use for the now obsolete trail cams