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Posts posted by idgaf

  1. I can understand your frustration. But you can not help an agency that is going the way of the forest service greenies. They didn't have enough arse in their pants to stop the vote to ban trapping in the state. When they didn't make it clear as mud that this in no way was an emotional voting issue, and was a cut and dry a game management issue. It became clear as mud that not only do they have no teeth. But are marching to the liberal greenie drums. They have become managers of the dollar, not game managers by a long shot. And they will continue to do so until they force grass roots Americans and their children out of the game. And when that is accomplished it wont leave any interest for the average citizen to vote on these issues because they have been priced out of the game.

    Leaving only the rich to vote on issues that should never have made it to the ballet box. And they will lose. Game over greenies win, and they didn't have to take our guns or bullets.




    Take care, Willie

    Gov't is Gov't they never seem to spend my money (and they take way to much of it) in the right places but when they at least try to spend it correctly, I will applaud them not hinder them with criticism. I am not upset with Gov't or frustrated, I am upset at people like you and me dependence on them. When we expect them to go out and hunt for us, something all of us on this board enjoy, we depend on them way to much and it is time to do something about it.


    ThomC is correct I am not doing this just for G&F, I am doing this for myself and the big game animals I treasure hunting. I believe this is called a win, win, win situation. I will give my fullest effort to taking thirty big game eating predators out of 3b this year to see if it helps. I will do this not because the Gov't told me so or gave an incentive to do so. I will do this because it needs to be done and it takes people like you and I to do something without being told to make this place better.

  2. After reading on the Sheep and Antelope forums, the criticism G&F got for trying to do something good. I realized that we are beginning to depend on Gov't for everything. I read some opinions how gov't needs to hunt more predators. Than i thought "What has the U.S. become, we now depend on Gov't to do even the things we enjoy, Hunting." That thought coupled with the lack of Antelope I saw on my elk hunt in prime antelope country, the amount of coyotes I saw within a hundred yards of elk and the 90% reduction in antelope permits gave me a new resolution. I will do my best to take 30 coyotes out of a concentrated area, 3b, this year and see if my little effort will help the big game animals in years to come. This one is the first.



    I am by no means an expert at calling but got this large male fifteen minutes into my first stand, no camo just levy's and a point loma sportfishing hoodie. I misplaced my lanyard with my goto calls and found a squeeker I had not used in a while.



    I thought for a second as I rolled him "Crap I just shot a wolf"


    • Like 6

  3. Here is one I shot the end of the first week in January. WARNING!!! This picture is not for the timid. This is with an arrow and a broadhead. Needless to say he did not travel very far and was very easy to field dress. Saw a bunch of pigs during the week.











  4. I sat the "crash" site for a day and a half. The time I had left before my overlords, um bosses, would miss me. I could see where something larger than a crow was eating at it and I just could not get the timing right.


    You can see the path that the cow tumbled. I knew the area was step when escaping bucks would watch there step.


  5. I just spent a month hunting either in 1 or 3b for elk during all phases of the rut and an additional seven days helping my wife chase deer in 1. I saw bulls in both units that would crush your expectations. If your experienced with the area I wouldn't hesitate to pick 3b, but if your not I would chose unit 1. You can literally find elk in every part of the unit in 1. I also saw a pack of nine wolves that had the elk on edge to say the least. You may be a bit optimistic on the draw cycle.

  6. After spending most of my non working (and some of my working) hours in unit one helping my brother with his elk hunt, his hunt came to an unceremonious end on the last day in the last hour when he took a small six point "meat" bull. He saw and passed on so many bulls I began to think his standards were not attainable. He did miss two shots, one from nerves and one from a bad range from his spotter (me) on some real legends. Fortunately and unforunately, my step dads hunt in 3b started the next day to help ease the pain of spending all that time in unit one and getting the results we both desired.


    The only picture allowed of my brother's elk, 75 yard shot (he is alot bigger and stronger than me)



    My step dad has always been a big time fisherman with trips to Costa Rica for Roosterfish and yellow fin, Northern Cal for Albacore and rockfish, and Alaska for Salmon and Halibut, I think all in the last two or three months. Well after a generation of hounding from me and my brothers and half a generation of applying he finally drew an elk tag for his neighborhood in 3b and was finally putting down his fishing poles and picking up a muzzleloader.


    Some of his fishing expoits;





    There were some serious obstacles we were facing with this hunt. First and foremost was my dads COPD, I did not know it was as severe as it was. Secondly, are lack of scout time with me and my brother spending all of that time in unit one we did not have as much time as we like to "slum" it in 3b. Finally the weather was not good and my brother was suffering elk hunting burnout if that was possible. We head out opening morning and put my brother as the "eye in the sky" on top of an all seeing mountain that was surrounded by prime elk habitat. We head out and the morning only produces four cows and two sparring little bulls that did not quite make the cut. Throughout the day we see small bulls/spikes and a few cows . Finally, we see a mature bull at 230 in the afternoon that I learned how bad his COPD was after a short walk he was having a very hard time breathing. I decide this bull was not for us and we head back to the vehicle. We stop at a few places seeing a small five point when finally minutes from the house we see a big bull at dusk. Only minutes left of shooting light we out a time consuming stalk on and get within range of the elk with caribou tops. I set my step dad up for a shot on my homemade bi-pod, he settles down and takes aim and squeezes the trigger. Misfire. He tries to settle down after that and complains that he can't get steady, the bull walks off with his cows and spikes in tow.


    The next morning we put the "eye in the sky" in place and head out to start our day where we left off the night before. Hoping the elk were there and seeing nothing. Then my brother calls me and says he has elk all over the place (the weather broke) including a giant. He guides us into the field with the elk and we promptly blow it, by trying to drive to close. This was the bull from the previous night and he picked up two shooter buddies along with his cows and spikes. I get another call from my brother saying go back they way you came in I have a bull picked out for you. The giant just pushed him down the hill and after you screw this one up I have two more picked out for you. We head back and I am wondering if the obstacles that we our facing were too large to overcome. As we get closer, the eye in the sky calls and says your close you should blow him out of there any minute. Right then my dad goes there he is and we start to get prepared. I position him to shot between two trees roughly a hundred yards from the elk, then he goes I can't see. We move again and this time he is rock solid and just seconds after the elk turns broadside, BOOM, the elks back half crumbles and he trots a hundred yards or so to our right. I grab the gun from him and ask for the speed reloader and he mentions "oh yeah I have that somewhere." After what felt like an hour but was only a few seconds he grabs it out of his pocket and I reload for him. We get closer to the bull that was obviously not feeling good and I have my stepdad sit down and try to put another round in him. Then he goes I prefer the bipod and another fatal quartering a way shot was placed. The elk runs a short ways spins five times and then falls.


    The walk up





    Trophy shots




    Thanks for reading. Next up my limited opportunity muzzy hunt next Friday. We could not have asked for a better first hunt for my dad, although the giant is still out there. My brother and I made a bet during his hunt that whoever killed the biggest bull has the right of first refusal on the next hunt we share.




  7. No pics (camera broke) but here is three thirty am update as I wait for the coffee to brew and listen to the distant bugles. My brother passed on a legit 350bull in the morning and missed a 365 plus bull in the evening. He was drawn back for over two minutes caught in the middle of a standoff between the caller (me) and a really angry bull that wanted to hurt something.

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  8. />

    Getting live text updates. My buddy passed on a 6x7 cause the antlers were the size sticks. He called in a wide 6x6 and is trying to head him off.... I wish I could get drawn...

    Oh the pain.... Texts like that sure do make you hate where you are, esspecially if you are at work.... I have the same thing going on with 2 of my buds.... I am about to shoot myself..


    I try to have a little fun with it though, text them back....... "Another miss????" "SShhhh, look behind you" and my personal fav... "Man, you have the wind all F'd up, pull yourself together man!!"

  9. I went up high over the weekend saw some good bulls that had thick antlers, but the fronts were very short. Went to a lower spot in unit one and found the mother load of elk. Remember when your out there to take bug spray, there very bad. Sorry no pics I finally broke my camera.

  10. />

    or clone a wooly mammoth and get a bunch friends in loin cloths with spears.. Tony do you know the protocol to change the rules with G&F? I know I am out of luck for 2014 but I can get started on 2015.


    There is an email for the rules committee. I'll see if I have it somwhere. If not I'll track it down this week.

  11. Kinda weird herd this evening. I followed bugles hoping to get a couple of pics and then I got a little to close and stuck in the middle of a field.


    After the herd settled


    Weird part Fuzzy bull, two full sized bulls, several raghorns and spikes and a ton of cows. The rut could be weird this year.

