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Posts posted by Cazador

  1. I have made a few scouting trips up and have seen some nice bucks running around an area I've taken elk and deer. Haven't been able to get good pics of a bachelor herd of bucks that are running together which I think one is a solid 80+".


    Here is one that stood still long enough for a few pics.






    I'm back after 2 weeks in our beautiful high country. My antelope hunt was a very quick hunt and I bet I might have been the first to take an antelope on this hunt first morning at 6:09 AM. Went up 2 days early to setup camp and do last minute scouting in an area I consistently seen large bucks. Got nervous as I did not see the antelope in my first hunt location but did see a very nice buck we named 'Scar' due to large scar on the left side of his body. Seen him twice in the same location (~1 mile from camp), once in the morning and then again in the evening the day before the hunt. My cousin and dad were there helping on the hunt. My cousin called it during sitting by the campfire that I would get him first thing in the morning. Although I knew I probably would get something the first day I did not think it would be so early. As luck would have it we drove down the road not a mile from camp and my cousin spots a nice buck ~100 yards in the forest. We immediately thought it was Scar and get out of my Ranger and follow another 300 yards where he gives me 100+ yard shot.


    It turned out it was not Scar but still a very nice buck for this area. I'm approaching my big game grand slam for this area as to I've taken a trophy bull elk and mule deer in this general location.

    I have made a few scouting trips up and have seen some nice bucks running around an area I've taken elk and deer. Haven't been able to get good pics of a bachelor herd of bucks that are running together which I think one is a solid 80+".


    Here is one that stood still long enough for a few pics.






    I'm back after 2 weeks in our beautiful high country. My antelope hunt was a very quick hunt and I bet I might have been the first to take an antelope on this hunt first morning at 6:09 AM. Went up 2 days early to setup camp and do last minute scouting in an area I consistently seen large bucks. Got nervous as I did not see the antelope in my first hunt location but did see a very nice buck we named 'Scar' due to large scar on the left side of his body. Seen him twice in the same location (~1 mile from camp), once in the morning and then again in the evening the day before the hunt. My cousin and dad were there helping on the hunt. My cousin called it during sitting by the campfire that I would get him first thing in the morning. Although I knew I probably would get something the first day I did not think it would be so early. As luck would have it we drove down the road not a mile from camp and my cousin spots a nice buck ~100 yards in the forest. We immediately thought it was Scar and get out of my Ranger and follow another 300 yards where he gives me 100+ yard shot.


    It turned out it was not Scar but still a very nice buck for this area. I'm approaching my big game grand slam for this area as to I've taken a trophy bull elk and mule deer in this general location.








    • Like 7

  2. I did dec whitetail in 6a and then 21 dec whitetail hunt and probably will stick with that till I get drawn.


    I've seen some nice coues where I hunt muleys but not consistent enough to recommend you hunting there. I'll keep my eye out though as to I've been spending a lot of time scouting for my upcoming goat hunt. Will be up there tomorrow through the weekend.

    • Like 1

  3. I also made the mistake and used him for my trophy muley (avatar) I took back in 2014. He has also using the same excuses as reported by everyone who has had bad experiences with his service. AZGFD can't do anything about this. The only thing that can be done is taking him to small claims court. The sad thing about my situation with him is he is indirectly related to my family and goes to show how bad the integrity this guy has.

  4. Well I'll try to keep this thread going so anyone who has hunted 6A antelope please post any pics. Only 8 tags so I anticipate an un-pressured hunt with the exception of the areas mentioned earlier in this thread which is where I usually see them on my elk & deer hunts. The herd appears to be growing or at least where I've been seeing them the last several years in the pines. Some decent bucks but I really have not paid too much attention to them which I will now. Kind of funny the area that I've been hunting the last several years has had the elk herd thinned out really good and now the antelope are showing up. Coincidental?


    Some of you are not going to like this but I drew this year with 5 points. Rifle 5B or 6A, more than likely 5B.

    Congrats, but why do you say more than likely?


    5B was my first choice and had more tags than 6A. I guess I can be surprised again and would not mind 6A at all!

  6. Congrats Cazador! I love that you drew with 5 points. That is the beauty of Arizona's draw system. 80% of the tags drawn are pure luck!

    Thanks... I was very surprised to see it charged to my CC. I thought I was in it for the long haul like most everyone else. I was really considering this year heading up to Wyoming to hunt so that I can mark this game animal off the trophy room checklist. Now to make the most out of this 'once in a lifetime opportunity' unless I'm somehow lucky again.

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  7. Took my girl for a test drive this morning and she is sub-MOA!


    1st Group: .83 MOA, 2.5" high @ 100 yds

    2nd Group: 1" MOA 2.5" high @ 100 yds, I pulled the second shot so it is probably ~.75 MOA

    3rd Group: .72 MOA, 1.5" high @ 100 yes, I made my last adjustments to bring it down to Barnes 150 GR TTSX ballistic info.


    If I don't count the fudge shot on my 2nd group the average would be ~.75 MOA @ 100 yds which is great for this this off the shelf old non-name brand rifle. Shoots very nice.










