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Everything posted by Coach

  1. Coach

    My last Youth hunt

    My boys have certainly had some great youth hunts over the years. Turkey, elk, deer and javelina. I've shared stories and pictures of them over the years. Well, my two oldest boys are grown up but I got one more youth hunt with my youngest son, Josh. We found this buck at sunlight opening morning but after a long stalk, could only locate the does he was with. The next morning it was all Josh. I had an idea where they had gone but Josh decided to split up because he had his own idea - and he was right. It's bittersweet - I wouldn't have found this buck again, but Josh did it on his own. I'm extremely grateful for the many hunts I've had with my boys, and can only hope that as they get older, they'll still want to go hunting with the old man.
  2. I've gone through a lot of packs, Eberlestocks and Badlands mostly, some cheap ones and a really good but really heavy Lowe Alpine military pack. Of the others you have mentioned, I can only speak to the Kuiu packs. I'm 6' around 190# so different build. I bought the Kuiu Pro setup with a 2200 pack (looks like they now have it in 2300) to replace my Badlands day pack and Eberlestock "just one" pack, based on the advice from a friend/guide who is really picky. This guy spend a LOT of days hunting and packs out other people's game a lot, so I listened. There were 3 things I really wanted: The ability to strap down really small and tight when there wasn't much to haul, but lots of room when needed for layering clothes, tripods, glass etc. The ability to haul game built-in without being bulky The ability to switch out the bag to a bigger one using the same harness system when I wanted to backpack in. I have to say - it's done all that extremely well. It feels really light when I'm not carrying much, and allows for a lot of adjustment as the load gets heavier. Even switching to 6000 bag with enough stuff to bivy for a few days, still feels light for the weight you are carrying. The thing I like the most about this pack system, especially when using it like a day pack, is when you get your meat all quartered/boned you pull the pack away from the frame and get that heavy meat right up against the frame then pull the pack up tight, holding everything securely. It just feels like you're carrying a lot less weight the way they have it designed. This year I hauled out half an elk, and my son hauled out almost an entire mule deer (both boned). With the elk, I had more of the meat but my son had my old Eberlestock J1 or J5, but he still had to carry the rifle. When we got to the truck I had him put on my pack and he was floored by the difference. More weight but felt like less. They're pricey, but if you want multiple packs with the same harness system, it averages out to not that bad. They go on sale a couple times a year for 30% off so doing two packs with one system is pretty reasonable considering how versatile they are and how well they work. Feel free to PM me or ask here if you have questions.
  3. Coach


    Man I want that gun - bad timing for me.
  4. Coach

    Arizona Coues Highlight Reel

    I usually prefer wide vs tall, but that tall buck with the distinctive drop up front is freaking amazing. A buck like that could easily become an obsession.
  5. Coach

    Coues deer with a lever action?

    Definitely one of the most underrated guns. The first and only gun my dad bought me was a marlin 30/30. I never killed a deer with it but killed my first Javi with it at age 14 (long time ago - lol). Growing up in Oklahoma, that was *the* rifle. I think I've heard or read somewhere that more whitetail deer have been taken with a 30/30 than any other gun. I don't have facts or stats to back that, but given it's history, at the least it's a cool legacy and worth looking into. My first coues was with a .270 my dad built with parts he ordered from Herter's (1950's - 60s). Not an expensive rifle, but one I still can hardly take out of the foam case it's been in, which is a shame because it's a shooter, just I couldn't bear putting a scratch on it.
  6. Very nice job - both on the hunt and capturing it all to take us along.
  7. Coach

    My Kaibab buck

    Very nicely done - congratulations!
  8. Coach

    The Big 3

    Sweet buck! Congrats.
  9. Coach

    Arizona Coues Highlight Reel

    Very cool - some really nice bucks on there. Thanks for sharing.
  10. I know I've got a picture of this somewhere, but there was an albino mule deer doe in NM just outside of Glenwood. Maybe not 100% albino but definitely white.
  11. Coach

    Prayers needed

    A really - really nice/great family was hit hard with probably the worst nightmare imaginable. They lost children over the weekend down in Tonto basin. The recovery efforts are still ongoing. If you have a moment to extend your prayers for this family, please do so.
  12. Coach

    Grandsons best buck

    That's awesome! Great buck.
  13. The father has been in the freezing water for over 48 hours, looking for his daughter. I cant do more than I am, but lots of people, the guys with big equipment are there. All I ask, please, don't go after these parents, they are going through more than most of us can imagine. If you can say a prayer for them.
  14. You're worried about what they'll be charged with- how about every time they see a family with their kids alive, how about driving by a high school and thinking about what grade your kid would be in?
  15. please don't go there. yes I know them This your take? Pretty heartless.
  16. Coach

    Prayers needed

    We know these people, the kids it's just the worst.
  17. Coach

    My last Youth hunt

    I'm sure you will, Houston. As I'm sure you've seen already it happens really fast. One day they're just little, the next they're all grown up.
  18. Coach

    My last Youth hunt

    Thanks Singleshot - you were extremely helpful on a few of those hunts sharing your knowledge and getting us in good places. You're always welcome in my camp and I hope I can help out the way you have for us.
  19. Coach


    Dang, I hope you get out. Nothing worse than getting stuck. Lots of good folks out there willing to help - wish I was closer.
  20. Coach

    My 13A Muley

    That's an awesome buck! Glad you were able to do the hunt despite your surgery and and have such an amazing time.
  21. Coach

    Shooting from one unit into another????

    Honestly, I think this was a really great topic to bring up, and glad the original poster did. Tony did a great job digging into the regs. There's undoubtedly some ambiguity when it comes to the definition of "pursuit" or "pursue" and interpretations can vary. At the end of the day, this is one of those situations where you can roll the dice and see what happens. The smarter bet is to play it safe and avoid the gray areas, IMO. You never know what's going to happen in court. Be safe out there, have fun and take a kid hunting.
  22. Very nice pistol. Too many projects going on right now for me but good luck with the sale.
  23. Coach

    AZ back country

    I'm going backpacking into 33 in a couple of days. Like muledeerarea33 said, you really only have to get a mile or two off the road and you'll generally have the place to yourself. You don't have to really search out wilderness areas.
  24. Coach

    Kodiak Sitka Trip

    That's awesome. Looks like you had a great time - I'm officially jealous!