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Everything posted by kazpilot25

  1. kazpilot25

    tripod recommendations

    Promaster Carbon for sure. I didn't really think it was necessary until I got one. What a big difference.
  2. kazpilot25

    AZGFD online draw poll

    You think it's bad now... Just wait until they try integrating the "tag return" program into it. Ha.
  3. kazpilot25

    WTB Savage long action

  4. kazpilot25

    WTB Savage long action

    I've got one I'd sell ya. It's brand new never been fired. Bought it to build a 280 ackley but it ended up getting too heavy and I sold off all the pieces. I had a sss competition trigger in it but the trigger pin fell out so it's currently at sss getting replaced. Also have a trued barrel nut and recoil lug from sss.
  5. kazpilot25

    Returning tag for reinstatement of bonus points

    I was wondering the same thing.
  6. kazpilot25

    Returning tag for reinstatement of bonus points

    purchase/enrollment online-only to ensure immediate access to member benefits and to enable the Department to link the person's membership with their Department record, when one exists. The proposed rule limits the tag surrender program to a person who has a valid and active membership in a Department membership program; "valid and active membership" as defined in the proposed rule means a paid and unexpired membership in any level of the Department's membership program. The proposed rule requires a person wishing to participate in tag surrender to submit a valid application and surrender the unused, original hunt permit-tag prior to the close of business the day before the hunt begins. One of the most common comments submitted by the public related to the ability for a person to "game" the tag surrender program. For example, a person with a high number of bonus points could offer to apply with other person(s), for a fee, in order to increase the other person(s) odds of being drawn for a valued hunt permit-tag, then the person could surrender their tag, have their bonus points restored, and then repeat the process in the next computer draw offered by the Department. To prevent this from happening, the proposed rule establishes that a person is only eligible to surrender a tag for a specific species once before the bonus points accrued for that species must be expended. The proposed rule also limits the number of tags a person may surrender based on the person's membership level. The proposed rule requires the Department to restore the bonus points expended for the surrendered tag and award any bonus points the person would have accrued had the person been unsuccessful in the computer draw for that surrendered tag. The proposed rule specifies the Department will not refund any fees paid for the surrendered tag, as prohibited under A.R.S. § 17-332(E). The proposed rule also enables the Department to re-issue or destroy the surrendered tag. The Department will base the decision to re-issue or destroy the surrendered tag using specific criteria, such as but not limited to the proximity to the start date of the hunt for which the tag is valid, the type of tag, and whether the tag is for a high demand hunt. The Commission proposes to re-issue a surrendered tag using any one or more of the following methods (in no particular order): 1) Offer the surrendered tag, beginning with the highest membership level in the Departments membership program, to a person who would have been next to receive a tag for that hunt number, as evidenced by the random numbers assigned during the Department's computer draw process. The person must possess or purchase a valid license in order to be eligible to purchase the surrendered tag. If the person is not interested in purchasing the surrendered tag or is not eligible because the person has already met the annual or lifetime bag limit for that genus, the tag would be offered to the next person within that membership level in the Departments membership program who would have been next to receive a tag for that hunt number, as evidenced by the random numbers assigned during the Department's computer draw process, and so on. 2) Offer the surrendered tag to a person who has a valid and active membership in any tier of the Departments membership program which contained a tag surrender option and would have been next to receive a tag for that hunt number, as evidenced by the random numbers assigned during the Department's computer draw process. The same limitations and requirements that apply to method #1 will apply to this method. 3) Offer the surrendered tag to an eligible person who would have been next to receive a tag, as evidenced by the random numbers assigned during the Department's computer draw process. The same limitations and requirements that apply to method 1 will apply to this method. 4) Offering the surrendered tag through the first-come, first-served process. For group applications where one or more members of the group is qualified under the particular method for re-issuing the surrendered tag, the Commission proposes to offer the surrendered tag first to the applicant designated "A," if eligible to receive the surrendered tag. If applicant "A" chooses not to purchase the surrendered tag or is not eligible, the Department will offer the surrendered tag to the applicant designated "B" if qualified to receive a surrendered tag. This process shall continue with applicants "C" and then "D" until the surrendered tag is either purchased or all qualified members of the group application choose not to purchase the surrendered tag. The proposed rule specifies that a person purchasing the surrendered tag shall expend all bonus points accrued for that genus, except for any accrued Hunter Education and loyalty bonus points. The proposed rule also allows for an exemption if the effective date of the rule occurs after January 2016 since tag surrender is tied to deadline day for each computer draw and the computer draw deadline may occur before the effective date of this rule. The Commission is concerned that a person who is successful in the computer draw may have the desire, but not the ability to surrender a hunt permit-tag for a hunt occurring later in the same year. In addition, the proposed rule specifies that a person is not eligible to petition the Commission under R12-4-611 for reinstatement of any forfeited bonus points, except as authorized under R12-4-107(M).
  7. kazpilot25

    What was your first hunting rifle?

    Marlin XL7 30-06. Wasn't a terrible gun, got my first deer with it.
  8. kazpilot25

    Returning tag for reinstatement of bonus points

    I agree with you all, this opens up a big can of group application worms. Looks like I better start building up some points for grandma.
  9. kazpilot25

    The Over/Under Odds

    I sent mine in online. We shall see.
  10. kazpilot25


  11. kazpilot25

    Unit 23!

    Few things are more exciting than talking back and forth with a turkey. If they're gobbling and hot, it's a blast. If they're dead silent, it's a frustrating experience. Find roosting areas, check tanks for tracks, and get them roosted. Set up on them well before sunrise and wait. Don't over call.
  12. That's pretty weak. Second offense should definitely be a lifetime ban.
  13. No question. The Swarovski 15's are a much better option. I had the 15x56 Kaibab HD and grew frustrated with the edge clarity. They had a pretty small sweet spot and I found myself having to move/pan alot more that I would like. After getting the Swarovski 15's, I have great edge to edge clarity and I couldn't be happier. I used to be one of those people that said the Vortex was right up there with Swaro, not any more. After using them both in the field for a while, it's clear that they are not on the same playing field.
  14. kazpilot25

    The cat that should not be.

    That's awesome. That's one good looking cat!
  15. Nice mass on that guy. Congrats!
  16. That's where I always go. Bloody Basin. You can take it East or West and have success. Good luck!
  17. kazpilot25

    24a thieves!

    What crappy people. I can't believe they took they entire camp. Scumbags!
  18. kazpilot25

    Best spotting scope for $1000 or less

    I've heard nothing but good things about the Zen-Ray. I've heard it's optically identitical to the Razor 85mm. I don't have any experience with it, but it seems like a great choice at that price.
  19. kazpilot25

    Prayers for my niece

    Praying for her. I couldn't even imagine...
  20. kazpilot25


    Are those 12-25" Harris' too tall or can you still shoot prone with them? That extra length would be nice for shooting in the sitting position in high grass.
  21. kazpilot25

    Burnt turkey :-)

    That's awesome!
  22. kazpilot25

    My December Muley

    Nice job. Looks delish!
  23. kazpilot25

    Sonora Mexico Archery Buck

    Great job. Thanks for sharing. That hunt is on my bucket list as well.
  24. kazpilot25

    Epic First Hunt!

    That buck is insane! Congrats guys... Sounds like a heck of a good time.