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Red Rabbit

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Everything posted by Red Rabbit

  1. Scott, I hunted up on the north rim two years ago for a day after I first got Rica, and we got one. The guys went last year, but said it was real tough/few birds. Gotta go early before the berries shrivel up. There are grouse on the peaks by Flag, but are real limited in numbers, I'm told. AZYOUNG- About how many birds have you come across in a day? Doug
  2. Red Rabbit

    arizona draw

    I like the part about having paid with a CC
  3. Red Rabbit

    Birthday Time

    Casey, Hope you make it a good one. May your folks reimburse ya for all those bullets we put in the cinders...Doug.
  4. Got the calendar blocked out for a unit 23 coues hunt, Nov 5-9. Casey, are ya free to pack out my buck? Anyone else get a coues tag? Doug~RedRabbit
  5. How do you choose your hunting partners? Do you share a camp because he/she a long time friend, immediate family member, relative? Do you hunt with the person(s) because they have the same drive, or hunting tactics, or tell good jokes? Would you choose to hunt with a new person to expand your horizons and maybe learn or be exposed to something new? Do you hunt alone for the freedom? Have you felt hog-tied because of the obligation of long-time partners? Do you hunt with someone because they asked you, or because they have a lot to offer you in terms of experience and knowledge to share? Do you hunt together throughout the day, or just share the camp and go separate ways during the hunting day? Do you hunt with someone new to hunting and you want to share your techniques and ethics? Have you asked your neighbor and his kid to join you on a hunt?
  6. Red Rabbit


    Casey and I were out this morning testing some handloads for our WSM's. After, we set out the target stand with an 8" Shoot-n See stuck to some fresh white paper. We guessed the range to be 300-350 yards, as we had no rangefinder. Shot half our shots off shooting sticks and the other half prone, over the daypack. We shot 19 times, hitting the spot 9 times, and 6 others being 2" off the perimeter. 4 out of 19 would have been misses or wounds, and those came off the shooting sticks. Shooting prone off the daypack almost seemed like cheating. Both of us were not using select handloads, but factory or hand loads that gave 2"-4" groups off the bench at 100 yards. Soooooo..... has anyone else been out practicing lately and learning abilities, cuz we all know we drew drew a December tag.
  7. Red Rabbit

    CHECK THIS OUT!!!!!!!!!

    Ernesto, I was archery deer hunting for coues in 6B a few years ago with a friend. He was sitting a trick tank along the rim, and along comes some hippy long-hair... nekked as a jay bird . He was the guy that manned the fire lookout a mile away. We have called the tank Naked Boy Tank since. RR
  8. Red Rabbit

    CHECK THIS OUT!!!!!!!!!

    Bass, I will sell ya my leafy wear scent lock suit for 10 cents on your dollar- only $900 . I would imagine that a lot of our scent comes from our breath, and this would be difficult to contain. Not to mention that those suits are hot and make one sweat more, even just sitting in a blind during early archery season. As an aside, there is an effective deodorant called Pit Stop that is applied as a thick paste and lasts several days. Doug~RR
  9. Red Rabbit

    Hunting Partners?

    Unlike many of you, I have not grown up hunting with my dad. He would be sure to plan family camping trips that were near trout waters when I was young, but he never had an interest in hunting or fishing. His dad, my grandfather, always took me fishing during the summers in Wisconsin to catch bluegills or bullheads with worms we dug up from his garden. I did not start hunting till after college in 1980 when I lived on a ranch in south Texas, and just about all I know has been self-taught through reading and experience-no mentor. Those of you with knowledgeable hunting dads and uncles are blessed. In the last 25 years, my main partner has been a friend from high school. We have shared many hunts together in AZ and CO and NM. I have shared a couple of elk camps with him and his dad too. My friend and I have similar techniques, although we sometimes share a camp, we most often hunt in separate directions to cover more terrain. About half of the hunts, we put in together, but we sometimes have differing desires about when ad where. I also have a friend whom I enjoy sharing a camp with, and hunt with a couple times a year and shoot 3D. Although we do not put in together, we often choose the same units. Along the way, I have hunted with another archer who I will probably not again due to his drunkenness and swearing and loud arguments with his girlfriend and shooting at ducks without a stamp. To share a camp and hunt, I personally would not choose a person with an Alpha personality as I am rather low-key. I think that half of my hunts have been by myself, due to the freedom afforded. Hunting alone has advantages and disadvantages though. When by myself, I definitely miss the camp comraderie. Hunting with others has benefits and risks, also. Doug~RR
  10. Red Rabbit

    best coues hunt

    Muskeg, glad you had a good backpack hunt, but when ya slept, didja sleep in a Holiday Inn Express? Unit 23...er 24... should have lotsa deer this year as they fled the fires in 21 and 22 and WMAT and ... Good luck in this year's draw for that deerless unit. RR
  11. Red Rabbit

    Unit 24

    Deerslam, Those four days will come in real handy. Sounds like you are doing some good background work and talking to the right people. If you have not already, try terraserver.com for some aerial photos. Good luck on the hunt. Doug~RR
  12. Red Rabbit

    Unit 24

    PM sent
  13. Red Rabbit

    My Newest Hunting Partner

    Scott, Good Looking pup! I'd name him Canaan; the hard K and long A sound will carry farther when you call him. Sonoita or Montana, here he comes. Doug
  14. Red Rabbit

    Fire looks bad

    In Flag today we had 32 mph winds with gusts to 41, so the fire probably spread quickly today. I am trying to keep track on the maps posted on http://fireteam-sw.com/whitney/cavecreek/ A long-time friend asked me to put in with him for unit 21 coues this year. He's a little bummed right now. I had some good archery pig hunting and quail by Red Creek Ranch 3&4 years ago. I hope most of the critters can escape the flames. I heard some talk about the horrible squalling and cries from elk caught in the Rodeo-Ched fire. RR
  15. Red Rabbit

    NM Draw Desults Posted

    Bret, I had been putting in for unit 11 antelope till this year when you could not choose a unit. Do you think those muleys will still be in velvet near the end of Sept? Have a fun hunt. Doug
  16. Red Rabbit

    sonic broad heads

    A new blade the local shop is high on is the Shuttle T-lock. They few like field points and gave much better penetration into the new yellow jacket target than any other broadhead they shot. 0.041" thick blades. I picked up a pack of 100 grainers to try. http://www.tightpoint.com/t-lock.asp Doug~RR
  17. Red Rabbit

    NM Draw Desults Posted

    Scott, I tried to email you through CWT, but it came back permanently rejected. Doug
  18. Red Rabbit

    NM Draw Desults Posted

    Scott, Congrats on the tags for you and your son. Maybe I'll get the chance to bump into you over there. Doug~RR
  19. Red Rabbit

    coues collection

    Lark, sounds like a great place to be be invited into. There is a gentleman in Flag who has shot all of the North American big game animals with his 30-06 (a necked up .270). His trophy room is pretty impressive and I consider it a treat to see it. I was surprised how yellow the hair was on his polar bear. Doug~RR
  20. Red Rabbit

    Where to hunt in unit 26

    Travis, I have heard that there is a lot of private property to contend with regarding access issues. I assume you will be contacting the game warden for that area, and maybe he can tell you what ranches allow access. Terraserver.com can show you topos and aerial photos of the region. RR
  21. Red Rabbit

    NM Draw Desults Posted

    Bret, Did you get lucky and pull a muzzy carp tag in unit 2? Doug
  22. Red Rabbit

    Sunrise 3D shoot

    For the past several years, I have been involved with the tri club scene shoot in northern AZ over the 4th, but this year, the date was moved to June to not conflict with the Sunrise shoot. Will try to make Sunrise this year as I have heard many good things. More info for anyone interested. http://www.sunriseskipark.com/3-d%20shootout%202005.shtml Doug~RedRabbit
  23. Red Rabbit

    Paying the indians

    Back in the 70's, we would hike down from the pump station and catch lots of fish, many 15-18", biggest was 22". Then, Uncle Bob Hirsch wrote about the Black by the pump station, and the next trip we counted 27 people down river and three of us caught less than 20 fish combined. We have not been back to the pump station since. Bret, Did ya see any rattlers? One trip we saw 4, and my friend actually stepped on one hidden in the grass. I think he did a world record broad jump on his next step. On the hike out , he was about to step on another, but was jerked back by his pack by a third guy. If he got bit, we woulda buried him there, as he would go to the hospital for bee stings as a kid. Doug
  24. YoungHunter, Awesome looking dog . Heidi looks real similar to my female wirehair named Rica. Same uniform ticking, brown head and white blaze on the top of the head. Rica is three years old, and I bought her from a couple in Surprise who got her from some people down from Alaska. Are heidi and Rica sisters? Doug~RedRabbit
  25. Red Rabbit

    Bow Comparison Chart

    I came across this comparison chart for those of you considering a new 2005 bow. http://www.huntersfriend.com/2005-Bow-Revi...ations-main.htm Doug~RedRabbit